Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 561

Hearing this, Flotti shook her head and said, "No, I just don't know how powerful the "Law of Angels" is. I don't know how powerful you are now. If you don't come, I I can only ask Ilia. Of course, if you two are there, I will at least directly eliminate the threat of "Angel's Law"."

"I understand."

Belen nodded slightly. After coming back this time, he had already discovered the changes in Elia. Although she didn't know what she had experienced this year, there was no doubt that she was stronger than before.

This can't be called a genius, right?These two words can't describe it at all.

Belen smiled and shook his head. The stronger Ilia became, the happier he was. This power would not restrain her, because that restraint had been left in her first life.

Immediately afterwards, Flotti remembered something again. She looked at the white-haired man curiously, and then curiously asked: "By the way, what are you doing today?"


Belen also remembered his original purpose at this time. He laughed, and then told Flotti what he was coming for. In fact, he just wanted to thank Flotti for helping Ilia this year. She has also heard about her and Latis.

This is an incredible kindness!

"After all, I promised you. I can't go back, right? Besides, now I am a guardian." Flotti's fingers entangled her hair, as if she didn't care, she had already regarded the responsibility of taking care of her two daughters as one. A matter of course.

Belen shook his head and said with a smile: "No, no, I'm not dead yet, it's too early to want to inherit my guardianship at this time."


Hearing Belen's very weird words, Flotti was also stunned, then he looked at Belen's smiling face, and then grinned.

"Belen, your face is really scary."

"Huh? Really?"

Belen scratched his cheek, then gave a smile.

Chapter 575: What does he think?

After completing his original purpose of "thank you", Belen also chatted with Flotti about his many experiences this year, and the latter also knew about the Northwest Campaign.

"Sure enough, that white-haired sword saint who suddenly appeared is you."

As one of the three military ministers of Florence, Florty naturally knew all the secrets of the war in the Northwest, and the legendary "White-haired Sword Saint", she knew who it was after a little thought.

After all, in her impression, there is only one man with snowy white hair and a "swordsman", so the answer is immediately obvious.

Flotti looked at Belen, and she whispered: "Did something happen on the battlefield? Now you, shouldn't you do anything like that on the battlefield?"

The so-called things like that refer to the slaughter of the Demon King’s army. Even if the opponent is an enemy and an antagonistic enemy, as far as Belém’s temperament is concerned, if it weren’t for what happened, he would never do it. Such cruel things are just as they were before.

Seeing Flotti asked, Belen also recalled some uncomfortable scenes in his heart. His body was a little stiff, but he quickly eased over, and then slowly spoke.

"Al... almost died there."

After hearing these words, Flotti’s eyes opened slightly. She and Al are also friends. She was naturally shocked when she heard the news, but she quickly eased over because she didn’t get it. "The Eye of the Thunder Emperor" had an accident at the border, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"How is she now?"

But out of worry, Flori asked intentionally.

Belen smiled and said, "Healed now. She is with everyone in Poggiacorti."

"Well, it's no wonder you would do something like that. The news I got was that the "White-haired Sword Saint" seemed to be angry.Flotti gestured with her hands, and then a joking smile appeared on her face. She said, "I care about Al so much, why don't you confess?""


Belen made a surprised voice, and then opened his eyes wide. He shook his head and waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about! My childhood sweetheart almost had an accident. It's normal to be angry!?"

"That's right, but ah, don't you really have a little love for Al?" Flotti asked with a serious look at Belem.

"Yes, even if you say that..." Belen scratched his cheek a little shyly. If he was asked this directly, no matter who he was, he would be shy, right?

But if you really want to think deeper...

The figure of the priest girl appeared in Belen's mind, and then he recalled the vow he had made in front of the dying girl. His cheeks were slightly hot, and then he swallowed. Now he recalled the original What was said was unexpectedly shameful.

For Al, he is no longer just a simple childhood sweetheart. She is his extremely important friend and family, and she is the highest rank in his mind.

It has always been so.

But is it really just that?

Belen began to wonder what his feelings for Al was, even though he still felt that it was just a family relationship, but now he was not confident.

Do you still have a little love for Al?

If you think about it carefully...

There were scenes in Belen's mind. He pursed his lips, held his hands slightly, and stared at the ground. His cheeks were hot because he remembered the scene in the hot spring.

No, no, this is the emotion that Illya and the others should not have, it's just the lust of being a man, not love!

However, it seems to come more than when I saw Ilia and the others... Panic?

"Look at you panicking, whether you like them or not, you'd better figure it out for yourself, anyway, I don't know." Flotti laughed at Belen's nervous flushing face, with less fatigue After a few minutes, she shook her head, this guy's thin-skinned face is really as usual.

Hearing Flotti’s words, Belem also recovered in shock, then swallowed, nodded, and then pulled out a smile. He said stiffly: "Ah, that's what I said."

"Haha, it's really interesting to be able to bully you with such a thing." Flotti laughed and seemed to have some unexpected gain, so he reached Belen's ear again, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Yi Liya is a little beauty now. There seem to be countless suitors in the academy, but ah, she seems to belong to her."

"What, what!?"

Belen was also taken aback by this sentence, his face suddenly became flustered, and he quickly asked: "Ilia, she has someone she likes? Who, who? Do I know? Is it a student in the academy?"


Flotti was also surprised by Belen’s sudden panic expression, and then holding back a smile, she said, "Hey, hey, what are you? Is it possible that you treat Latier, Ilia and others? and also..."


Belen was stunned for a moment, he looked at Flotti suspiciously, not understanding what the latter was talking about, and then he looked panicked and asked again.

"Who is it? Who is that person that Ilia likes?"

Seeing him so flustered, Flotti was also stunned, then tilted her head, she stared at the white-haired man, and then smiled and shook her head.

"It seems that I made a mistake, you, I really regard Ilia and the others as family members."

"Of course, how about it?" Belen looked incomprehensible, but he was more concerned about the previous things, so he looked at Flotti anxiously.

Flotti smiled and shook her head. She said, "There is no such person as you imagined, Ilia, she, and only you care about now."

"Yes, is that the case?" Belen was stunned, and then he was relieved. After his head became clear, he was a little surprised at his emotions. He was so nervous about whether Ilia had anyone he liked. ?

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