Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 545

Seeing Belém's hesitation, Al was also a little confused, thinking that Belém was not feeling well, and he became a little nervous subconsciously. You can say that the battle was almost the same as Belém. After reversing the situation and making such a record, he must have done his best, even if he left some sequelae, it is not impossible.

"Huh? No, it's not." Belen shook his head quickly.

Al was taken aback, and then asked: "Then what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the girl's question, Belén raised his relaxed mood again. He swallowed, and then took a deep breath. He said, "Actually, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Al was puzzled.

"Remember the meteor shower that day?" Belen pursed his lips, and then made up his mind. He can no longer hesitate now, so he raised his head to look at the girl with some trembling eyes, and then slowly spoke.

"That night... how did you reply?"

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifth: The Girl's Mind

Inside the tent, it was a little quiet at the moment.

The moment Belen spoke, he didn't lower his head to avoid it, but looked directly at the girl in front of him. He repeatedly told himself that he just wanted to know and had no other thoughts, but he was a little nervous at this moment. .

As for Al, she was stunned at the moment, and it took a while to recover. She pursed her lips. After a while, she frowned slightly, and then asked, "Did you hear everything?"

"Yeah." Belen nodded.

Upon seeing this, Al looked at the white-haired man in front of him, and then asked: "Then why don't you know?"

"I..." Belen was dumb, he just heard the beginning and left because he couldn't continue listening, but despite this, he knew what Kayel was going to say.

"I just didn't hear the answer you gave him." Belen said like this.

Hearing this, Al's heart jumped slightly, and then he asked: "Then, then why do you want to know the answer? It has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Yes, that's right..." Belem scratched his hair, a little embarrassed. Then, he gave a dry cough, and then said: "After all, I am your brother, right? Then, If so, if you want to associate with others, at least let me know about it, brother?"

Hearing that Belen claimed to be his elder brother again, Al was about to have an attack, but it was suppressed. She noticed that the white-haired man in front of her looked a little embarrassed, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"But, I never thought of you as a brother."

"I..." Belen was even more discouraged when he heard the words, his whole body was depressed, but then he raised his head again, he said very seriously: "Then, that childhood sweetheart is always qualified. Right?"

"No, childhood sweetheart is just a playmate from childhood." Al shook her head, but staring at the blue pupils again, she said: "Only people who are very close to me are qualified to intervene. Thing."

A very close person?

Belen swallowed, then opened his mouth, but closed it again, his cheeks were a little red, then turned his head away from the girl, but still spoke.

"I, should I count?"

Hearing what Belen said, Al smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Belen sat there with his head bowed and his lips pursed. He has always been very clear about the answer to this question. He is definitely a person who has a very close relationship with Al. Although this is his personal opinion, let him have it. Thinking of this girl as a family relationship, if that doesn't count...

"I am, I am Al's closest person!"

Hearing what Belen suddenly yelled, Al also opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect Belen's tone to be so firm, and she thought it would be weak.

"Ah, so." Al looked away.

Belen looked at the girl in front of him again. Seeing the latter's vague attitude, he was inexplicably angry, so he asked, "Isn't it?"


Al did not expect that Belen would actually ask her back, that arrogant mentality came up and she didn't want to admit it, so she opened up and wanted to deny it, but she met those blue eyes with firm and unwavering eyes.


Seeing Al's hesitation, Belen's heart seemed to be pierced. He gritted his teeth. As expected, he thought too much, did he want too much?

The anger turned into sadness. The fact that Belen had always believed in his heart was broken, which made him sad, but he had already made up his mind before that he would never make Al angry again, so he left in anger. Things will never happen again.

"If, if only that person is before me, I can accept it."

In the end, Belen said this, he was very unwilling, but if he couldn't even reach this height, he thought, he might be disappointed, right?Although disappointing enough.

Hearing what Belem said, Al was also startled, she asked curiously: "That person? Do you mean Kayel?"


Belen turned his head and slapped his lips. He really didn't want to admit that the guy's position in Al's heart was higher than his own, but since that guy was willing to die, it was not impossible.

Seeing Belen like this, Al also had a heartbeat. The former gave her the feeling that she was like a child who was angry. It was an expression she had never seen before.

"Are you pissed?"


This abrupt response made Al even more sure of this. Her eyes became brighter, and the corners of her mouth showed a smile again. She said: "The way you are now, I have never seen it before."


Belén opened his mouth and bit his lower lip. He took a deep breath and said, "Anything is good, I just want to know the answer you gave him that night."

"Although I almost know it." Belen murmured himself again, and his whole body was depressed again, and his will was depressed.

Seeing Belém's appearance, Al smiled and asked: "I guess, you must have left before listening to it. Then I will ask you first, what do you think he said that night? What?"

"What else can I say?" Belen curled his lips, then glanced at Al, lowered his head and said: "Is it right, it's just a confession."

Sure enough.

The corner of Al’s mouth smiled more intensely. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her, her eyes filled with tenderness, and she said: “That night, many people nearby confessed, and yeah, it seems that many people have succeeded. Up."

Just say it straight, why do you still say these things?

Belen’s heart sank, and he repeatedly warned himself not to worry about this kind of thing anymore. Even if Al and Kayel dated, it didn’t matter to him. He was just a brother or a childhood sweetheart. The role is nothing.

But just when Belem was feeling a little uncontrollable and wanted to leave, Al’s voice came from the side, and she only heard her say: "That night, Kayel didn’t confess to me, but just explained his feelings. That's it, he didn't let me reply to him."

Hearing Al's words, Belen also suddenly raised his head and looked at the girl. He looked at the smile on the girl's mouth for a while, and then asked, "Really?"

Al smiled and looked gentle, and she said, "Really, so you don't have to worry so much."

"This, this way..." Belen's eyes brightened again, and the boulder in his heart was gone, but the next moment his face suddenly flushed, and he said quickly: "I, I'm not worried!"

"I know, I know." Al replied with a smile, and then looked at the white-haired man in front of her. There seemed to be autumn waves in her eyes. She said with a smile: "Actually, even if Kayel is really I confessed, I won't agree."


Al smiled without saying a word, just stood up and returned to her bed. She didn't answer Belen's words, but said with a smile: "Secret."

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