Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 432

Cheryl was also stunned when she heard Garrien's words, and then she recovered, and then said with a smirk: "The teacher is really a rascal."

"Did you say that about your own teacher?" Gary rolled his eyes, then shook his head, looking at the dim weather outside, he said: "It's time to cook, what do you want to eat tonight."

"I want to eat everything the teacher makes! Oh, by the way, make three, I'll let Lumia stay and eat too." Cheryl looked at Gary En with a smile.

Hearing that, Gary curled his lips and said dissatisfied: "I'm so obedient only when I ask." Even so, he smiled and got up and patted Cheryl on the shoulder.

"Okay, go with your friend."

Chapter 425: Dress?

In the territory of Poggiacorti's family, Belen finally met Lucie this day, but the appearance of the latter made him startled.

"You are hurt?"

Belen looked at Lucie, who was now covered with bandages on his forehead and arms, and the bandage could be seen even at the collarbone where one corner could be seen.

Lucy didn't expect to meet Belém here, but it doesn't matter if the latter sees it. She sighed and said, "It's a long story."

Hearing this, Belen twitched his mouth. He said, "You don't know about the water park."

"This matter..." Lucy scratched her cheek with her finger, and then said with a smile: "Then let me tell you, it's actually like this..."

Therefore, Lucy told Belen what their Silver Bird Adventure Group had done these days. When Belen heard this, he was taken aback, and then he felt very depressed, and things were getting more and more troublesome.

It turns out that the commission accepted by the Silver Bird Adventure Group from the beginning was not the killers of Mies Nathan. From the beginning, Lucy concealed him. After knowing that he almost died, Lucy told him the truth. .

Accepting the Silver Bird Adventure Group commissioned by the Grand Duke of Giovanni, Lucy and his group's real goal is the mysterious organization code-named "Dark Moon", and this "Dark Moon" first met Lucy at the time. I heard about it right now.

Belen asked, "Which organization is also in Eloranya?"

"It's better to say that they are already rooted in Eloranya." There was a cold light in Lucy's eyes, and then she said: "A few days ago, Dark Moon had started against some nobles, and those were all with the Grand Duke Closely connected nobility."

"For the other party, Grand Duke Giovanni, those people really took great pains." Belem also suddenly thought of the undercurrents after the party and government, he shook his head, and he couldn't stay here anymore. It was too much. It's dangerous.

Lucy shook her head at this time. She said flatly: "This "Dark Moon" is probably not an organization that accepts commissions like Miesnesen. According to my current intelligence, although it is impossible to determine who is behind the scenes, It can probably be judged that it belongs to a certain high-ranking nobleman."

Is it a mysterious organization that only listens to a certain nobleman's order?

Belen's eyes narrowed slightly. If this were the case, then the person behind the scenes who dared to attack the Grand Duke Giovanni must be an invaluable fellow.

"By the way, your commission is high, right?" Belen asked curiously.

Hearing that, Lucy's beautiful face also showed a smile. She said: "Of course, not only can we ask the Grand Duke not only for equipment, but also for the entrustment of money is enough to make us rich for the rest of our life."

"That is comparable to the difficulty of this task." Belen also smiled.

When he first met with Lucy and the group, the latter started to fight the "Dark Moon", and it hasn't ended until now. It is conceivable how rich the conditions given by the Grand Duke are. .

Lucy smiled again and said, "But ah, we didn't accept this task just for entrusting money."

"What is it for?" Belen was startled slightly.

Lucy said proudly: "The entrustment is just an accessory. After all, we are a business group, but before that, we were an adventure group! A team of like-minded adventurers, if not for adventure For the original intention, our group will not gather together."

Adventurers are not a high-income group, or like vagrant businessmen, they are a kind of semi-unemployed vagrant, and most people who want to become adventurers want to live a free and adventurous life to become adventurers. of.

"I understand."

Belen smiled and nodded, then looked at the bandage on Lucy's body. He said, "You have suffered so many injuries. That "Dark Moon" shouldn't feel good, right?"

"Otherwise, we wouldn't just retreat like this." Lucy responded with some pride, and then she looked at Belen's chest again.

"You seem to be fine?"

Belen also nodded when he heard this. He has the two children to help heal his body these days. Although he doesn't want to trouble Latis and Wendy, the two children insist on helping him and he is embarrassed to refuse.

These days, his physical condition has improved a lot, the previous sluggish temperament has disappeared, and although he can't use all his power now, it is enough.

In the evening.

"Big brother, all right."

Wendy, who was sitting next to Belem, retracted her hands, and Lattes on the side also jumped off the sofa, then poured two glasses of water, and one was handed to Wendy.

Seeing the two little girls drinking water together, Belen also smiled, and then said: "Thanks to the two of you these days, but I won't use it anymore. I'm almost fine."

Wendy blinked her eyes when she heard Belem's words, and said with a very serious face, "Big brother, don't be polite to us, your body..." At this point, she stopped again.

While Belen saw Wendy’s disappointment, he smiled and shook his head. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl’s head and said, "I don’t want to show mercy to you little guys. Also, don’t do that. Tell everyone."

After all, she is a mature child, Wendy understands what Belen means, but she can't bear it. She bit her lower lip, knowing that she can't cure the big brother in front of her, who is obviously such a gentle person.

"Brother? Drink water?"

At this time, Latis came to Belem with a glass of water, the pair of fluffy cat ears swayed gently, with a big smile on her face, it was really cute.

"Latis is so good."

Belen rubbed the kitten’s head as a sign of encouragement, then reached out and took a sip from the water glass, and then he heard footsteps. He turned his head and looked at him. When he saw the girls approaching, his eyes Falling on Hill, I have to say that he was still a little nervous.

Hill's gaze met Belen's gaze, and the latter subconsciously avoided it, while Hill frowned slightly. She didn't know what had happened to this guy recently, and seemed to always avoid herself.

"Hey, your dress is ready, do you want to try it on." Hill came to Belem, with his hands around his chest, looking at him calmly.

"Mine?" Belen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in confusion, "Speaking of which, you didn't let anyone measure my size. How did you make this dress?"

Hill snorted, and she said, "That's why I let you try it on. If it doesn't fit, change it."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Belen was a little puzzled, and he just had to measure himself.

"Why are you asking so much!" Hill stopped answering, snorted and turned away.

Laya on the side chuckled slightly, because everyone’s dresses were all made by Hill himself, and the size was measured by Hill himself. She asked her to measure the size of Belem by herself. How could she do it!

Chapter 426: In the end, both sides are injured

At this moment, in the luxurious dressing room, several girls were very surprised looking at the young man who had changed his clothes, and they made surprise sounds in unison.


After stepping out of the curtain, Belen was pulling at his collar. He was a little uncomfortable with such formal clothes. Then he looked up and found several girls looking at him with bright eyes.

"Very, weird?"

Latier quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I have never seen Mr. Belém wearing such clothes. It should be said that Mr. Belém is very suitable for such clothes!"

"is it?"

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