Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 371

There have been some changes in the sound, all in all, it is better.

Now that Ilia woke up, Belen could move. He slowly sat up, rubbed his hair, and looked at Ilia who was still pinching.

"Time to wake up."


Ilia responded, then sat up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, stood up, and began to undress, and this scene really scared Belen.


Hearing Belen's voice, Illya also stopped her movements, and then looked at Belen with a puzzled look, as if asking something.

"Don't change clothes in front of me, you are no longer a kid."

Belen rubbed his temples, and then explained. He stood up, rubbed the head of the silver-haired girl, and warned seriously: "Remember."


Ilia blinked, and then she responded. After watching Belen leave, she began to change her clothes. She changed into a plain white dress before leaving the small house.

"Mr. Belém! You are up, wash up quickly, and have breakfast!"

"I know."

Belen responded, and just as he was about to wash, he suddenly saw an oncoming priest girl, and his eyes opened slightly.

"Al, you are here, shall we have breakfast together?"

When Al approached, her eyes fell on Belém's half-black and half-white hair, her eyes widened at this moment, and her mind went blank for a while.

"Belen, your hair..."

Upon seeing this, Belem scratched his hair indifferently, looking indifferent, he said: "Well, there is no big problem, don't care too much."

Because Belen’s tone was very relaxed, it also made Al's mood a little relieved, but he still asked in confusion: "Why is it white?"

"Because of fighting with Sisia before, I was over-concentrated for a long time, so I was a little overloaded." Belen remembered what the Wood Elf said at the time, and responded.

"is that OK?"

"Of course, there is no problem."

Laya, who was holding the tableware, passed by, and when she heard Belen's words, she glanced at the half-black and half-white hair. Perhaps only she did not fully believe what the latter said last night.

Is it true that it started to recover?

"Let's eat together?"


Immediately afterwards, Belen went to wash, his eyes focused on the water in the basin, he could see his half-black and half-white hair, he put the towel in again, destroying the reflection.

When he came to sit down at the dining table, Belen looked at the simple breakfast in front of him and started to eat with satisfaction, but he could also feel the girls' sight, but he ignored it, as long as he was more relaxed and let them believe it It's not a big deal.

Al is staring at Ilia at this moment. He was still a child before, so how come he is almost as tall as him now?Is there really something like growing up suddenly overnight?

At this moment, Latier looked at Al, and she smiled and said: "Sister Al, my magic has improved a lot. How about showing you later?"


Although Al had doubts about Belen’s hair, his performance was too calm. Al also felt that it might not be a big deal, but this hair color also made her care.

After Ilia and Latis had finished eating, she followed Latier and Al to the academy. Although many places were being repaired, Latil wanted to show Al his magic. Besides, I want to see the ruins after the war.

While cleaning up the tableware with Laya, Laya's voice suddenly came from Belém's ear, and she only heard her say: "Mr. Belém, what you said last night was true, right?"

Belem was startled when he heard the words.

Stacking the bowls on top of each other, Laiya turned her head and looked at Belen. There seemed to be a gleam of light in those turquoise eyes, the blonde girl was asking very seriously.

"You will be fine, will you?"

Laya is very smart. Although she is also talented in magic, she does not like to practice magic. Maybe she is more suitable to be a wise man?

And sometimes being too smart makes Belen a headache, and at this moment, he also has to respond, and he shows a faint smile to Laya.

"I won't die easily."

Death is not terrible, and he still doesn't want to die, because there are still many futures he wants to witness, so until he does his best, he will never leave easily.

Chapter 361: The Law of Angels

this day.

Belen came to Selika's office, and he will probably leave after he recovers a little bit more, so there are some things to learn about Selika.

Seeing that Belém was here, Selika asked with concern: "Belen, how is your body?"

"Although I don't have much strength, it's much better than I couldn't walk two days ago." Belen responded, and then sat on the sofa, still sitting comfortably.

Hearing that, Selika also nodded slightly. She said, "I just have something to tell you. I will come later with Florty, Sisia, and Al."

"What's the matter?" Belen was a little confused.

"Let's talk about them later. Repeating it twice is exhausting." Selika smiled playfully, then took a sip of coffee and looked at Belem.

"So, is there anything you are looking for me?"

Belen nodded and said, "That's it. I guess we will leave in some time. So before leaving, I want to know when the school can go to school normally?"

Hearing that, Selika said: "This is probably going to be a while, after all, this time the academy has a large area of ​​damage, and it will take a long time for Puding to be there."

Although Putin has magic to restore the scene before the destruction, the magic is very time-consuming, and it takes a lot of time to portray on the props. Moreover, the area of ​​each restoration is limited, so overall It also takes a long, long time.

"Probably, it will take more than half a year or even a year." Selika thought about it for a moment and then gave the answer.

After hearing this answer, Belen nodded, but it was almost as he expected. He said: "When I think about it, can I send Latis and Ilia to school?"

"Of course, we are not without the transfer students in our school." After that, Selika looked at Belen again with a strange expression. She said: "So soon, we started arranging funeral affairs?"

"What's the matter? What are you talking nonsense." When Belen heard these words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Why did it sound so unpleasant?

Selika laughed, and shook her head: "I feel relieved to see how relaxed you are."

After a while, someone came to this office again. The first one was Sisia, followed by Flotti and Al.


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