Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 385

Walking down the corridor, the old Cuban butler suddenly said: "Sir, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Belen Grean, and the old gentleman would just call me Belen." Belen responded like this.

The old Cuban butler nodded, and then said, "Na Belem, let me ask, where did you come from?"

Belen probably knew what the old gentleman was thinking, so he said frankly: "We came here from Amalgar. We came here because of some of my personal affairs."


Hearing the name of the city, the old Cuban butler also asked curiously: "A few days ago, the organization called "Scourge" invaded Flozarno Academy. Did you escape from Amalga at that time? "

Belen shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "At that time, I couldn't escape even if I wanted to. I was in the school at the time.

"Are you participating in the school festival?"


So the old Cuban butler also nodded slightly, and then looked up and down Belém. After a while, he said: "Belen, I think your feet are a little buoyant and out of balance. Do you have any problems with your body?"

Hearing these words, Belem was also a little surprised to look at the old gentleman, and asked curiously: "Old gentleman, are you a doctor?"

"Doctor? Ah! Although he knows a little bit of medical skills, he is still not a doctor." After hearing Belem's words, Cuba also smiled and shook his head. He said: "When I was young, I wandered on the battlefield. A soldier, I can still see something."

"It turns out that this is the case. The old gentleman must have been great when he was young." After hearing the words, Belen also smiled and exclaimed, then nodded and said: "That time I suffered some injuries in the Flozarno Academy. It’s still not good until now, and the body is still very weak."

Hearing that the other party was injured, Cuba was also silent for a moment, and then asked: "Let me ask, Belem, are you a student of Flozarno Academy?"

Although there are not many clues, the opponent's age is still very young. Since he was in the Flozarno Academy at the time, he was not a student but also a magister. His injury was probably due to the battle.

"Yes, but I'm not a student at school, but a graduate." Belen felt that there was nothing to hide. No one would attack him because he was a student of Flozarno Academy.

After hearing this sentence, Cuba also showed a surprised look. The graduates of Flozarno Academy can be said to be an invisible symbol. As long as they are graduates, they must be an amazing talent.

"It's an honor. I didn't expect Belém to be a graduate of that." Cuba was also polite.

Belen shook his head and said, "You don't need to be so polite, the old man, this is not a great thing."

"It's humble." The old Cuban butler showed a faint smile.

Although he is old, from the moment he smiled, the details of his facial features can tell that he must have been a handsome man when he was young.

After stepping out of the castle, the old Cuban butler took Belen to the area where the commercial vehicle was placed. The territory of their house is still very large, so it will take a long time to walk.

"Belen, miss, does she know that you are a graduate of that?"

Belen thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "She probably doesn't know, I think, she should also have no interest in my identity."

In this regard, Cuba just smiled and said: "Although the eldest has a somewhat arrogant personality, I watched her grow up and I knew she was a very good child."

"I understand." Belen nodded.

Cuba also smiled, and he said: "In fact, Miss She, she once wanted to enter Flozarno Academy, but because Miss She has no talent in this aspect, she has no chance at all. If she knows Your status as a graduate will probably change you a little bit?"

Cuba could see from the very first meeting that her eldest lady didn't seem to be too cold with the one next to him. Now that he knows the identity of the latter, he might be able to help them reconcile.

"No talent?" Belen blinked.

"Yes, miss her, magic has no attributes, and it is destined to be unachievable in this way." Cuba also sighed. For a person who wants to learn magic, this is undoubtedly the first thing very painful.

Immediately afterwards, Cuba said: "Miss once had a sister who is a very good child, and the lady wanted to learn magic partly because she wanted to help her enchantment, but then the lady disappeared. Miss she She became the current eldest lady."

Hill also has an older sister.

Belen learned about this from Hill that day, and at the same time knew that her sister was missing. He still remembers the sadness in the latter's eyes at that time. She probably liked that sister very much.

"Forget it, so many years have passed since I said these things." Cuba shook his head and stopped continuing the topic. Then he looked at Belém again and said with a smile: "Why don't you go soak before going to bed? Hot springs, your body is so weak now, or a bath is good for your body."

"Okay, I understand now, thanks."

After getting his own clothes, Belen followed the old Cuban butler to his room. When he entered the door and saw the huge bed, his eyes widened.

so big!

Not only the bed, but Belen's eyes lit up when he saw the large glass window opposite the bed. He didn't expect the location of this room to be so good that he could see the starry sky outside.

This is certainly not because of Hill, probably the Cuban father chose him for him, which is great!

Belén put the changed clothes on the bed, and after sitting for a while, he stood up again. Sure enough, he should take a shower when he comes to such a good place!

So Belen took the clothes again and walked out of the room, but the old Cuban housekeeper was no longer visible, and he probably went to work again.

Then, let him find it hard. Although it is difficult to find such a big castle, there are so many servants here, you can probably know where it is if you just ask.

Hot spring!

I haven't soaked for many days.

Chapter 376: Is it so difficult to soak in a hot spring?

Hot springs, hot springs.

Belen walked down the corridor expectantly, his gaze caught a maid who was wiping the porcelain, and hurried forward.

"Hello, may I ask, how do I get to the hot spring?"

The maid turned her head, she glanced at Belém, and then pointed to the right. She said: "Go straight over there, go to the seventh corner and turn left. There is a gate over there, and it's inside. ."

"I see, thanks!"

After thanking him, Belem continued to move in that direction.

As he walked longer, he felt a little softer. The castle was really big, which made Belem a headache at the moment. The seventh turn was really far away.

"the seventh..."

When he finally came to the seventh turn, Belen also let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked at the door at the end. When he noticed this distance, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Have to go!

After a lot of effort, Belen finally came to the door. He looked at the circular magic pattern on the side, and he reached out to inject a little magic power.


The door opened a little distance, Belen passed through it, and came to a small wooden house, probably used to put clothes, he quickly put things in the frame, tied the bath towel around his waist, and exhausted his whole body. With strength, he opened the door, and when he felt the heat rushing toward his face, he relaxed.

This heat is wonderful.

Belen walked to the place where he took a bath very well. Recently, he was too weak to sweat, so he couldn't just go to the hot springs.

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