Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 383

Hearing that, Hill stretched out her hand and squeezed Latis's face. She nodded and said with a smile: "This will be Latis's home in the future, of course you can come and play as you please."

Belen on the side looked at the excited girls. He didn't say anything, but his gaze fell on the huge castle inside. It was indeed very magnificent. It was much larger than the house in Biswari, although The latter is not very concerned about these.

After that, Hill walked to the front door. She looked around and there was no one, so she almost looked at the small room on the other side, she shouted: "Are you lazy? Didn't see here? anyone there!?"


I could see a person sleeping in the window of the room. He woke up when he heard Hill's shout. Then he looked out of the big iron gate very dissatisfied. He frowned slightly, then rubbed his eyes, but When she saw the brunette girl, her eyes widened, her buttocks bounced as if she had been pricked by a needle.

"Big big, Miss!?"

Chapter 373: Knowing it, I will not refuse

The door guard who was lazy was also taken aback when he saw Hill, and then quickly called his partner, and then ran out to open the door.

Click, click.

Seeing the iron gate opened, Hill looked at Latier and the others, and said with a smile: "Come in, I have to entertain you today."

"Big, Miss, here we..."

The two guards were looking at Hill nervously at the moment, but they didn't expect Lazy to be seen by Missy. He was rarely lazy, which was really embarrassing.

Hill glanced outside the door, then waved his hand and said, "I don't care about you this time. I'm going to entertain the guests. Don't do it again next time."

Hearing that, the two door guards were relieved. It seems that the eldest is in a good mood today. If it is normal, the eldest's temper is afraid that both of them have lost their salary this month.

The girls returned to the commercial truck, and Belen continued to drive the commercial truck to the big castle. The doorway was still a little away from the castle.

The workers who were mending flowers and grasses also got up and bent over and called "Miss" when they saw Hill, and they soon came outside the steps of the castle.

"Miss, you are back."

An old man with gray hair but looking very gentleman was standing there. Although he was old, he looked very tough and had a straight waist. He was probably the housekeeper of Poggiacorti.

Hill carefully got off the commercial truck, and then walked a few steps to the old man. She asked, "Grandpa Cuba, where is my father?"

"Master, he just went out this morning, and probably won't be back tomorrow." Cuba replied, and then he noticed Belen and the others, questioningly asked: "Miss, are they? Rozal and the others?"

Hearing the name Rozal, Hill's smile also froze slightly. She took a deep breath and said: "On the way back, I met a killer from Miesnison. Rozal and the others are trying to protect me. They are all dead, and they are my saviors."

"So that's the case... Isn't it the Miesnison killer family?" There was a faint light flashing in the old but not muddy eyes of the old butler Cuba, he sighed, and then said: "This is Rozal and the others. Mission, Miss Do not have to be too sad."


Hill responded softly, and his hands on both sides slowly clenched.

Immediately afterwards, Cuba looked at Belén and the others, fixed their eyes on Ilia and Laiya, and then said with a smile: "Please let me inside first. For commercial vehicles, please rest assured. To a special place."

Hearing that, Belen also nodded slightly: "Trouble you."

"It should be."

Entering the huge castle, the golden light is shining, and the array is dazzling. The three girls except for Keliya all made amazing sounds. How rich is this!

"Grandpa Cuba, please prepare a big meal, we haven't used a meal yet."


When Cuba went to order the people, Hill looked at La Tier and the others, smiled and said, "I'll go upstairs and change your clothes, and Grandpa Cuba will take you to the place to eat."

"Ah! Good, good!"

La Tier was still immersed in the castle world that seemed to belong only to a princess, and she looked around at the expensive decorations.

"Several people, please here."

Under the leadership of Cuba, Belén and others followed behind, and many servants in maid costumes could be seen on the way. This is really a treatment that big families can only enjoy.

Everyone came to a five-meter-long rectangular table and sat down after the maids pulled out the chairs, and then looked around. There was a huge chandelier above the head, which seemed to be covered with crystal ornaments, very beautiful.

At this time, a figure in a yellow dress walked out from the other end. Belen and the others turned their heads and looked around. When they saw the girl, they all opened their eyes.

The girl was wearing a strapless yellow dress. The beautiful collarbone made her want to touch her. The seaweed-like curls spread over her shoulders. She also wore a crystal necklace on her bright and flawless neck. The arc reveals those slender thighs that are as white as jade, and the moving smile overflows with a beautiful aura, exuding a noble aura.

"Hey, Hill?"

Seeing that familiar face, La Tier couldn't help but call out. It turned out that as the eldest Miss Hill, the real appearance was so much more beautiful than usual.


La Tier's eyes are shining. She has never worn such noble clothes. Most girls have dreams of princesses. She is also an ordinary girl.

"La Tier, do you want to see through it?" Seeing the envy in La Tier's eyes, Hill also asked with a smile.

Hearing that, La Tier was also startled, and then knocked her head a little embarrassedly, stuck out her tongue, and said playfully: "I'm not the eldest lady, so I probably won't look good in these."

In her opinion, only truly noble people are worthy of those luxurious costumes.

Hill shook her head when she heard the words, and she said, "Why? La Tier is beautiful."

At this moment, the old butler Cuba also smiled and said: "Miss, there is a banquet at the end of the month. How about taking some ladies to go with you?"

"Really? That's great! In this case, shall I prepare some clothes for Latier? I will definitely bring out your temperament perfectly!"

Hill also laughed in surprise when he heard the words, and then confidently said this to Latier and the others, and then she glanced at the man sitting in the chair.

"You won't let Latier and the others go?"

Hearing Hill's words, Belen felt helpless in his heart. The actions taken by this guy were really irresistible. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt three extremely hot eyes.

He found that Latier, Latis and Laiya on the other side were all staring at him. Obviously the three girls were also very interested in the banquet.

"Then go."

Since Latier and the others wanted to go so much, it was naturally impossible for Belem to refuse.

"Great!" La Tier jumped up for joy, and then hugged Ilia next to her, looking extremely happy.

However, Illiya still had that plain expression. She didn't seem to be interested. Belen didn't feel surprised after seeing this scene. After all, Illiya was once the princess of a country.

Sitting in the position waiting for the food and delicacies, La Tier is shaking her head. It seems that she is very longing for the banquet at the end of the month. Her eyes are a little blurred. What kind of clothes will she wear?

Chapter 374: No one wants to sleep with you!

The maids delivered the dishes one by one, all of which looked great. According to Hill, the chefs working in her house are all very good chefs.

After tasting the glamorous dishes, La Tier and the others were also satisfied. Dining in such a castle is indeed a joyful thing.

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