Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 484

"Yes, my swordsmanship was taught by Antrina. She is my foster mother and my teacher." Belen explained with a smile.

The student of the legendary "Juggernaut"!

Lu Mia's eyes suddenly lighted up, and she didn't expect that Belen would have an even more powerful status after being a graduate of Flozarno Academy!

After missing for so many years, finally let me know the news!

Belen put his hands on the ground behind him and looked at the bright moon outside the window. He smiled slightly, his smile and eyes full of hope.

He is very much looking forward to, will he meet again in this northwestern land?

Chapter 483: Actually I'm very good

"Huh! Finally finished!"

Outside the newly built house, the wolf boy Gruul was looking at the house in front of him with a smile, and then he looked at other houses.

The task is finally completed.

A tall middle-aged man came to Wolf Boy's side and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Gruul, thanks to your help to finish the construction so quickly."

"This is what I should do, after all, it is my task!" Gruul also responded with a shy smile.


Hearing someone calling, Gruul also turned around and looked around. He saw that Belen and Lumia came and greeted them with a smile. He said, "My mission is complete."


Belen nodded.

Gruul discovered that Al was not there, so he asked curiously, "Where is El Sister?"

"She, she still has some things to do, so she didn't come." Belen knew that Al was looking for the Space Miko, after all, I found the Space Miko here yesterday.


The little wolf pup in Lumia's arms suddenly jumped out and plunged into Gruul's arms. Strictly speaking, the wolf boy and this little wolf pup are of the same kind.

"Be good."

Gruul scratched the little wolf cub's hair. He also had a good impression of this cute little guy, so he smiled and said, "Sister Lumia, where did you catch this little guy?"

Seeing Gruul's question, Lumia also thought about it, and then said: "The big guys were attacking me. After I solved them, I found that this little guy was pretending to be dead, and then he was caught back."

"Play dead?"

Gruul was stunned, and then laughed loudly. He rubbed the furry ears of the little wolf pup and said with a smile: "So you are a coward."


The little wolf cub raised his head and cried, seeming to be protesting.

Belen on the side looked at Gruul and said, "I didn't know who was terribly scared in the cave."

"Ah! This..." Gruul also remembered how scared he was in that cave. He rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and then smiled awkwardly: "This force majeure!"

After all, in the scene in the cave, it would be good for ordinary people to run away without being scared after seeing it. If he insisted on saying it, Gruul was still brave.

"Gruul! More snow wolves are coming!"

Suddenly a shout came from behind, which attracted the attention of the three of them. Gruul was also awakened suddenly, and he quickly returned the little wolf cub to Lumia.

"I will solve the situation over there!"

Immediately afterwards, Gruul rushed towards that side. Although the town's protective measures had been set up, it could not withstand too many snow wolf attacks, so he wanted to help.

Upon seeing this, Belen also looked at the girl, and he said: "Lumia, let's go and see."


At the other end of the town, there are many townspeople confronting the snow wolves, and some of them have even been injured. They are all ordinary sub-human races, and they cannot be snow wolves' opponents.


A big man took a stick and slashed towards the snow wolf, but the snow wolf's movements were very vigorous, and he avoided it all at once, and then rushed towards the big man.


Asking Xuelang to pounce on him, the big man was also panicked. He put his hands against Xuelang's neck to prevent it from biting down, but the sharp claws still scratched him.

At this time, Gruul finally arrived. He rushed up after seeing this scene and kicked the snow wolf directly with one kick. Then he avoided the snow wolf's attack one after another, using his own fighting skills. All those snow wolves knocked into the air, his skill was very quick, not like a fifteen-year-old boy, but a warrior who had been fighting for a long time.

The action is very clean and neat.

Belen, who reached the periphery, also saw Gruul’s performance. He nodded secretly. Sure enough, in the two years since entering the Asian League, this wolf boy has been very different from the beginning. Even if only two years have passed, he already has it. Very strong body and sufficient fighting skills.

Only those who have experienced life and death struggles can be called fighters!

Although there were a lot of these snow wolves, they were not Gruul's opponents. Just by looking at his calm skill, he knew that he had no pressure to deal with these snow wolves.

After being repelled one after another, the snow wolves were all staring at Gruul there, and he did not continue to attack, but opened his mouth and let out a wolf howl.


The howl of the wolf instantly dispelled all the hostility in the eyes of the snow wolves. The snow wolves turned and fled into the forest, without further attacking.

"this is..."

Belen was also stunned. He suddenly remembered that when he was on the way to come and go to Tantis, didn't he and others encounter the snow wolves because of this howling that caused the snow wolves to retreat?

Could it be that that person is Gruul?

After helping everyone to disperse the wolves, Gruul also received everyone's thanks. After the shy wolf boy responded one by one, he returned to Belem.

"Am I good?"

"Awesome!" Belen exclaimed, then smiled and asked: "Gruul, have you ever encountered a business group that is under siege by a pack of snow wolves?"

Hearing this, Gruul was also startled, and curiously asked: "How did you know? When I returned from the outside after completing the mission, I happened to encounter a talk that was besieged by the snow wolves." After speaking, the teenager suddenly widened. Closed eyes.

"Isn't it your Silver Bird Adventure Group?"

He had learned from Belem before that he had joined the Silver Bird Adventure Group, and besides the identity of the Adventure Group, Silver Bird was also a merchant group!

Belen nodded and smiled: "I didn't expect that you helped us at the time. If those guys knew that you were rescued, they would definitely thank you very much."

"Seeing that someone is in trouble, just help out." Gruul smiled and scratched, then said with a smile: "That was my racial trait just now, and I have the ability to frighten beasts."

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