Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 557

Who wants to leave?Who wants to leave like this!There is no way, what can I do?

Seeing Belen like this, Al and Lumia smiled slightly on the side. The emotion that had been buried in his heart finally broke out, which was a good thing for him.

Latier looked at Belen with a dull gaze. It was the first time she saw the latter like this. The next moment, her heart was agitated and she recovered.

Belén put his hands on the girl’s shoulders, and he said with a little bit of crying: “So, don’t say anything like this anymore. If there is anything you want to say, whether it’s willful or dissatisfied, please tell me everything, yours. Let me share the pain, right?"

"We are family."

Yes, we are family members. After we have experienced all the joys, anger and sadness, we have gone from a strange day that is not related to each other, and then we become family members that each other depends on.

There were tears on La Tier’s cheeks again, she cried out with a "wow", the girl cried very loudly, crying out all the sadness and joy in her heart, this is how she expresses her current feelings The way.

Immediately afterwards, Latis also ran over and hugged Belen’s waist, and then imitated her sister's appearance. The kitten also cried out with a "wow", but it was not very distressing, but felt a little funny.

A beautiful and moving smile hung on the corner of Elia's mouth. After the beginning of the second life, this smile was the second time. The first time was when she walked into this "home" in the ocean.

Hill, who was on the side, smiled and wrapped her arms around her chest. She was also moved by the reunion of the family, but she wouldn't be able to hold it with her temperament.

She had already brought her sister Xilan back half a year ago, and now she has regarded Latier and the others as her own family members, and of course she knows the ties that belong to her family.

The so-called home is a place where all the touches can be contained together.

Chapter 570: This sense of crisis?

After everyone's emotions calmed down, the most left in their hearts was joy. After a year, he and them finally met again.

Came to Poggiacorti’s castle and sat on the sofa in the lobby, because Belen didn’t know what the girls were talking about before, so he started to talk about following the silver bird. The adventure group left Eloranya to begin, and all the experiences within this year.

Although Lumia had told everyone about the content before, for Latier and the others, the feeling from Belen's mouth was completely different, and they would be happy to listen to it again.

But in this time, Belen didn't tell the story about Al's injury. Everyone smiled tacitly about this.

After telling his story, what Belen wanted to know most was the life of Ilia and Latis in the school, so he curiously asked the two little girls about their school life.

Latis is extremely satisfied with the school life. From the roommates in the dormitory and the people she knows, the lecturer to the class and the various interesting activities in the class, there is no end to happy things.

Little cat is only twelve years old now, and is considered the youngest student in the school, and such a cute girl with cat ears is probably very popular among students, right?

Compared to Latis, Illya's topics are a lot less, but she seems to be very satisfied with the school life, and also mentioned some new things that she saw, such as the Magic Library.

"That... Illya, you didn't mess around in the school, did you?"

Belen is more worried about what exaggerated magic Illya used in the academy, and then he is feared by her classmates. In that case, he will not achieve what he expected. He also hopes that Ilia can make more friends in the academy It.

Before Ilia could reply, Latis was the first to raise her hand and shout: "Last time I saw sister Ilia overturned the square in class!"


Belen and the others opened their eyes wide, and then looked at the beautiful silver-haired girl who was still calm, and wanted to get an explanation from the latter. Why did they overturn the square?

Illiya blinked those beautiful eyes, and then she said: "That was the first lesson of the main lesson on earth magic. The teacher asked us to use the magic we are better at."

Hearing that, everyone was shocked. It turned out that it was such a thing. Just say, how could a good-looking child like Yiliya make such exaggerated things when nothing happened? Well, this child is even a little straightforward.

Belen asked curiously: "After that, did the lecturer say to you?"

"Well, she said that next time you start it more gently." Illiya replied calmly.

Belen twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly. With Ilia’s strength, she didn’t need to go to school, but what he wanted was to let her experience the school life. I hope there will be no accidents. What should I do if I am autistic?

Immediately afterwards, Latis thought of something again, and she raised her hand again and shouted: "Ah! That's right! Sister Yiliya is a big star in the school!"

"Big star?" Everyone was startled, they looked at Ilia again, but the girl shook her head at them, apparently she was not quite clear about this.

"Some senior elder sisters say, Eliya sister is a strong man who has fought with some "natural disasters"!" Latis said with a smile.

what!It turned out to be this!

Belen and Al looked at each other, and then they understood what was going on. In the battle against the "natural disaster", some students also participated in the battle with the witch, and there were also some people who saw Iraq. Liya and Qiao Enna fought against the flame maiden.

No wonder they will be famous. Such a strong man has become their descendant, it won't make people care.

At this time, Latis suddenly leaned to Iliya's side and rubbed her cheek against the latter's cheek, which made the silver-haired girl stunned.


Hearing Ilia’s call, Latis just looked at Belem with a smile, and then said: “Because I often go with sister Ilia, so many people will ask me to contact Yilia’s campus. Magic message."

That is a kind of magic that can only be used in Flozarno Academy. As long as you have it, you can contact each other no matter where you are in the Academy.

"Sure enough, Illya will be very popular!" After hearing the words, La Tier smiled. Even a girl like her would be amazed by the beauty of Illya, as well as her in her childhood. That's so beautiful, let alone the appearance of a girl now.

It's normal to be liked by many boys, and Hill on the side also smiled and said, "Illia is also fifteen years old? Why not try to find a boy you like in the school? "

Hearing her words, Illya blinked her eyes, and she didn't say anything but looked at Belem, because the latter had spoken before her.

"Ha, this is so light, I wonder if Miss Hill has ever been in a relationship?"

When Belen's cynicism came into Hill's ears, the arrogant eldest lady was immediately unhappy. She folded her hands on her chest and responded coldly.

"Oh, is a virgin in his twenties qualified to talk about Miss Ben?"

"Oh! Don't you say you are not?" Belen asked cheerfully.

Hill, who was commanded by the army, shook all over, and then swallowed. She snorted and said proudly: "As long as I want to, there are a lot of nobles in this emperor who will chase me. Uncle, I have it as it should be, and look at you again, I am afraid that no one can find it, right?"

"You really dare to say it." Belen grinned grinningly. From the corner of his eyes he saw the priest girl beside him, and he reached out and grabbed Al's wrist.

"I, I still have Al! She is my childhood sweetheart! In any case, the chance will be better than others!"


Al was also shocked by Belen's words. She looked at the white-haired man beside her in disbelief, her cheeks flushed instantly, and she didn't expect Belen to say such words suddenly.

However, it's not wrong.

"That's it..." Hill looked at Al thoughtfully, and then showed a smile, but she didn't say anything.

At this moment, Al's body trembled suddenly, her gaze swept across the women in front of her, and she found that everyone's eyes were concentrated on her at this moment, and she instantly felt an inexplicable pressure.

This sense of crisis...inexplicably big?

Chapter 571: Laya's Identity

"Too lazy to fight with you."

The last "contest" ended with Hill's words, which in Belem's view was a confession, which gave him a sense of accomplishment after victory inexplicably.

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