Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 387

And La Tier glanced at Lattes strangely, then looked at the rockery again, and asked suspiciously: "Lattes, is there anything fun behind this?"

No, no fun!

Belen, who was behind the small rockery, was frightened when he heard these words. In case Latier came over curiously to find out, then he had nowhere to hide!

"Go back and go clubbing."

La Tier didn't care too much about what was behind the rockery, and took La Tis back to Hill and the others to sit down. After the hot spring water overflowed her shoulders, she showed a satisfied expression.

Latis's little head turned to the small rockery, blinked her big cute eyes, and then looked at Laiya's side. She tilted her head, her eyes flashing.

On the other hand, Belem did not look through the crevices of the small rockery, but he heard the voices of the girls chatting, so he was also relieved and finally got through the crisis.

"Brother, you..."

The ghostly voice was almost destroying Belen, he turned his head abruptly, and then saw a girl with silver ball hair soaking in the water looking at him.

"Yi, Illya! You, you must listen to my explanation!"

Belen was panting. He can be said to be tired now. Leaning on a rock, he almost collapsed. Why is it so difficult to soak in a hot spring?

"Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing Belen's face a little pale, Illia also walked forward with some worry, and at the moment when she was about to stand up, the former's eyes suddenly widened, and one hand stretched out in lightning speed. He went out and pushed Ilia back into the water.

"You little guys, really need education."

Under Iliya's puzzled gaze, Belen sighed helplessly. How come these children don't even understand this personal matter, what should he do if he is gone in the future?

"Brother is my elder brother, there is no relationship between siblings."

Well, not much mature than Latis in this respect.

"No, no, no, even if it's like this, it won't work, if it's before, that's fine, but Illya has grown up now."

Belen was so touched that Illya regarded herself as her elder brother, and even the sense of weakness seemed to fade a lot.

Ilia did not continue on this topic, but she herself didn't seem to care about this question very much, but she asked a word that made Belen's eyes slightly widened.

"Brother, will you leave us one day?"

This sentence fell into Belen's ears. He was dull for a while, and after a while, he woke up. He looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him, pursed his lips, and seemed to hesitate.

If he says he will not, maybe even more wrong.

"Ilia, what do you think of Hill?"

Seeing that Belen didn't answer herself, Ilia didn't care, but she still answered the former question. She said: "Although my brother and Hill are always quarreling, I think Hill is very good."

"So, do you like to stay with Hill?"

"I like to be with my brother."

Belen was a little dumbfounded when he heard this answer. What kind of answer was this, so he simply explained what he meant, although it was a bit vague.

"Well, if Ilia live here, would it be better than living in that small house? You see, the house here is so big and beautiful."

However, Ilia stared at Belem, and she only said one sentence: "I am a princess."

Belen was stunned when she heard this. Yeah, Illia is a princess of a country. If you want to talk about where to live, maybe even this place can’t be compared to her former bedroom, right?

"But it doesn't matter where I live, as long as I am with my brother and Sister Latier." There is no mood swing on Ilia's small face, but her eyes are extremely serious.

Hearing Ilia’s extremely serious words, Belen sighed slightly. He wanted to reach out and rub Ilia’s head, but remembering that he had water in his hand, he took it back again, and he wanted to say something. What, but in the end, she shook her head and didn't continue to talk about it.

"Go back quickly. If I find out for Latier and the others, no, no, if I find out for Hill, I might go back to sleep in the commercial car today."


Ilia responded softly, then turned around in the water and swam out.

Belén saw the smooth jade-like back through the hot spring water. He covered his eyes with one hand, and after a while, he withdrew his hand. He grinned, a little helpless.

He feels a little uncomfortable when he thinks that Elia might marry in the future. There is a feeling that a father sees his daughter getting married.

After Ilia swam back, Belen didn't hear the movement of Latis and the others, so he also breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally over. It was really uncomfortable to be so nervous.

After Belen calmed down, he leaned on the rock and looked at the bright night sky. The stars tonight are really dazzling, and he can finally take a quiet bath in the hot springs, but his mood at the moment is very melancholy.

It would be a good thing if I could watch Ilia get married.

Although I don't know if I can still see that scene.

Chapter 378: The Mysterious Man

"Well, we should go out too, soaking for too long will make you dizzy."

Hill was the first to get up, followed by Latir and the others. As they left, Latiz and Ilia looked back at the small rockery, and then the two girls looked at each other, but Without saying anything, they left the hot spring room with La Tier.

Belen, who was behind the small rockery, also heard the sound of their leaving. He then slowly stood up, but his whole body was a little weak, and he had been soaking for long enough.

Dizziness, chest tightness.

Belen shook his head and tried to make himself a little more awake. He walked ashore and put on his clothes. Fortunately, he put the basket down when he came in, otherwise he would find out.

He picked up the clothes in the basket and opened the door and went out. The cool feeling also made his brain sober. He breathed a long sigh of relief, and now he was going back to the room to get a good night's sleep.

Belen returned to the room without turning on the light, and lay directly on the soft big bed. His gaze looked at the starry sky outside, and his head was blank for a while, just watching quietly.

I didn't know what to think, and didn't think about it.

In this way, he closed his eyes steadily and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the man in the room fell asleep on the bed, without even covering his body, breathing smoothly, as if he was already in a deep sleep state, obviously he was also exhausted today.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared in the air outside the glass window. After a while, it turned into a gray streamer and passed through the window to the room where Belem was. A black robe emerged from the darkness. The wrapped figure can vaguely see the gray hair scattered from the black robe.

The figure approached Belen, who was already asleep, and the figure of the man in the black robe was exposed to the light of the moon, and the black pupils under the black robe had strange five-pointed starlight patterns.

The black robe man stretched out his hand, the back of his hand was white and flawless and smooth as jade, weak and boneless, and his fingers were as long as green onions. Obviously, under this black robe was a woman.

She reached out and touched Belém's half-white hair, and a flat, soft voice came from under the black robe: "I am not a god, I can't save you, maybe even a god can't save you."

"But it's not bad, it looks a bit like me."

Her voice was very soft and she couldn't hear any emotions.

Just when the black-robed man was about to withdraw his hand from Belen's hair, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and the next moment, the two eyes met.

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