Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 360

The one among the three waved to Putin, a man with neutral beauty, and beside him were two men with short hair, each wearing a different style of black gentleman's dress.

"Heber! Andre! Atwood! You are all here!?"

Zona and Morpheus, who was supporting Kaile, also came over. After seeing these three people, they were all surprised. They did not expect their rescuers to come at such an emergency.

The four people who were present in succession were all members of the Sword House of the year. Naturally, there is no need to say in terms of strength. Three of them even had a glorious record of killing the demon warlord during the school period.

The three of Erion in the sky were watching the four people who suddenly appeared below, while Gaura was very direct, and her right palm was aimed at the people below.


The magical power of the ice element converged, freezing in the air and forming a huge ice wall that fell towards the people below, and when it came to a place ten meters above everyone's head, four sword lights flashed by.


The ice smashed away, and the four sword lights stood in front of Putin and the others. These were the four former Sword House members Aarons who had just arrived.

"How can we suddenly attack when we are reminiscing about the past?" Aarons swung the black long sword in Hui's hand, and his eyes were dazzling. He grinned and said: "Now, we have to pay back!"

The moment the voice fell, a sword light suddenly rose into the sky. It was a white long sword, and no one was holding it, as if it had a spirit, it flew towards Gaora like a meteor.

"Atwood's Royal Sword!"

Zona, who is also a member of the Sword House Society, smiled slightly. He retracted his gaze from the sword and then glanced at the short-haired man in a gentleman's dress. The latter was swinging his hands in front of him, as if he was manipulating something.

Atwood's magic power is airflow manipulation, and Yujian is his own swordsmanship, not to mention that there will be no future, but at least it has not been recorded in history books, and it is unprecedented.

"It's just a broken sword."

Gaura looked at the sword light flying in with disdain, and with a wave of her right arm in front of her, the magic power instantly converged into a huge thick ice wall.

Seeing this scene, Zona chuckled and said, "Airflow manipulation is more than just driving the sword."


When the sword light arrived, all the qi on the sword tip converged, and under several lines of sight, it was like a stream of light that directly penetrated the ice wall and pierced Ngaiola.

So sharp!

Gaola's pupils shrank, and he flew to the side in the air, avoiding the spur of the sword, but the next moment, another sound came from his ear.

"Where are you looking?"

Hearing this sound, Guyora turned back immediately. At the point where the sword disappeared, a man appeared, his hand resting on the hilt of the sword that had not been unsheathed.

"Eber's magic is interchangeable."

His saber is floating beside Atwood, and he is looking at the figure in the sky. Probably that distance cannot be avoided by Eber’s sword. After all, Eber’s swordsmanship is "cut instant." .

"Sword Skill·Breaking the Wind and Drawing Sword Skill!"

The hand holding the hilt suddenly leaned forward, and a burst of energy seemed to be suppressed in it for a long time. At this moment, it penetrated like an arrow, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to react.

Can't escape!

This was the first judgment in Gaiola's mind, and at this time, a blood shadow fell like night, silently resisting the sword energy.

"Blood Magic·Scarlet Obliteration."

The blood shadow dissipated, and Erion’s figure appeared in front of Gaura, and her right hand was suddenly held tightly. The blood in the sky turned into a bloody vortex to surround Eber, and then formed in it. Countless barbs, crush them in them.

"Ten seconds."

While Eber was staying in the air, he didn't care about the bloody vortex. With a tick at the corner of his mouth, his body instantly disappeared in the vortex, replaced by an ordinary stone.

After Eber used the magic power of the position swap, Erion also realized immediately. She looked at the man below who should have been strangled by the vortex, frowned slightly, and the scarlet eyes narrowed slightly.

"How come all of them are restrictive magic powers, and they are all swordsmen, this is really strange."

Putin and others below are smiling and looking at these guys in front of them. After so many years, they are still so sharp after they meet again.

It is indeed the guy who came out of Jianjusha.

At this moment, Putin suddenly remembered something, and he quickly said to Aarons: "We must quickly settle the matter here and save Belem!"

"Belén? Who is that?" Hearing this unfamiliar name, Aaron was slightly startled, and asked suspiciously.

Hearing that, Putin remembered that Aaron and the others didn't know about it, so he hurriedly said: "Belen is the name of Jian Juji. He has also come to the academy, but his current situation is very bad. "

"Sword in the second! He is here too!?"

Hearing this familiar name, Heber rushed over and looked at Putin with some surprise.

However, Putin had no time to explain to Heber and others at this moment. When he thought of the possible battle over there, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Seeing Puding's look was not right, Aaron also noticed something, and frowned immediately and asked: "Puding, what happened to Jianju Second?"

Putin said in a deep voice, "He is probably fighting the "Brave" right now."

When Aaron and others heard this, the corners of their lips twitched. That guy was really incredible. They didn't expect to hear such news as soon as they came back.

Go head-to-head with "The Brave"?

Chapter 349: Put things down for me!

In the southern battlefield with the smallest number of people, at this moment, the world is full of mist, and the temperature is hot and cold, which is really weird.

In the sky.

The beautiful woman in the red dress had blood flowing down the corners of her mouth. This person was Yanlian Temple. She was panting at this moment, and she could tell from her eyebrows that she was tired, and she was also very injured.

In the distance, Qiao Enna was also standing in the air, her purple hair floating in the air, bright and moving, the hairpin that had bound her hair was gone, her eyes were staring at the woman in the red dress in the distance.

Eliya is also standing in the air at the other end. At this moment, she is as if a seedling of a flower is blooming all at once, transforming into a slim girl, with flawless white jade seeds on her face like jade flowers and broken jade. The silver hair set off its beauty even more moving.

However, whether it was Qiao Enna or Ilia, they looked a little embarrassed at this moment. Even if they joined hands against the enemy, they still suffered serious injuries. In this level of competition, there is really no way not to be injured.

"You are delaying time!"

Qiao Enna has also noticed something at this moment. The other party is definitely not a fool. After falling into the wind, she still chooses to head-on with them. What made her make such an irrational choice?

Time has reached night, but the other party still has no plans to retreat, obviously not scattered for the sake of arrangement, then what is their purpose?

Yanlian Temple smiled openly when she heard Qiao Enna's words, with a little sarcasm and playfulness. She said, "It's procrastinating, but can you guess the purpose?"

The other party has a deeper purpose!

Qiao Enna couldn't guess, but she had a very bad premonition. She always felt that the other party's conspiracy was very big, but she had no clue.

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