Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 529


So Lumia stood up, and then ran in that direction. Seeing such a terrible magic circle, she couldn't help but worry about that person.

Obviously there is not much time left, but for the sake of friends, we still have to be strong, he is that alone.

She can't say anything.

Outside the battlefield, there were not many people left in the legion base camp, and at this moment Al had already received the wound treatment. Although he was out of danger, it would take a long, long time to recover.

Al was lying on the bed, she opened her eyes slowly, she was still very weak at the moment, and she saw the girl leaning on the bed at a glance.

The girl on the side is Zela, her leg bones are broken, and it takes a long time to recover, and her gaze is looking out the window at the moment, even here you can vaguely see the part of the magic circle.

"Zera, Belem..."

Hearing the sound, Zela also turned her head abruptly, and when she saw Al waking up, her face also showed joy, but then she fell silent.

"He probably fights harder."

Even if I don't know what happened over there, I just think about it. Even with Belem's strength, he can't easily face the situation over there.


Al turned her head, then slowly closed her eyes, she was so tired.

Belem, you must not have anything to do. I hope that when I open my eyes again, you can stand in front of me completely, please!

At this moment, on that battlefield, that huge magic circle suddenly burst out with astonishing brilliance, and even Frost Grief exudes a faint brilliance.


The dazzling light instantly lit up all the spells of the magic circle. All the ice elements of this ice sheet gathered at this moment. The Snow Sorrow can naturally use the Snow Mantra. In this respect, it is even more proficient than the Ice Witch. Less, this is also the reason why it can be comparable to the snow elves.

"Then, here I am."

After Snow Grief whispered, the huge magic circle finally exploded its sky-shattering power, and the sky-filled ice elements gathered in it, and there was even an aura of destruction, as if to end everything.

The soaring beam of light circled round and round, extremely beautiful, but also heart-palpiting, because it was the concentration of magical power, with deadly power!

In the sky, there were waves of magical power surging around Belem, and his whole body was surrounded by qi. He was concentrating, and his closed eyes suddenly opened at this moment, and the dark blue pupils seemed to see through. Vientiane in the world, he has touched the dimension of magic!

He has never used the last form of the Elf Sword Dance. He doesn’t know if he can use it, and has never had a chance to let him use it, and Antelina has also warned him that it can only be used when he feels it is necessary. Of one style.

Now, the time is necessary!

Suddenly there was a radiance that penetrated the sky on the snow lion’s sword, which made people feel in a trance. The sword body suddenly trembled and made a long-distance sound of the sword. At this moment, the sword resonated with the world. magic.


Endless magical power surged in, because it was too huge, it forced the space barrier to burst, and Belen also stretched out his hand at this time, the snow lion stopped immediately, and then he held it.

The moment he held it, Belen found that the sword had become extremely heavy. With his demigod eyes, he could see how much magic power had been concentrated in and around his sword.

No wonder that at the moment, he found that the world had become empty. It turned out that all the magic power had been guided to him. If the Snow Lion's magic device were used, it would definitely not be able to withstand this magic power.


Looking at the huge beam of light coming from the impact, Belen also took a deep breath, with a cold expression on his face, his anger had not subsided, so his attitude was very determined!

Who blocks, who dies!

This sword is actually very simple. It releases all his anger and killing intent with this sword. Under his sword, it is the end of Ice Sorrow!

"Elves Sword Dance·The Seventh Forbidden Voice·Reverb."


The blue meteor swooped down and arrived with an incomparable sword power. When he screamed in anger, and then the moment the sword was cut out, the sword made an incomparably harsh and stern sound, as if to declare again With the arrival of death.


The huge blue beam was cut by the blue meteor, and it moved toward the bottom at extreme speed, and his speed was getting slower and slower. He held a sword in his right hand, his body kept going, and then pierced, even the surrounding glaciers It collapsed by the collision of two forces, and the space cracks quietly cracked.

The blue brilliance on Belen's body became more and more intense, and the dark blue pupils suddenly burst out with a faint brilliance, becoming deeper, and the whole body suddenly turbulent, from quiet to violent.

In an instant, the momentum is like a broken bamboo!

"this is..."

After feeling the change of that person, Snow Sorrow murmured, and an unbelievable gradually emerged in those sky blue eyes, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

At this moment, Belen's wrist holding the sword suddenly twisted, his arm curled up in a semicircle, the blue sword light slashed across the ground and slashed into the sky, and the huge magic circle was shattered!


In an instant, the magic circle collapsed. Everyone was shaken by the shocking sound. They turned their heads and looked at them. They opened their eyes when they saw the magic circle shattered. .

Win, did you win?

Belen stood in front of Snowmourne, and he did not move his hands again, and the latter had already crawled on the ground, his head resting on his palms, and his expression was particularly serene.

"Human, you are beyond my imagination."

After saying these words, Bingxue's body turned into a little brilliance and drifted away. It had no grievances or hatreds, because it said from the beginning that this was the last battle.

In this era, it is lonely.

It wants to find those old friends. Whether it was a friend or an enemy, or even ordinary people passing by, it wants to say hello kindly.

It wasn't until a thousand years later that it discovered that this world is no longer its world, and its own world is very gentle with itself.

I'm coming.

Chapter 537: "Sword Saint" and "White Haired Sword Saint"

When the brilliance of that sword pierced the sky, everyone knew who had won the most powerful battle over there. They never dreamed that the adult was so powerful.

Is this a "swordsman"?

No, this can already be called a "Sword Saint", right?

Even on this battlefield, facing countless soldiers of the Demon King's Army, the people on the legion's side still can't contain their excitement, because at this moment, they are about to break the Demon King's army!

Victory is here!

In the depths of the Demon King Army’s territory, after the sword light passed, a stalwart figure suddenly stood up. It was an undead bone clan exuding black aura. He also held a scepter in his hand, which had no eyes. There are two ray of purple flames beating in the eye sockets, which are probably its eyes. Its skeleton is large, giving people a sense of horror and extreme pressure.

"The strong in the demigod realm, no, maybe even stronger."

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