Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 499

A group of people began to cheer in response, which also made Belen smile, and then he said: "Then then we will go to Sadomali with the Imperial Army."


Immediately afterwards, when everyone was toasting, Belem also sat on the high seat at the front desk. He looked at the smiling Socia, who also pushed a glass of ice-blue wine.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Socia leaned her head on her palm, supported the desktop with her elbows, and then smiled and looked at the white-haired young man in front of her. She said, "I forgot to say it before. That night, several sisters were moved by you. It."


Belem coughed up the drink he had just swallowed. The wine was already spicy, but it made Belen choking. It took a while to recover, and he looked shocked.

"You, are you kidding me?"

Hearing that, Socia stared at him with those blue eyes, and then with an ambiguous smile, she said softly: "I was like a joke, forgot to say, so am I."

"This, I..." Belén didn't know what to respond to for a while, his cheeks gradually turned red, his mouth was a little trembling, and he looked scared.

There was a hint of Qiu in Socia's eyes, her delicate face slightly straightened, and then she said with a chuckle: "However, I guess you already have someone you like."

In this regard, Belen did not know how to answer, if he said no, what would this woman say?But if it is said, what is it in fact?

Therefore, it is better not to speak.

"Well... it's really cunning." Socia's eyes were bitter.

She is much older than Belén, but a mature woman like her is indeed very tempting, and many people in Silver Bird are tempted by this beautiful woman.

Seeing Belen kept silent, Socia also sighed, but the former glanced across the moving red lips, and remembered the scene in his mind. He swallowed and then hurriedly poured his drink.

Also, the wine looks good, no, it tastes good!

Chapter 501: Training?


Belen, who was walking on the street, suddenly heard the voice of a girl coming from behind. He turned around and saw a girl with short hair jumping up and down in front of him, with a playful smile on his delicate face.

Seeing the girl's smiling face, Belen was also infected. He smiled and asked, "Lumia, what's the matter? He looks very happy."

"I ran out hunting with Xiao Hui today and ate a big fox. It was delicious!" Lu Mia said terrible things with a gentle smile.

This, isn't this cruel thing?

Belen also twitched the corners of his mouth. He suddenly remembered that when the girl was still a killer, he also made a heart-pounding assassination with a smile.

But although this is a terrible thing, it makes Belen a little emotional, and unexpectedly feel a little cute?Is there something wrong with his head?

"So, what about that little wolf pup? Run away?" Belen found out that Lumia did not carry the little wolf pup.

Perhaps Lumia sometimes appeared terrifying in the eyes of the little wolf pup, but for example, in hunting situations, maybe she thinks that the girl is its second parent, right?

Lumia smiled and said, "I gave it to Gardre and the others. They said they wanted to play with Xiao Hui."

"That's it." Belen blinked. Maybe the little wolf pup was going to be mistreated. He shook his head and put this boring thing behind.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia asked, "Where are you going to Belem?"

"I want to go to Gruul, he should be back." Belen explained his intentions, and asked invitingly: "Would you like to come together?"


As a result, there was one more person to accompany him along the way, and Belen was not bored anymore, he found that he had begun to hate being alone.

Different time, different self?

After that, Belen and Lumia came to the Asian League. Because Tantis recently started to reorganize, the fighters also invested in the construction of the city. Therefore, there are not too many fighters in the Asian League. Walk around.

Belém’s gray hair has now become a symbol in the city. When he wanted to report, the man let him go. Now almost no one knows that this young white-haired man saved their mysterious powerhouse on that night. .

"No need to report?"

"No need! You ask you!"

"Ah, thank you then."

So under the awe of the guard’s gaze, Belen and Lumia walked into the main hall of the Asian League and found the front office staff, and then learned from the other party that Gruul had not left the Asian League at this time. , So people were notified.

After a while, Gruul came out, and when he saw Belen and Lumia, the wolf boy smiled and waved hello, and then greeted him.

"Belen, Sister Lumia."

Randomly found a round table to sit down, Belen smiled and said, "Have you been to see that friend?"

Gruul nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his face, he said: "There was a mission that day, but Kony and I ran out secretly, and after we came back, we accepted the punishment of cleaning for two days."

However, he has no regrets at all.

Later, Belen learned from Gruul that their Asian League also sent some soldiers to join the army to Sadomali, and he happened to be among them.

"You too?" Belen was stunned.

Gruul nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I can finally see the Demon King's army this time. It's a pity that I didn't see it last time! I really want to fight them!"

"You really..." Belen also smiled helplessly. He didn't know what to say about this young man, so he wanted to meet the Demon King's army.

But if there is a saying, warriors who don't want to fight against the demons are not good warriors!

"Um... Belem, I have an unrelenting request." Gruul suddenly reduced his smile, and then his expression became very solemn, as if to say a very important thing.

Belen said, "You speak up."

"I want you or Sister Lumia to train me, I know I'm still too weak!" Gruul suddenly lowered his head and said very sincerely. He had the desire to become stronger and was very hot.

It turned out to be this.

Belen scratched his cheek, then looked at Lumia who was aside, and asked: "Lumia, since you are so free anyway, why don't you teach Gruul?"

Hearing Belen’s words, Gruul’s eyes lit up. Although he already knew that Belen was very strong, he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, but Lumia was different. You know, he But this slightly older beautiful girl overturned a hand.

Lumia did not refuse, and smiled and said: "No problem, but I may not be able to teach well, Gruul, would you like me to teach you?"

"Of course! I am grateful!" Gruul answered without hesitation.

Belen has seen Lu Mia's teaching skills with her own eyes. She has also taught many fighting skills of Silver Bird before. Perhaps the girl herself did not realize that what she taught was not only good, but also very tiring!

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