Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 502

Lumia on the side also looked at the man next to her in confusion, and she asked: "Belen, what happened to Al?"

"Probably, I made her unhappy." Belen said, scratching his cheek.

"Then apologize!" Lumia smiled slightly, she didn't think this was a big problem.

Hearing this, Belen also twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly. He only apologized a few days ago. Perhaps this time an apology would not allow Al to forgive him easily.

"so troublesome."

Belen sighed. His real trouble refers to himself. He is really troublesome. It is obvious that as long as he greets and chats with Al as usual, he can avoid things happening now.

But after experiencing what happened that day, he couldn't even do such a thing. It was ridiculous. What exactly was he struggling with?

Here is the snowy mountains and glaciers, the wind and snow, the imperial army is not the fighters of the Asian League, they are not the residents of the northwest region. They were in the hot imperial capital a few days ago, and now they are in such a cold place. It's hard to adapt.

When everyone came to the foot of a snow-capped mountain, there was a natural rock pile hundreds of meters long, and it was already late at night. In such an environment, it is undoubtedly very dangerous to move on, so the army is on the pile of rocks. It is relatively safest place to be stationed here.

With a commercial vehicle, Belen doesn’t need to hit the floor, but he hired someone who is good at adjusting temperature to help adjust the temperature in the house, otherwise it’s too cold here. After all, except for him, There is also Lumia.

Lumia, who was sitting by the bed, seemed a little bored at the moment, because the little wolf cub was in the hands of Gardre and the others, so she had nothing to do by herself, and then she looked to the side and was opening the book. Man.

"Belen, don't you go talk to Al?"

Hearing Lumia's words, Belen also slowly raised his head. He looked at Lumia and said: "Lumia, do you say Al likes the guy named Kayel?"

"Kayel? Ah, that person." Lumia thought about it for a moment and then remembered. After thinking for a while, she said, "That person, it doesn't seem to be bad."

"No, no, that's not what I'm asking." Belen grinned.

Lumia blinked her eyes, she thought for a while, and then said, "If you want me to say it, Al, she probably has a good impression of that person."

"So you like it?" Belen thoughtfully.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia asked curiously: "Could it be that Mr. Belém is worried about this?"

"No, I just asked casually." Belen quickly denied.

Seeing Belen's appearance, Lumia showed a strange expression, her black eyes flickered slightly, and then said: "I don't think there is anything to worry about."

"What do you mean?" Belen looked at the girl curiously. He had a feeling that maybe she could get some answers from the latter.

Lumia pursed her lips and looked at the man in front of her. After a while, she said, "You should go to Al to apologize. She should be sad now."

Hearing this, Belen also sighed, and then he clipped the bookmark in the book, and then stood up. As expected, he still needs to talk to Al. If this continues, his heart is also very Uncomfortable.

"Then I will go find her."

So Belen left the commercial vehicle and started looking for Al because there were too many tents and he didn’t know where Al was. Since the farewell today, he has never seen Al again. .

After asking a few people in a row, Belen found the area where the Holy See's messenger lived. He would be here when he came to Al, so just ask someone to ask.

At this time, a beautiful young girl walked by. She seemed to have just freshened up, still holding a basin in her hand, and she also noticed Belen who was looking around, and then slowly walked over.

"Are you looking for Al?"

Hearing the sound, Belen also turned his head and looked around. After seeing the girl, he quickly recalled it, and then remembered the girl's name.

"That, is it Zela? I want to find Al, do you know where she is?"

Hearing that, Zella was looking at Belen, and after a moment she said: "I know, you come with me." After that, she turned her head and walked towards the path of the time.

Belen also hurriedly followed, and followed Zela around a rock. In a relatively hidden rock cave, Zela stopped, and then pointed inside.

"She's inside, I won't go in."

"Thank you."

Belen thanked him, and then after Zela nodded and left, he walked towards the rock cave. I don't know why, there was a rush of heat from inside, he was a little curious, and then he quickened his pace.


When seeing the heat flow overflowing from the vacancy on the stone wall, Belem also opened his eyes wide. He did not expect that there would be hot springs here. Probably this is the blessed place in the snow mountain glacier!


Suddenly there was the sound of something coming out of water in his ears, and Belen also turned his head subconsciously, and the scene he saw made his eyes gradually widen.

In his sight, a misty shadow stood there, like a hibiscus in the water, that graceful and slender figure was enough to make someone's heart beat extremely fast.

There is no suspense about who that figure is.

At the next moment, the two eyes suddenly collided, one person turned around quickly, and the other went straight back to the hot spring in shock.

"I, I didn't mean it!"

Hearing the anxious voice that was rarely heard, Al also turned her head to look at the back that had turned around. Her cheeks were also red in the mist, which probably wasn't the hot spring.

"Why do you know that I am here?"

Belen didn't hesitate at all. He quickly responded: "Zera brought me here! I didn't know you were in the hot spring!"

That fellow Zela!

Hearing Belen's words, Al also opened her eyes slightly. She sank half of her face into the hot spring, and there were bubbles in the water. She complained a little, and then she stared at the figure.

"Don't turn around! Go to the stone wall on the corner! Have you heard?"


Belen hurried to the wall. He didn't know what his expression was like. His throat rolled slightly, leaning against the cold stone wall, trying to cool himself down.

Really, really incredible.

Chapter Five Hundred and Five: I will misunderstand if I don't say it clearly!

At this moment, in the cave formed by the stone wall, Belen was leaning against the cold stone wall, concentrating on calming down his strange mood, and after a while, he finally calmed down.


And at this moment, the sound of the water made the calming heartbeat speed up again. He felt that his nose was hot, and he hurriedly pinched his nose, and the heart-stirring came to mind. Picture.

That exposed to the mist...

Compared to when she was a child, Al has grown into a beautiful girl who can fascinate countless men. Even Belen, who slept together and took a bath as a child, has to admit her charm at this moment.

It's no longer a kid now. When he grows up, he will not think about it, but after seeing the scene just now, it is impossible to feel nothing.

It's not a kid like Latis!

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