Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 345

On Belem's side, Latier and the others didn't want to just do nothing, so they also joined the medical staff to take care of the injured students.

While Belen was patrolling the neighborhood this day, he could hear the angry voices of some students from time to time. For this reason, he was also relieved, which was much better than being afraid of cringing.

"Senior Belem!"

Hearing someone calling him, Belen also stopped and looked back and saw that it was Dian. He also stretched out his hand to say hello.

"Dian, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Dian sighed deeply. He said, "I, I just ran out of Senior Puding. He kept asking Wen En about me as soon as he caught me, and he kept my head straight. It's big!"

"Well, do you have anything to do now?"

Di An shook his head, then smiled and said, "No, I will patrol with the senior!"

"Let's go together then." Belen did not refuse either.

Walking on the trail, the two of them also looked at the figures of the students from time to time, and they couldn't help but remind Belen of the students he saw so far. There are probably many outstanding students he hasn't seen.

Di An was silent for a long time, and then withdrew his gaze. He thought for a while and said, "Senior, what do you think the "natural disaster" wants to do?"

"Did you see anything?" Belen glanced at the schoolboy beside him.

Dian nodded. He said: "The "natural disasters" have never tried so hard before attacking any place, even our Leptcaster Academy is the same, perhaps because they know that Flozarno Academy is not It's easy to deal with, but it's too cautious."

Indeed, even Belen thought so. The actions of the "natural disaster" now seemed to be preparing something. After the events of that night, did they still have the confidence to destroy the school?

"Judging from their current combat power except for the core members, they can't even resist the attack of our graduates. Could it be that they haven't been dispatched?" Di An began to fall into deep thought.

"Maybe they still have some hole cards, enough to give them the confidence to destroy the academy's hole cards." Belen also started thinking about it.

"It was obvious that they took the big advantage that night. If they really have any hole cards, they can use all of them that night." After these words, Dian was silent for a long time, and then said: "Or maybe they still Not ready?"

After hearing Dian's words, Belen was looking at the trail ahead. There was a dignified light looming in his eyes. He always felt that some things could be connected, but there was no reason to connect.

Is Sisia’s disappearance related to "natural disasters"?This is impossible to confirm, because in Belém's memory, she hadn't seen Sisia in the days before the sudden attack of the "natural disaster". Where would she go?

Imagine that perhaps a few days ago, the "natural disaster" had already targeted Sisia, set some trap at that time, and then took Sisia away.

But there are two points about this idea that Belen can't understand.

For one thing, what ability does "natural disaster" have to take Sisia away?, Maybe it can be guessed here that it was just taken to a certain place. After all, there is room for the witch, so the disappearance of Sisia can happen.

But for the second point, in the entire Flozarno Academy, before the meeting last night, only Celica, Belen, and Latir knew that Sisya’s "brave", he and them absolutely It's impossible to tell this thing out, so how did the "natural disaster" know that Sisia is the "brave".

Could it be that Sisia's own mistakes exposed her identity?Is Lord Brave such a mindless person?

He has learned one thing from Sisiya, that is, there are not many people who know her true face. So, maybe someone in the "natural disaster" knows Sisiya's identity?

If you don't understand, then put it aside. In fact, after this, there is another thing that makes Belen even more incomprehensible, which makes him have a very bad premonition.

That is, is the purpose of "natural disasters" really just to destroy Flozarno Academy?

Knowing that the "braves" are also present, and countless graduates are also present, under such conditions with extremely sufficient combat power, they still attacked so resolutely and decisively, and spent so much effort just for destruction. This school?If they succeed, what benefits can they have?

no?Even if they can really destroy this school, it will only hurt both sides in the end. Is it what they want to hurt their own vitality for the goal that is not the ultimate goal?

and so.

Why is that?

Chapter 333: Where did Al go?


At this time in the academy, Kayel was running towards Zela with a flustered expression, and the latter stopped after hearing the call and turned to look at Kayel.

"Have you seen Al?"

Hearing this, Zela also shook her head. She said, "I didn't see her yesterday."

"How could this be?"

Kayère's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he hadn't seen Al since yesterday. After the sudden attack by the "natural disaster" yesterday, the three of them went to rescue separately.

I thought Al must be still busy with something, but until this afternoon, he hadn't seen Al again, so he became anxious.

There is always a bad feeling in my heart.

"Hello, where's Al?"

Another voice came from the side. Kayel also frowned and turned his head. In his sight, a man in white was walking towards him, and beside the latter there was a young man with various hair colors. man.

Belen hadn't seen Al for two days. After seeing Kayel and Zela, his heart sank, so he couldn't help asking.

Kayel was just silent, and Zella on the side said to Belen: "Al is not here. We were still together before the attack last night. Did you see her?"

Hearing what she said, Belen also frowned. He shook his head and said, "I haven't met her since then."

Kayyel on the side gritted his teeth and said, "I have searched all the teaching areas."

not here?

"Could it be..."

Belen turned his head and looked sullenly at the location of the natural area. He guessed in his heart that if Al hadn't sneaked into the place where the "natural disaster" was, he would have been taken away.

In either case, it's not so good.

If Al is caught...

Thinking of this, Belen couldn't help but clenched his fists. He looked at Dian who was aside, and said solemnly: "Dian, I'm going outside, you go back and tell Putin and the others. "

"Study, senior? You won't go to the "natural disaster", right!?" Dian immediately judged what Belen wanted to do, and was frightened.

It's too dangerous to pass by alone!

"I'll go as well!"

Kayel on the side also shouted.

But Belen looked at Kayel flatly. After watching for a while, he unexpectedly did not refuse, and he looked at Dian and Zela again.

"I will go with him, we will be cautious."

Without waiting for Dian and Zela to respond, Belen took the lead and walked out to the edge of the barrier, while Kayel only glanced at the back of the former, and then spoke to Zela.

"I will bring Al back."

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