Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 331

But Iliya didn't want to be polite with her. She still remembered the cut of her hair that was burned. When she thought about it, the little silver-haired girl felt more and more in a bad mood.

"What are you doing here."

Yanlian Temple smiled and said: "Of course the school below was demolished. Of course, now my purpose has changed. I will complete the unfinished battle with you last time."

Hearing Yanlian Temple's words, Illiya stopped talking, and with a flick of her two fingers, the silver hair shuttled away with the biting wind, sharp enough to break steel.

"Little witch sister, have you forgotten my flame?"

Seeing the sky full of silver threads flying by, Yanlian Temple was not nervous at all. She smiled and waved, magically transforming flames, and the monstrous flames spread away.

When the flames filled, Yanlian Temple's face changed, because at this moment those hairs were not burned, but blasted.

Earth element!

Yanlian Temple noticed the faint ocher magic power besides the silver brilliance of the silver hair. The other party covered the earth element magic power on the hair with such a high concentration, no wonder it was not burned by her flames.


The magic power surged on Yanlian Temple, and the magic power was naturally liquidized. Her hands were intertwined with each other like flowers, and the red flames rose into the sky.

The temperature between the sky and the earth has risen suddenly, fortunately, there is a distance from the ground, otherwise the flowers and trees below may have been burned out.

Countless silver hairs rushed towards Yanlian Temple, and she did not shy away at all, because she knew that this little magic sister was the most powerful earth magic, and the reason she didn't use it was the school below.


The sea of ​​flames filled the sky, as if dyeing the sky red, shattering all the silver hair back, and condensing the quality to a certain height also had substantial power.

Illiya glanced at the academy below, and then retreated to the back. If she used large magic here, she would definitely destroy the academy below.

"Let's change place."

Hearing what Illiya said so bluntly, Yanlian Temple naturally knew her plan, and she didn't stop the opponent, but chased after her. Her current purpose is only to fight this witch little sister with all her strength, if The other party can't use his arms and legs because of the bottom, and that is not a good thing for her.

"Just listen to you, little sister."

Chapter 318: Need help?No charge.

In the moonlight, a tall girl was walking on the path by the river. This girl was the president of the Black and White Society, and it was the senior sister Hualuo who refused to bud.

Before the stage play, she had promised Germination to help the food stall, but because of what happened after the stage play that day, she felt that she could no longer face Germination.

Sister, why should I be your lover?

That sentence echoed in Hua Luo's mind from time to time, and when she thought of that sentence, she couldn't help but feel that her cheek was a little hot, and she probably felt very ashamed.

Regarding the budding, the two of them have contacted since the school girl just entered school. At the beginning, they met in the flower room. For the lively and cheerful girl, Hualuo still has a good impression of, she thinks probably From the beginning, I felt that the two could become good friends.

Later, after agreeing to the predecessor becoming the president of the Black and White Club, I wanted to invite Jieya to join, but the latter joined the Jianju Club. Although a little disappointed, it was not a big problem.

I don't know when it started, the action of budding became more and more bold. At first, I felt it was just over intimacy, but later I felt a little ambiguous.

For such a relationship, where is the reason for the resistance?

The breeze was blowing, and the surrounding willow leaves fluttered. Hualuo's mood was also very complicated. She knew that she didn't hate budding. Maybe she would hurt her when she fled back then?

Need an apology?

But after meeting, I just apologized, so what's next?What needs to be said?The question that sprouted at that time, did she accept or reject it?

All in all, Hualuo didn't know what she should do. She always felt that the change from a same-sex friend to a homosexual was too great, and she couldn't accept it.

However, I still need to apologize.

Hualuo looked up at the night sky and the bright moon. Just when she was about to indulge in it, her eyes were slightly enlarged, and then she frowned slightly.

She felt an invisible wave of magic power, coming from... the sky!

That is, enchantment.

After judging the remaining magic power that enveloped the sky, Hualuo also frowned. Why was the barrier covered at this time? She was not sure if it was a barrier of the academy, because she just knew there was, but never Have seen.

However, whether it is the enchantment of the academy, it can be judged that the academy is now in danger!

Hualuo thought for a while and planned to return to the Black and White Society to gather members. However, when she was about to leave, her movements suddenly stagnated, and then she quickly turned her head and looked back.


The moment he turned around, he saw a ball of lightning rushing, and Hualuo's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he flung to the side just to avoid it.

In front of this trail, a few figures in black robes were walking towards Hualuo, and there were flames and lightning jumping in the hands of the few people in front.

When those people approached, Hua Luo immediately felt the magical affinity, but because of lack of experience, he still had some doubts about their identities.

"Are you...Miko?"

And this question was dispelled after the other party collectively started to work.

Wooden vines entangled from all around, countless fireballs pounced one after another, and even the arc came from the ground. This scene also made Hualuo sure of his judgment.

These people didn't chant spells at all!

"Bloom, a hundred beautiful flowers, cover the earth with your fragrance!"

While retreating, Hualuo was still chanting a spell, turquoise magic blooming like flower stamens, countless kinds of colorful flowers blooming all around, even the feet of the witches have many kinds of flowers breaking through the ground and growing out .

There are indeed some people who have a very high level of magic and master the magic rule system they have created, but such people must have very powerful strength, but these witches in front of them do not have that magic power!


Countless flowers flocked to the witches from all directions like a swarm of bees, and Hualuo first targeted those witches who used fire magic. The flames were extremely detrimental to her, and the moment the opponent shot, she had already removed those witches. Targets are locked.


Countless flowers and their roots were entwined with the witches, seeming to restrain them, but the next moment there was a flame burning, extinguishing all the flowers on her body.

Upon seeing this, Hualuo's eyes sank slightly. She was too loose just now. She chanted a spell again, and countless kinds of huge gray-black flowers grew from the ground.

"The fine iron bites the king flower."

This is a flower that is highly resistant to fire magic, and even feeds on flames. Hualuo was fortunate to have seen such a flower and cultivated it with seedlings. Now she can also produce it, although it is the first once.

At this moment, the King of Iron Devouring Flower was devouring the fire magic that was released, but Hualuo knew that the King of Iron Devouring Flower had its limits. There were more than one maiden, but ten.

Compared to killing them, Hualuo is better at capturing them alive, but this is the most troublesome. With her strong magic power, she can always suppress these witches, but here ten people appear in front of her at once, it must be more than this. Ten!

So many witches invaded the academy, could it be..."natural disasters"?

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