Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 521

If Gilt doesn't come down to help, they can't resist the grief of ice and snow alone!Even the injured latter is not something they can fight against.

Immediately afterwards, Kayel saw Gilt floating in mid-air. He possessed the magic power of "wind", so he was able to do so.

Are you finally going to help?

Kayel also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought, Gilt didn't make any moves before, because he wanted to see Al's embarrassment. After all, the relationship between the two people was bad, and now it seems that he still understands the overall situation.

But at the next moment, Kayel was stunned. He stared at the sky blankly, because a space tunnel was opened beside Gilt, and two figures walked out of it.

Well, those two women are...

Al was evaded by the frost and cold, and she also noticed something at this moment, and subconsciously raised her head and looked up. When she saw the figures of the two women, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Space Miko, and... Ice Miko?

That is "natural disaster"!

After seeing this scene, Kayel also woke up, and then hurriedly shouted: "Geert! Run away! That is a "natural disaster" person!"

In the sky, Geert looked at Kayel and others below, with a faint smile on his face. He did not speak, but just looked at them with a smile.


Kayel opened his eyes wide, and he also realized that something was wrong.

At this moment, Space Witch Iona was looking at Al with a smile, and she said, ""The Eye of Thunder", I haven't seen it for a while. Has the wound healed?"

Al clenched the scythe in her hand, and she clenched her teeth. When she saw the appearance of the two "natural disasters", there was a feeling of "despair" in her heart.

Al did not pay attention to Iona's words, but cast her eyes on Gilt coldly, and she said coldly: "Gelt, do you know what you are doing?"

Hearing Al’s words, Gilt responded with a smile: “I’m not a big fool, of course I know what I’m doing.”

"You took refuge in the "natural disaster", this is to be killed!" Al's eyes were cold.

"Yeah, it's terrible." Gilt rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "But as long as you die here, no one knows that I have taken refuge in "natural disasters"?"

On that cliff, the two entourages who had followed Geert were already lying on the ground at this moment, and the pure white snow was now covered with bright red.

"You dare to betray the Holy See!" Al yelled. She never expected that Gilt, as the arbitrator of the Holy See, would actually take refuge in their dead enemy "natural disaster"!

"I have eaten the heart of a few bears and the guts of a leopard a few years ago, maybe because of this?" Gilt responded with a smile, not caring what the consequences would be.

Zela's expression also changed slightly, and she looked a little heavy. She said flatly: "The Holy See originally suspected that there was an insider, it turns out that the insider is you."

When the Holy See's headquarters was raided by the ice witch, no protective measures were found. It must have been touched by someone. Later, the position of the saint was exposed and attacked on the return journey, which must be related to the rape.

And now it seems that Geert did it!

The arbitrators have a high position in the Holy See. This kind of existence actually turns their backs on the Holy See and seeks refuge in terrorist organizations like "Scourge". This is really puzzling.

"Why!?" Al asked angrily.

Gilt lifted his chin slightly, seeming to be thinking, and then smiled and replied: "It's nothing, I just want to overthrow the Holy See. Since the three old men have been occupying the cardinal position and cannot come down, then I can only do another. Find a way."

Subvert the Holy See!?

All three of Al were stunned when they heard this. They didn't know what Geert planned, and he couldn't believe what he said now, because they didn't know the benefits of subverting the Holy See.

"You unreasonable lunatic."

In the end, Al also gave up the idea of ​​trying to persuade Gilt, she was completely wrong with the latter, and there was no chance at all, so she could only accept the fact that Gilt had defected.

Gilt, the arbitrator "Storm" rebelled!

In mid-air, the ice witch Gaola glanced at Al with an indifferent expression, and then looked at the ice blue creature Ice Sorrow, who also looked at his ice blue eyes at this moment.

"You are the strongest witch I have ever seen."

This is what Ice Sorrow said. It has never seen a witch who can be as strong as this. Thousands of years later, there will be so many powerful people. It is incredible. The magic power of this blue-haired woman is very similar to it, but The opponent's magic power is closer to the ice elves, but there are some differences in his own magic power.

Gaura nodded slightly to Ice Sorrow. This was a courtesy to seniors. She calmly said, "Leave them to us. You can heal your wounds."

Frozen Sorrow stopped speaking, retracted his gaze and then crawled on the ground again, exuding icy blue magic power, and then wrapped himself and sank into the ice.


After seeing this scene, Al also frowned slightly, but he was relieved in his heart. Although he was wondering why Snow Lament left like this, the lack of such a powerful combat force would also make them a lot easier.

But saying so, the remaining three guys are also a huge threat.

Iona suddenly spoke at this moment: "Ice Sorrow is just guarding here, it will not actively attack, so your little abacus is useless at all."

Turns out, is that so?

Al frowned slightly, and then looked at the two people beside her, she said solemnly: "I will try my best to stop these three people later, you take the opportunity to escape in two separate ways, do you understand?"

"No! How can I leave you alone!"

Kayère was the first to scream, he would never leave Al alone here, even if it is dead today, he will die ahead of Al!

Zela also said from the side: "I won't leave you behind."

Immediately afterwards, a vast magical power suddenly covered the sky and the earth, and the cold air seemed to be able to freeze the sky and the earth, and the blue-haired woman lightly opened her red lips.

"Don't worry, none of you three can leave."

Chapter 528: Next time, I will let you choose


Fierce battles have begun in the northeast, with continuous artillery fire. The legion has already taken out military magic cannons. They have to get rid of this road to the end and attack the Demon King's base camp at one time!

Bang bang bang!

The war was raging, the gunfire continued, and the smoke filled the gun. Even the side of the legion that had the absolute upper hand would suffer countless casualties, but as long as they could defeat the Demon King Army, they would die willingly!

A total of six demon warriors appeared in the Demon King Army this time. This is probably the total number of demon warriors in the Demon King Army here, and the seventeen members of the Legion are barely able to hold back the four demon warriors. General, one of the remaining two statues is confronted by a large number of troops, and the other is handed over to the imperial generals and a group of imperial troops to fight.

Gardre and the others are also very excited. They don't need to go to the front line, they only need to help solve the ordinary Demon King's soldiers in the rear.

Lu Mia was walking in the back with her little wolf cub, and she counterattacked whenever a Demon King's Army warrior attacked her. It was often a one-shot kill. After all, she was once a killer.

At this moment, the girl was looking towards the northwest, as if thinking about something.

On the other hand, Gruul is also fighting the enemy bravely. He does not have much pressure to fight the Demon King’s soldiers alone. He has become much stronger now, but fighting with the team makes it easier to kill the Demon King’s soldiers. .

I have to say that the number of the Demon King's army is much less than that of them, but the individual combat power is above all the fighters. If it were not so, they would have been defeated long ago.

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