Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 482

Lumia hurriedly pulled Belen's hand away, and then tidyed up her hair. The mess made her very dissatisfied.

Al, who was on the side, took a look at Belen. She pressed her thin lips, hooked the corners of her mouth without a trace, making the beautiful and flawless face even more moving.

If it is really good.

Soon, the three of Belém came to the town. According to yesterday’s memory, Belén took his two daughters to the place where he met Gruul yesterday. As expected, they could see helping in the house. Cemented wolf boy.


Hearing someone calling, the young wolf boy also stopped. He turned his head and lowered his head to look. He also smiled when he saw that it was Belen, his teeth were exposed, and he looked very sunny.

Immediately afterwards, Gruul released the rope. He untied the tool, then waved his hands and said hello: "Belen, you really are here!"

"Of course, I said I would come to help!" Belen also walked up.

Gruul looked at the two girls behind Belen. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, then his throat rolled slightly, and then asked a little shyly: "Belen, are they?"

So Belen introduced the next two girls, and Gruul was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Lumia and Al to be so beautiful, so his look was also a little unnatural. He smiled shyly and said, "That , Hello, my name is Gruul."

Seeing Gruul's shy look, Belen also smiled. He couldn't help but remember that when he first met Gruul, this young man looked like this after seeing Latier. He didn't expect that they would go there. After more than a year, this aspect is still as immature.

Chapter 481: The third deceased

Because of the first meeting with Lumia and Al, this made Gruul a little uncomfortable. With such beautiful two girls next to him, even talking to Belem was a little stumbling.

"Gruul, what are you shy of?"

Hearing what Belen said, Gruul exclaimed: "I, I didn't!"

Hearing that, Belen said helplessly: "Don't be too restrictive, maybe you will be laughed at by them if you are too unnatural, do you want to be laughed at by girls?"

"I, I understand."

Gruul glanced at the two girls behind him who were looking around. He took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"It will be finished in about two days, right?"


Immediately afterwards, Belen began to help Gruul build a house. The purpose of his coming today is this. The sooner you start the better, of course, he will not let Lumia and Al also help, so he Let the two girls go shopping around, probably they will also have topics to talk about.

As for this day’s lunch, it was handed over to Gruul, but he went to the forest to eat some game and came back, letting everyone eat a Chinese meal with a natural atmosphere.

At dusk, the Belén trio and Gruul parted at the entrance of the town, and just as he waved goodbye, his eyes suddenly fell on a certain part of the town.

"That is..."

Belen can now see all the magical aspects of the world with his own eyes, and there is a person standing there in the direction he is looking at, and although he cannot judge the magical power of the opponent, the opponent disappears in the next moment. , Which also allowed him to determine his goal.

"Space Miko."

Hearing his words, Al's eyes suddenly drenched, and she asked in a deep voice: "Where is she?"

"Already gone." Belen retracted his gaze, and then said thoughtfully: "What is she doing here? Is she watching us?"

Now that the other party is gone, Al can only give up. She retracted her gaze, then looked at Belen in confusion, and asked, "How do you know that guy is there?"

"My eyes have undergone some changes six months ago, and I can see through all objects and the magic of creatures." Belen did not hide it, and simply told Al.

Hearing this, Al was also a little surprised. She stared at Belen's eyes, and now she realized that the latter's eyes had actually turned blue.

"It still looks good before."

Belem was a little puzzled: "Isn't black something most people have?"

"You are suitable for black." Al said like this.

Belen had nothing to refute about this. He looked at Al’s blue-purple eyes, smiled and said, "But Al’s eyes are very beautiful."

Hearing what he said, Al's pupils were also slightly enlarged. Then he turned his head and stopped looking at Belem, snorted and said, "Do you still use it?"

Lumia on the side said in a weird tone: "Yes, your eyes are very beautiful."

Belen was stunned when he heard the words, then turned around and stretched out his hands to pinch Lumia's face, smiled and said, "Lumia's eyes are also beautiful."

"Yes, is it?"

Lumia smiled shyly, but she looked very contented.

I'm seventeen years old, so easy to coax!

Belen shook his head, and couldn't help but think of Lattes. If the kitten cried, he would burst into laughter after just giving a few candies. I don't know if he has become a chubby cat now?

After returning to Futantis, Al was not in a hurry to go to the hotel, so Belen saw a tavern. He couldn't help but want to drink some wine. These silver bird adventure groups are scattered activities, so Did not get together for a drink.

"Would you like some wine?"


Since then, Belen took Al and Lumia into this tavern. There were not many people in it. If you think about it, Belen hasn't been to the tavern for a long time.

The three of them sat down in front of the wine table, and Belen looked at the woman who was wiping the cup. He just wanted to ask about alcohol, but his eyes widened the next moment.

No way?

The woman had blue ice crystal hair, tied with a ponytail, and her back was graceful and charming, and she also turned around at this moment, the sky blue eyes also showed a surprise, and then smiled.

"Yo, isn't this Belém? I remember right?"

Belén nodded, then said, "Long time no see, Socia."

That's right, this blue-haired beauty is Socia, "Ice Cold Night", who actually met in this far away Futantis after a parting in that deserted town.

Immediately afterwards, Socia noticed Al on the side, her eyes flickered, and then she smiled and said, "Isn't this Lord "Eye of Thunder"?"

El stared at Socia, thunder and lightning flashed in his blue-purple eyes, and the magic in his body was also accumulating, as if he was about to do it.

At this moment, Belen suddenly grabbed Al's wrist, and he shook his head at the latter and said: "Al, forget it, she is just doing business well."

Hearing this, Al glanced at Belen, the lightning in her eyes faded, and she calmly said: "This guy killed a lot of people before, and it may not be too unfair to want a peaceful life now."

"I have killed many people." Belen answered calmly.

Hearing what he said, Al frowned slightly. If it were before, she would not believe it, but after experiencing the things at Flozarno Academy, she realized that her childhood sweetheart who seemed to have always been ordinary was actually Not ordinary at all.

"You always speak for people, and you will suffer."

"I will reflect on it."

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