Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 448

Thinking of the stern sound she heard at the beginning, Cheryl couldn't help but clenched her hands. Her eyes gradually turned cold. How could that guy bear to treat her students like this?

No, you can't just sit idly by.

Determined, Cheryl quickly left the castle, and then rushed towards the direction of the house. She was hesitating these days. She was worried that her teacher would suffer from any accidents because of her decision, but she was already She couldn't keep silent anymore, she knew exactly what kind of suffering Lumia was going through.


She came to the back of the house non-stop, Cheryl panted, her eyes turned to the house that looked dark even in daylight, and then took out a pendant from her clothes, and she shook it. The pendant was then released, and she jumped over the wrought iron fence with a single leap.

But the moment Cheryl stepped into the territory of the house, she suddenly stiffened all over her body, cheered herself up the next moment, and instantly caught a man wearing a black robe.

Burton Miesnison!

Cheryl gritted her teeth when she saw this man appear. She suddenly realized that her current situation was very bad. She didn't expect that she would be discovered as soon as she came in.


This guy has been staring at the state of the house!

Burton's dimly floating eyes looked at Cheryl, with a cold expression on his face. He said, "Who gave you the power to break into someone else's house?"

In response, Cheryl just resolutely said: "I decided to come in by myself!"

Hearing what she said, Burton said coldly: "You are violating the rules set by my Misnaessen clan. Even if I kill you here, Gary has nothing to say."

However, Cheryl didn't care about the rules, she shouted angrily: "Don't tell me these are useless! Let Lumia out!"

Hearing this, Burton walked towards Cheryl, he said indifferently: "Lumia is here, what does it have to do with you?"

"I'm her friend!" Cheryl saw Burton coming but was not afraid. She gritted her teeth, clasped her hands, and said angrily: "You guys are not worthy of being Lumia's teacher! I am! Take her away!"

"You should think about yourself now."

Burton's indifferent voice came out, a short sword appeared in his right hand, his left hand was raised, and as his mouth moved slightly, he chanted a spell, a dark red magic pattern.


From the magic lines, a stream of black flames swept away, and that erosive high-temperature flame left a trace of ashes on the ground, wanting Cheryl to be swallowed and burned!

Cheryl was shocked when she saw that the other party had actually started it directly. When the black flames flowed in, she also sank her brows, gritted her teeth, and then slammed her right hand out.

Her magic is to dispel!


Sheryl was dispelled by that magical force before the black flame wind wind touched her, and she rolled back to both sides, and taking this opportunity, Cheryl immediately jumped out of the house.

Standing outside the house, Cheryl stared at Burton, who was still walking towards her, with a solemn expression. The other party probably won't use this attack method anymore.

"Restrictive magic?"

Burton murmured in his mouth, not surprised. After seeing Cheryl jump out of the house, he continued to move forward. The dark red light in his eyes seemed to be disordered, and he gradually showed a crazy smile.

"Do you think I would let you run like this? You dare to break into me without Garion?"


The moment the voice fell, Burton flew out into a black shadow, and suddenly passed the iron fence, and a short sword fell straight down with the cold light.

Chase it out!?

This guy really intends to kill himself!

Cheryl's heartbeat began to accelerate, and she quickly stepped back to avoid the blow from the opponent, then turned and ran, her right hand holding the pendant in front of her.

She can't beat this guy now!Fight with him and you will die!

"Want to run?"

Burton's smile was crazy, his expression started to lose control, looking at the figure running away, his eyes seemed to be looking at a prey.

The two began a chase battle.

"Ha! Ha!"

Cheryl, who was madly running for her life, began to feel a little physically weak. There were several blood stains on her body. In order to defend against Burton's attack, she had already used her best.

Someone successively discovered the situation here. After seeing Burton chasing Cheryl, everyone was shocked, but no one stopped them. Even if they belong to the same killer organization, it would be a matter of killing and killing. It happens every day.


Cheryl yelled from the bottom of her heart. The next moment, a cold light suddenly pierced her thigh, and she let out a cry of pain and then flew to the ground.

"Haha, die!"

There was a frantic laughter, and Cheryl turned over on the ground and looked at her. What caught her eye was a figure falling straight toward her holding a dagger in both hands.

"The student away from me..."

Another voice came into Cheryl's ears, and a black shadow passed through the air like a ghost, only to see that the man who came suddenly hit Burton's abdomen with a whirling kick.

"Far away!"


Suddenly hit by a heavy blow, Burton flew out directly, vomiting blood, his eyes almost fell out, and his figure hit the wall.

The figure fell into Cheryl's sight. She sat up with her hands on the ground, her eyes slightly rounded. The figure was neither tall nor strong, but in her eyes, it was extremely stalwart.


Chapter 443: Teacher, isn't it good to protect shortcomings?

When Burton was kicked out, everyone's eyes widened. Whoever was so courageous dared to do something to the three sons of Miesnesen. When they looked at the man who did it, they were all shocked. This suddenly realized.

It turned out to be Gary Bistman.

As everyone knows, Cheryl is a student of Gary, so it's no wonder that she would help out, and looking at the latter's face, she was obviously very angry, and she probably won't just end up like this.

Gary turned around and knelt on one knee. He looked at Cheryl very worried and asked anxiously: "How are you? How could this happen?"

Cheryl shook her head, then pursed her mouth, she whispered: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I want to rescue Lumia, and then I ran into this person."

She looked very sad at the moment and her eyes were dim. Instead of saving Lu Mia, she was tired of the teacher, which made her very guilty.

"Silly boy."

Seeing Cheryl's disappointment, Gary laughed. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the girl's head, and then whispered: "As expected of my student, do whatever you want. This temper is up to me."

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