Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 377

The girl also opened her eyes wide when she saw Laiya's ears, unexpectedly the blonde girl in front of her was an elf.

This third thank you fell in Belen's ears and it was different. It was a sincere kind of thank you. Yes, the difference was so big that his expression suddenly became strange.

After the girl wiped her face clean, Laiya combed the girl's hair. After dealing with these, they all looked at the girl in surprise.

Although she was wearing some tattered clothes, she found that she was a very beautiful girl with long brown curly hair and long curvy eyelashes. Her eyes were soft and bright like water, and her fair and flawless skin was pale pink. , There is a noble color between the eyebrows.

If you change into nice clothes, you will definitely be more beautiful.

And La Tier was thinking this way, she was a little curious, so she smiled and asked, "Well, would you like to change your clothes? We have a lot of clothes, maybe you suit Laya's clothes."

"Can you? Thank you!"

The girl obviously couldn't stand the torn clothes on her body, and when she heard Latier's words, her expression was also a little joyful and excited.

At this time, Laya looked at Belém on the side and joked: "Does Mr. Belém want to stay and see people change clothes?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the girl's gaze immediately turned to Belém, her gaze was extremely sharp, and she had no guard against the girls, but was very wary of Belém.


Belen then reacted, and he also felt the girl's gaze, feeling a little inexplicable, and then shook his head and walked out of the small house.

Driving the commercial car forward, he suddenly remembered the few killers who had escaped before, which reminded him of the poor and easily shy killer girl.


In the evening, Belém stopped the commercial vehicle. They had already reached a plain at the moment, and they were here to spend the night.

When making dinner, Belen prepared an extra pair of tableware. Although it is not clear why the girl resisted herself so much, she didn't seem to hate him very much, so he didn't care much.

Although some days have passed, Belém's injury has not healed, or it is not known whether it will be healed. Although there are only less than five years left, he does not feel anything strange now.

The body is still very weak. Before this recovery, Belen’s better not to use his augmentation magic. After all, it will increase the burden on the body. Although he looks no different from ordinary people, in fact, some comparisons He still struggles to handle heavy things, and the walking speed is much slower than expected.

Therefore, Belen was also a little struggling to hold the wooden table, but he still tried his best to take it out by himself, and he was relieved after placing it.

"Everyone, come out first, the dishes will be ready."

After Belen greeted her, the first one to ran out was the little cat Latis, who jumped directly into a position and then started to wait with her little tail shaking.

The second one came out was Ilia, and when Belen saw that it was Ilia, he yelled softly: "Ilia, can you serve me some food?"


Ilia responded, and then stepped forward to help Belen pick up two dishes and put them to the table.

After that, Latier and Laya helped the girl out together, and then came to the table and sat down. When she saw the table full of vegetables, the girl looked carefully, and when she smelled that one After the alluring fragrance, she swallowed involuntarily.

It seems, not bad?

Chapter 367: You are amazing, don't eat it!

After everyone started to eat, Belem was not in a hurry. He took the pot, and then picked up the prepared water basin with both hands. He wanted to pick it up and pour it into the pot and wash it later.


Suddenly, the sound of falling to the ground surprised Latier and the others who were having a meal. When Laiya turned around and saw the spilled water, she was also shocked, and the girls quickly stood up.

"Mr. Belén! Are you okay?"

At the moment Belen was standing aside, he looked at his trembling hands, and when he heard some panicked voices from Laiya and the others, he turned his head and smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay, it's just a bit heavy, it's not holding it."

Hearing what Belen said, Laya couldn't help but said: "Mr. Belen, you can call us when you need help. You can't carry it alone." She looked at Belen dissatisfied.

Latier's eyes noticed Belém's still trembling palms, and asked with some worry, "Mr. Belém, is your body still OK?"

Perceiving the line of sight, Belen slowly held his hand to stop the tremor, he blinked, and then explained: "It's already healed, only the hand slipped."

"But you just said it was a bit heavy and didn't hold it!"

Anyway, they can see that Belem's injury has not healed!

So, Belem changed the subject and didn't want to continue talking about it. He said: "It's alright, let's go to eat, the dishes are cold."

The three girls were silent for a while, and then returned to their positions and continued to eat, and Belen also quickly packed up his things and came to a seat that was still available to sit down and start eating.

The girl was sitting there and witnessed this scene. She frowned slightly and looked at Belem with some doubts. It was obviously a man who couldn't even hold the water basin.

Feeling her gaze, Belen also looked at the girl. He thought about it and introduced himself first, so he said: "That, my name is Belen Grean, a vagrant businessman."

"Wandering businessman?"

Upon hearing Belen’s words, the girl frowned again. She said, "My name is Hill."

Seeing that the girl didn't say her surname, she probably had some scruples. Belen didn't really care about it. There were other things he wanted to ask.

"Why are those killers chasing you?"

Hill was silent when she heard this. After a while, she shook her head and said, "I don't know. They suddenly rushed out on the way home. The people next to me helped me block them and gave it back. The clothes act as cover, but..." Hill stopped at this point, her lips pressed, her expression a little sad.

Seeing her like this, Latier and the others also understood something. Since those assassins were still chasing after her, then those who protected Hill are probably dead.

"Don't you know their origins?"

Hill shook his head.

Upon seeing this, Belen also remained silent. Although it could be judged that the identity of the girl should not be simple, he didn't care much either.

I hope he won't get into any trouble. His body can't stand the toss now. In order to avoid trouble, he can't just leave the girl like this.

So Belen asked: "Where is your home, we can take you home."

"My house...my house is in Eloranya."

"That's right, we will also go to Eloranya."

Hill was also stunned when he heard Belen's words, and then there was a surprise color in his eyes, but then he thought of something, his eyes slowly dimmed.

"Otherwise, I'll go to the previous town."

Latier on the side smiled and said, "It's okay, Illya in our family is very powerful. No one can beat Illya."

She could see that even though Hill had a weird temper, he was a kind-hearted child. He probably said that because he didn't want to drag them down.

At this time, Illiya also nodded her head. She said, "I'm great."

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