Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 463

"Well, I am still studying in the Flozarno Academy. I am an outstanding student." Belen smiled when he thought of Kolstein and Weilian.

"Flozarno Academy?" Lumia was stunned when she heard this, she blinked blankly, then looked at Belen in disbelief, and asked: "You, you are also Floza. A student of Erno Academy?"

Belen was startled and curiously said: "Have you never told you before? I am a student from there."


Lu Mia shook her head. She looked at Belem with some curiosity, and then she realized that it was no wonder that the latter was so powerful. It turned out to be a student who graduated from Flozarno Academy.

Lumia, who was very interested in this, asked about Belém's student career along the way, and now Belém is also willing to share with people around her about her past.

Pogea Corti.

At this moment, Illiya was walking alone in the woods, she looked forward but aimlessly, her eyes were more dull than usual, as if they had lost a little luster and were not so vivid.

Behind him, Laya was looking at the back of the silver-haired girl, and she couldn't help sighing. She knew that Illya would become like this because Belen had left.

If Ilia choose to stay with them or leave with Belen, this may be a very difficult option for her, but she will definitely choose to leave with Belen in the end.

Because, Mr. Belen has always been alone, and only people who have also experienced loneliness can be with him, perhaps Lumia is the same.

However, when Ilia refused, Belen seemed to have said something to her. As for the content, Laiya didn't know, maybe it was because of what I said that Ilia stayed.


Laya looked at the back figure that was fading away, then shook her head, sighed and then turned and left. Perhaps it is better to let Illya stay a while.

After Lya left, Illya was still walking aimlessly in the woods. When he walked to a big rock, he stopped, she sat on it, and at this moment, the void in front of her Three figures suddenly twisted out.

In these three figures, there are two old men, and one is Willis, the leader of the "Dark Night" organization that has fought Belen, and it is precisely because of his spatial magic that he can enter here silently.

Ilia was sitting on the boulder, and when the three of them appeared, she raised her head and looked around, her eyes swept over Willis, and then fell on the two old men.

The two elders were also startled when they saw the appearance of the girl Ilia, but even though they had grown up, they could still recognize them.

"Deman Butting, see Her Royal Highness!"

"Ills Leninwei sees Her Royal Highness!"

When the two old men reported their names, the two of them were kneeling on their knees. This is a courtesy that can only be done when facing their Majesty of the Ai Luo Kingdom, and now, the silver-haired girl in front of them is the Ai Luo royal family. The only blood.

Looking at these two people, Illiya stared at them silently, her eyes calm and quiet, she said slowly in the past, "Get up."


The two spoke in unison and then stood up, looking very respectful.

Illiya looked at the two ministers of the Airo Kingdom and said calmly: "This is the last time I have ordered as a princess to leave here."

After hearing her words, Yiles suddenly raised his head and shouted: "No! Your Royal Highness, are you really planning to give up rebuilding the Ailuo Kingdom?"

Regarding this, Eliya didn't say anything, just looked at him like this.

When Deman saw this, he squinted his eyes, and then said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, the Grand Duke Charles and several other Florentine dignitaries have reached a deal with us. As long as we can help them achieve their goals, they It can help us rebuild the Ailuo Kingdom."

Yiles on the side also echoed and shouted: "Yes! Do you really bear the heart that the remnants will be homeless? Do you really hope that your Majesty and their efforts will be destroyed like this!?"

"Did you make a mistake."


Both of them looked at the princess who suddenly spoke in a daze.

Illiya looked at the two of them calmly. She has always been very mature. This is something Latier and the others know about, but her attitude towards the Ailuo Kingdom is more determined.

"What I should do is done in the last war. I have done my duty as a member of the Dorania family, and I have accepted all the pain, but there is one thing you have to understand. Before or now, everything I did was not for you."

This silver-haired girl hasn’t said so much for a long time, and she has shown her will to the full on this night. Now she is only Ilia, not the princess who bears the surname Dorania. She has been from the beginning. In the end, it was just fighting for the family, not the countless people of the Ailuo Kingdom.

"So, everything you want to do has nothing to do with me."

Four hundred and sixtieth chapter: for the family


A huge barrier suddenly covered Poggiacorti's castle, and when this huge barrier appeared, countless magisters in the castle responded.

Who arranged this enchantment?

No one knows, but they are the magisters of Poggiacorti, and they have to deal with it, so they notified the Cuban butler, and the old man also looked sharp at this moment and immediately arranged for a guard team.

When something happens at this time, it is not difficult to guess who did it.

A huge light suddenly flashed in front of the gate leading to Poggiacorti, and the next moment there was a deafening blast, the gate was directly blown down, and the guard who was watching the gate was shocked. , Wake up the dozing partner immediately, and then intend to escape.

At this time, several figures suddenly flew out to the guard's side, wrapped their arms around their necks and twisted them suddenly to make them gulp.

Some of the group of people who came in through the gate were from the "Dark Night" organization, but not all of them, and the rest did not know where they came from.

"Leave a part of the blockade around, and don't let any fish slip through the net."

Under the order of a masked man, countless dark shadows scattered around, and they quickly rushed to the castle not far away. Their goal was very clear!

When the explosion sounded here, everyone in the castle was suddenly awakened, and after looking through the window the next moment, they realized that something was wrong.

"what happened?"

Hill and Latier and the others came out of the house and frowned when they saw the servants around them panicking. They also heard the blasting sound.

At this time, a guard team composed of a group of knights came to Hill and the others, and the leader of the team said in a deep voice: "Several ladies, please don't get out of the sight of our guards. We will do our best to protect the safety of the ladies."

Hearing that, Hill also frowned slightly. She asked, "What happened outside? It's so noisy."

"Many assassins and unknown people have invaded here. The fighting is going on outside. Please rest assured, the ladies, they will never hurt the ladies." The captain of the guard vowed frankly.

Invading Pogiacorti?Killer?Is it Miesnison?

The girls were all terrified. Unexpectedly, someone had the courage to invade Poggiacorti's territory, and this was still in the absence of Grand Duke Giovanni.

What is their purpose?

Hill became silent. She felt that it was unlikely to be the killer of Misnaessen, because Misnathan's base camp had already been breached, and there was no reason to do something against her again under such circumstances.

If it is not the killer of Misnaisen, then it is another organization. If you want to guess what their purpose is, then the greatest possibility is yourself.

Hill is not stupid, and for certain things, Grand Duke Giovanni did not hide her, because she is the only heir in the family, and there are things she must know.

"Where is Ilia?"

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