Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 491


Suddenly a thunderous sound shook the sky and the earth, and the already dim sky was also white for a moment, and then a terrifying storm of magic energy whirled to the sky from the other end, and everyone's eyes were looking there.

The Demon Warlord who fought with Lumia and Teldal seemed to perceive something after seeing this scene. He opened his eyes wide, and then rushed toward there without hesitation.


Lumia and Teldal followed without hesitation.

Chapter 491: Communication Crystal


In the early morning of the sixth day, the brigade transporting supplies had already arrived at this border, and Belen was also relieved. It was great that there was no demon attack on the way.

Arriving at the destination safely, Gruul also smiled and said: "Belen, look, you really think too much, right?"

"Yeah, I think too much." Belen was also relieved. He smiled and patted Gruer on the shoulder. He said, "Fortunately, I think too much, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Gruul nodded faintly, then smiled and said, "Yes, it's always better to have less trouble."

After arriving at this border, not only Gruul, but many people were very interested. After all, this is the border, and I don't know if I can see the Demon King Army.

Belen said like this: "Probably I can't see it."


Gruul snorted, and then ran up to the city wall on his own. The boy was very familiar with the soldiers and greeted the soldiers, and everyone responded with a smile to the young soldier.

Belen also came to the city wall. He and Gruul looked at the endless white expanse. The wind and snow here are very heavy. Fighting in such a snowy field is probably very likely to encounter an ambush, right?

"I want to go to the battlefield too!"

Standing on the wall of the border gate, Gruul also had a vigorous feeling. He issued a wolf howl toward the sky to release his fighting spirit.

The people around couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene. Some even joked: "Young man, fighting is not as happy as you think. This is a place where fate is fighting. If you are not careful, you will lose your life."


Gruul smiled, he also knew that he was a little airy. Then, he looked at the white wasteland again, and he said to himself: "This is the border."

Belen patted Gruul on the shoulder, and then looked into the distance. That hazy distance is the Demon King’s camp in the Northwest Theater. Thinking about it, he hasn’t been to the border for many years. The only time he held it. Also stained with a lot of blood.

A lot of things happened back then, and I hope that this time, no one I know will die in front of me.

After that, the commander-in-chief of Sadomali came to thank the soldiers who had transported the supplies. It was a trek to come from Futantis, and both sides understood each other's difficulties.

"With this batch of supplies, we will be able to fight another big battle with the demons. With their reserves, we will definitely win in the end!"


Everyone cheered. It was more than a war of attrition. Sadomali must have won in the end. Everyone has seen the first scene of the victory horn sounded in the Northwest Theater.

This is a thing that can be bragged in other war zones, they are the first!


In order to welcome the arrival of the soldiers who escorted the supplies, Sadomali immediately held a grand banquet in the afternoon to welcome everyone, and all the fatigue of the past few days was eliminated.

Belen smiled and said, "I didn't expect to have a big meal on the way."

"Hey." Gruul also chuckled, eating meat gluttonously, but he was carnivorous, he was not polite to the people around him, he just took a bite.

Belen also drank with the wine. He also smiled when he watched the soldiers around him cheering and cheering. It was so happy that they finally won a match after fighting for so long. All the gloom was swept away at this moment. It's empty.

Probably the most emotional and joyful thing at the border is to drink and eat meat with these brothers who are fighting together.

Immediately afterwards, Belem walked towards the Sadomali commander-in-chief Jagil, who also laughed after seeing the white-haired young man.

"Young man, it seems to be worried, do you want to ask something?"

Belen nodded slightly, and he asked: "I want to ask, has the Demon King's army not been moving recently? Obviously, it is a great opportunity to block supplies."

Jagil was also stunned when he heard this. He frowned slightly, and then was silent for a moment. He said: "I have also considered this matter, so before the call, Futtantis sent as many troops as possible to escort him. Materials, and we are also taking strict precautions in several fortresses. Now it seems that the Demon Race has no plans to block materials."

Is there any movement?How can this be?

Belen was puzzled by the fact that the Demon King Army did not take any action. It was obviously a great opportunity but did not take action. Why?Do they have no follow-up reserves, so they can't move easily?

"This is too strange."

No matter what Belen thinks, he thinks this is a bit strange. Is it true that, as he hopes, the Demon King Army in the Northwest Theater is really a fool?

But so far there hasn't been any movement. Although Belen was confused, it also made him breathe a sigh of relief. In short, nothing happened is of course the best.

When Belen was about to return to Gruer’s, his turning motion suddenly stopped. He took out the crystal from the storage container. This was the crystal of Ayer’s transmission to him. It was a very valuable thing. At this moment, this crystal is glowing!

"The crystallization of communication?"

Jagil on the side was also stunned. He didn't expect this white-haired young man to have such valuable things. After all, the crystallization of communication is something that only high-level people like them have.

Belen frowned slightly, and then entered magic power into it, and a message immediately emerged from the crystal of the transmission. When he appeared in front of Belen and Jagil, both of them opened their eyes at this moment.

"The Demon King's army raided Fu Tantis, come back soon!"

This was a very brief message that Al left him, and it was also at this moment that Belen was instantly aware of his extreme anxiety, his eyes widened, and what he was most worried about and least supposed to happen had happened.

How did the Demon King's Army break through the defenses?There is no movement at all?

Now the combat power of Futantis is obviously very insufficient, and he doesn't know how many Demon King's army raided Futantis, but from this brief message, Belen seemed to feel Al's anxiety.

The situation is very bad!

There was no time to say hello, Belen looked at Jagil, and said quickly: "I beg you here, I want to go back quickly!" After saying that, he walked to the other side.

"Why are you at such a long distance..." Jagil just wanted to ask the white-haired young man how to go back, but the next moment he was stunned, because there was a stream of light across his eyes, and he disappeared in an instant. square.

It turned out to be a hidden guy.

Jagil gathered his mind, and then recalled the message he had seen before, his eyes flashed, and then he walked to give orders. As the commander-in-chief of a frontier, he has the ability to act decisively.

Now is not the time for the banquet, the big thing is not good!

Chapter 492: Al with full firepower

In the evening, Futantis was already in a mess, countless areas had been turned into ruins, and many people had died, whether they were soldiers or civilians.

They simply cannot resist!

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