Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 565


Hearing a slight voice, Belen opened his eyes again, and the moment he opened it, his whole body was frozen in the hot spring, his eyes dull.

What, what!?

At the opened wooden door, there was a beautiful girl with silver hair standing in front of her with only a bath towel. The scattered silver hair was so similar to the mist, that made the dusty girl look a little confusing.

Yiyiyi, Yiliya!?

Belen’s pupils gradually widened, and the two sights collided together in the fog, and this also made Belen instantly awake, but at this moment, the bath towel in his sight was slowly falling, and he subconsciously Turned around.

"Illya! I, I am here!"

Hearing Belen’s anxious and flustered voice, Illya had a calm face. She said flatly, “I’ll just soak my brother.” With that said, before entering the hot spring room, Illya left. When I arrived at the bathing area, I sat on a small bench, tied my hair on the top of my head, and then began to wash my body.

When Belén heard the sound of washing, his whole person suddenly became ill. It may be because of the hot springs. He is now hot, even to the point of boiling hot!

No, no, how can this be soaked!?

What the hell is this girl doing!

Belen felt aroused and shouted in panic, "Illya! Girls can't come in when my brother is in the bath! Didn't the teacher teach you?"

"I don't know, the teacher hasn't taught it."

Illiya's flat voice came into Belen's ears, and his whole body was like a boiling hot pot, and smoke started to blow above his head. This was a very, very bad situation!

"Illya, brother is ready, how about you come in again?"

Hearing Belen’s words, Ilia turned her head and saw the figure behind her back. She calmly said, “Obviously, my brother didn’t do what he promised me that day. Now I can’t even take a bath. ?"

Belen froze in the hot spring.

Chapter 580: The greatest compensation

In the hot spring room, Belen was sitting leaning on the rock in the hot spring. He was staring at the hot spring water at the moment, and he seemed to be deliberate. After all, as long as he raised his head, he could see a beautiful girl with silver hair in the hot spring.

It's not that he doesn't want to turn his back, but as soon as he turns his back, Illya will move in front of him, as if he must face her.

What's the matter with this girl today?

"Illya, if we are found like this..."

Before Belen could finish her words, Illiya responded indifferently: "Then find out. Brother Ming doesn't care if I tell you about it."

Is this kid...

Belen felt bitter for a while, and then asked doubtfully: "Ilia, is it possible that you are angry?"


Hearing Yilia’s response, Belen raised his head slightly. Although Yilia’s body had been submerged in the hot spring and was covered by fog, Belen still felt very embarrassed and nervous, but he found the girl’s cheeks. Is bulging slightly.

This, this must be angry!

However, this is the first time Belen has seen Ilia's childlike anger, and she is really a cute girl, Belen thought in his heart.

Iliya moved her gaze back again, just to meet the dark blue eyes, the angry expression on her face narrowed, and then she stared at Belen calmly.

Seeing Iliya staring at him, Belen also had a heartbeat. He swallowed, then looked away, and was embarrassed to keep staring at others.

"I'm sorry, but that one is absolutely impossible."

Now that I know that Ilia is angry, Belen has to apologize, but in any case that is absolutely forbidden, after all, he is Ilia's brother!

After hearing the words, Yi Liya asked, "Why not?"

"Because I am Ilia's elder brother!" Bei Ethics responded naturally.

"Isn't it a normal thing between brothers and sisters?" Illiya said with a calm expression, as if she had always thought so.

Belem was taken aback when he heard this. Did this kid make a mistake?He blinked, and then said embarrassingly: "Illya, brother and sister can't do these things. This is something that can only be done between lovers."

"But, my brother kissed him that morning."

"Then, that's an accident! It's an accident!"

When Ilia talked about what happened that morning, Belen's face immediately flushed and flushed. He felt like qi and blood flowed up, and the whole person was not right. His heartbeat began to accelerate fiercely, and the temptation appeared in his mind from time to time Human lips.

Seeing Belém's panic in that moment, Illia calmly said sarcasm. She said, "Big Brother Mingming is a pervert."

"It's not a pervert!" Belen quickly retorted, and then sighed. Today's Ilia feels like a little devil with an angelic appearance.

"Brother and I are not brothers and sisters."

The words that came suddenly made Belen's eyes condensed. He raised his head and looked at the silver-haired girl. What the latter said was not wrong. Although he had always regarded Ilia as his sister, in fact, there was no relationship between the two. Any blood relationship.

What does she want to say?

"So, even if you become..."

"Mr. Belén! Haven't you finished soaking? Latis is going to fall asleep!"

Before I could finish what Ilia said, she was interrupted by the sound coming in from outside the hot spring. She also stopped at this moment. She glanced outside the hot spring, then looked at Belem again, silent.

Belen also gradually recovered. He looked out of the hot spring, and then hurriedly shouted in response: "Alright, alright, come out now!"

Is it saved?

Cautiously walked to the back of the rockery, and then wrapped himself in a bath towel. Then, he glanced in the direction where Illiya was and found that she was no longer in the hot spring, so he pursed his mouth, why there is always a sense of guilt.

After leaving the hot spring room, Belen apologized to Latier and the others. After all, he wasted so much time for them, but fortunately, everyone didn't care much.

After returning to the room, Belen changed into a white suit. He lay on his back on the bed, and all the words he had said with Ilia in the hot spring room reverberated in his mind.

The child is probably angry because of his failure to keep his promise, right?

Belen thought so. After all, what was the last thing she wanted to say?Belen frowned when he thought of this. He shook his head, not thinking about it, he always felt that it was not good to think about it.

As the elder brother, how could he not keep his promise?But isn't that behavior something that can only be done between lovers?It would be fine if Ilia was still a child, but now she is not a child, but a charming girl who is fascinated by any man.

Finally, Belen stopped struggling and thinking, he sat up from the bed, then got up and walked out of the door, he walked towards the room where Ilia was.

He must give Ilia an explanation.

Before coming to the room where Illya was, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, hesitated for a moment, and then called: "Illya, it's me, can I come in?"


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