Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 406

Countless people took a breath and fought with "The Brave" more than once. It was horrible. Everyone looked at Morpheus and the strange man in disbelief.

"Morpheus, are you kidding me?"

Hearing someone questioning, Morpheus snorted and grabbed Belem. He looked at the latter and said, "You tell them if it's true."

"I said, can anyone beat this guy for me?"

Belen directly ignored Murphys, and then looked helplessly at the group of guys who were looking at him, and this guy couldn't beat others by himself, and took his record to brag.

For Morpheus, it doesn't matter if you can't beat, you must not lose if you have momentum or something.

Everyone is very familiar with Morpheus, even if he is bragging, it is enough to show that the man next to him is not simple, so everyone's curious eyes fell on Belem.

"This little brother, do you want to do two tricks?"

Dulce, who has won Morpheus many times, took a step forward and looked at Belem with piercing eyes. Obviously, he was also interested in the latter under Morpheus's set of statements.

"Sorry, I don't have that power right now." Belen shook his head and refused, then glanced at Morpheus. He said, "Although he is right, fighting with "the brave" is not a good thing."

So under the sight of everyone, Belen raised his finger to his white hair, his face looked helpless, and then he sighed depressed.

"Look, this is the price."

Chapter 398: Wendy

The eyes of everyone were fixed on Belém's white hair for a long time. They thought the two-tone hair was born, but they didn't expect it to be for a reason.

Indeed, the man felt weak to them, like a late old man.

Immediately afterwards, the cat-eared girl withdrew her gaze, and asked the question that everyone cares most about: "Have you really fought with the "Brave"?"

Belen nodded, and then warned: "If you don't want to be like me, don't fight that guy." He can only remind others now.

That red-haired girl really couldn't be resisted by humans, that kind of power was too foul.

"Yes, can you let me check your body?"

There was a voice at this moment, and Belen turned his head to look, only to see a girl in a green shirt and a flower crown coming over, who seemed to be the same age as Latier and the others, looking at him nervously at this moment.

"Of course." Belen nodded.

The girl walked to Belen's side, and then put a hand on the latter's chest, a golden and green magic swaying like spring water, the magic warm and soft.

"The magic of this kid..."

Murphys' eyes widened slightly. Although he knew this girl, he had never seen any magic used by her, so he didn't understand it.

Dulce, who was on the side, explained: "Wendy's magic is salvation, and the only known magic that can be comparable to life magic in terms of healing power."

"It's amazing magic."

Morpheus knew this kind of magical power, it was a kind of restrictive magical power, magical power itself has healing power, which is very rare, but he knew in his heart that even this kind of magical power could not heal Belen, after all, even Sally Ka, even the Wood Elf can't cure Belem completely.

After a while, the girl named Wendy retracted her hand, and then took a step back. She pursed her thin lips, raised her head, her big bright eyes looked at Belém, and her eyes were inexplicably sad. .


Seeing the girl’s sad look, Belen chuckled and stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl’s head. Maybe the girl found out something. Although he knew that he might be known of the injury, he did not do it out of good intentions. Have the heart to refuse.

When everyone saw Wendy's sad look, they were all surprised, and then looked at Belen some inexplicably, not understanding how the atmosphere suddenly became like this.

Morpheus glanced at Belem, then looked at the crowd and shouted: "Okay, okay, why should you go, Dulce, don't you care about these people being lazy without training?"

"Go back to train! Who told you to stop!" Dulce reacted. He yelled to everyone, and then looked at Murphys. The big fat man squeezed his fist. Calmly said: "Come and fight, if you don't come, you will lose."

"I'm afraid you won't make it, go, go and fight over there!"

Seeing this big fat man provoked himself, even though he had lost countless times, Morpheus couldn't bear this guy, so he immediately left Belem to fight.

Upon seeing this, Belen also shook his head, and then walked to a corner where it is safer and there are chairs to sit on. He just looked at the fighting over there, and he had nothing to do anyway. It would be nice to see here. .

"Mr. Belen?"

Wendy, the girl in the flower crown, brought a folding chair to Belem's side, and then sat down beside him after the latter nodded.


This is the first time I have seen this kind of magical power, Belen. It can be comparable to life magic in terms of healing ability. This is really incredible. After all, this is a restrictive magic power. Although the ability is single, it can reach high without exercise. Degree.

The girl blinked her eyes and said, "My name is Wendy."

"Hello." Belen smiled and nodded, and then asked curiously: "Can you detect my physical condition?"

Wendy was silent for a while and then nodded. She said, "My magic is a bit special, so I can feel the kind in your body..."

Having said that, Wendy suddenly didn't know what word to replace, so she muttered a little embarrassedly: "Anyway, there is something that my magic can't dispel."

Maybe what this kid is trying to say is lifeless, right?

Seeing Wendy's appearance, Belen was also a little bit smiled. The child was kind and gentle. If Latier and the others were here, they would definitely become good friends with this child.

"My kids are as cute and kind as Wendy. If you want, I can bring them here to play with you." Belen thought it would be a good thing to let Latier and the others make more friends.

"I do!"

Wendy showed a big smile, very cute, she looked like an angel in Belen's eyes. Counting Latier and the others, there are so many angels in the world, it is really so happy.


A loud noise attracted Belen's attention, and a surging wind and waves that followed immediately knocked him and Wendy down together, and their chairs fell straight back.


Wendy exclaimed.

After the wind and waves stopped, Belen and Wendy also slowly got up. Seeing each other's embarrassment, they couldn't help but laugh, and then unanimously looked at the center of the battle.

At this moment, the fighting on that side is fierce, and the two surging magic powers collide with each other in an extremely tough way, even on Belen's side, you can see the two different figures intertwined with each other.

However, which side has the upper hand can simply be understood by just looking at it. Every time a head-to-head encounter, it is Morpheus who flies out, and it is simply suppressed unilaterally.

"Very strong."

Belen also couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that Morpheus would be suppressed so thoroughly. The fat pig sub-race was so outrageous, and his magical power Belen could not see through.

Wendy on the side repositioned her chair, her small face showed a touching smile, and she said: "Captain, although he is greedy, he is a nice and delicate person?"

"That's it."

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