Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 568

When the voice of the boy was heard, the eyes of the other four people were concentrated on him. Under such circumstances, what would the boy say?

"It is true that I have nothing. I am just an ordinary civilian. I used to have my parents to rely on, but now I have nothing. I was once desperate because I couldn't see any color in this world. Until one day, Weilian appeared in front of me. It was the first color in my world and the most beautiful color."

The voice of the young man is like clear spring water, and the sound of gurgling water is soft, as if the ripples in the heart can resonate with the soul.

"Vilion is very close to me, but she often feels out of reach. After all, she is a high-ranking student president in the academy, and she is also a daughter of a large consortium outside. But, she is my first friend. She is also the most important friend, maybe this is my self-righteousness, but I don’t want to leave her anyway, because ah...

Kolsfin raised his head, which had been low, and his black eyes were gradually rendered golden yellow, and the magic on his body was involuntarily radiated, very warm and soft, just like the morning sun hanging in the winter sky.

"She is my sun."

When she heard the boy’s words, the blue-haired girl’s sky-blue eyes slowly widened. This was the first time she heard Colsfin say such a thing, and she never knew she would be able to say this to him. It is so important.

At this moment, Weilian's mind showed the image of the golden figure guarding her. At that moment, was it because of this that she would fight for life?

Even Latier, who was on the side, opened her eyes wide at this moment, her eyes filled with awe and surprise, and her affection for this young boy who was a little younger than herself rose rapidly. People who can say such things no matter He must be a great person in the present and in the future. This is the intuition in her heart.

Junior, I feel your determination.

Looking at the young man in front of him who had recovered his momentum, Belen showed a smile on his face. At this moment, he felt that this young man must be the one who can raise the banner of the times.

Even Wilson was stunned by the boy's words. He recovered his senses, and then stared at the boy in front of him. The golden eyes made his mind tremble slightly, but he was not an ordinary person. , Concentration is naturally different.

"What you said is very beautiful, but now you who have not done anything, I don't think you have any help to Weilian."

Hearing these words, Belen opened his mouth and said: "Sorry, I don't agree with this. Although Mr. Wilson, your heart is good, but I think that anyone is walking on the road called life, Even a flower and a grass on the side of the road can give big or small help, let alone a friend who is willing to fight for his life?"

"Fight for your life?" Wilson narrowed his eyes, then stared at the white-haired man in front of him. He said, "You are a senior of Weilian, you should be a graduate of Flozarno Academy. I don’t know where you are now employed and what qualifications do you have?"

Seeing Wilson's question, Belen also didn't care at all. He calmly said: "I am not employed anywhere, but if I speak of qualifications, I have some merits on the battlefield."

"I would like to hear the details." Wilson stared at Belem, but he wanted to know what kind of background the white-haired man had.

Belen smiled and said, "I killed twenty-nine demons in the Northwest campaign."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know what kind of existence the demon warlord is?" Wilson's face showed a sneer. The white-haired man's words sounded stupid to him.

At this time, Weilian who was sitting on the side spoke again: "Father, what he said is true. Have you forgotten what came from the northwest a few days ago?"

"What?" Wilson frowned, then looked at Belem again, finally attracted by the snow-white hair color, and his pupils slowly widened at this moment.

In the Northwest battle, twenty-nine demon warriors.

After seeing the change in Wilson’s face, Belem didn’t say anything further, but calmly said: “Before that, I had been traveling in this world as a wandering businessman. Endless scenery, and then met many gentle people."

"The most precious thing to me is the encounter with everyone."

Chapter 584: Brother, are you stupid?

The Alice family, outside the castle.

Belen, Latir and Kolstein were standing outside the big iron gate at this moment, and Weilian was standing in front of them, at this moment, bending over to the three of them.

"Sorry, my father is such a person, and please forgive this staid guy."

Seeing Weilian's apology, Kolstein waved his hand in a panic. He shook his head and said, "It's not Weilian's fault, it's my problem. It's me who should be said to be sorry, and it has made the good atmosphere worse."

"No, no, those words of Korsfen are very good." Belen laughed at the words, he raised his hand and patted Korsfen on the shoulder.

Hearing Belem's words, Kolsifen also scratched his cheeks in embarrassment, and then met those sky blue eyes. He swallowed, and his cheeks were inexplicably hot.

Thinking back to what I said just now, isn't this like a confession??

Weilian's gaze and Kolstein met for a while. After the latter drew away from the guilty conscience, she looked at Belén on the side and said, "Thanks to the words of the senior, probably my staid father I finally started to get it."

"I just said what I thought, and." Belen turned his voice again, and put his left hand on Korsfen's shoulder, and then showed a deep smile, he said: "If If I don’t help, probably this kid will be very hard in the future."

Regarding this, Weilian did not understand the meaning, she glanced at Kolstein curiously, but the latter was silent with her head down.

After the separation, Belem and the three walked on the street, and Kolstein had recovered, although his expression was still a bit wrong, and the things he said before, I still feel very ashamed in retrospect.

He actually told his own inner feelings, or in front of Weilian and her father. When he thought of this, he was so ashamed that he could not wait to rush to the bed and bury his head in the bed.

At a fork in the street, the two sides will be separated here, Belen said: "Okay, just separate here, you can come to Poggiacorti to find me if you have anything."

"Good senior."

Colesfin nodded, then turned and left.

Seeing the young boy leaving, Belen also watched for a while, then looked at Latier on the side. He smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

"Yeah." Latil responded with a smile.

At this moment, the young man ten meters away suddenly stopped, then turned around and looked at the white figure, and he shouted.

"Senior, thank you for your help!"

The sound coming from behind fell into Belen's ears. He took a short step, then turned his head and looked at the boy who was waving goodbye. He smiled and waved his hand, then turned and left with the cat-eared girl.

That boy Kolsfin, one day in the future, he will be able to truly convey his heart to that person.

In the territory of Poggiacorti, the hall in the castle.

"We are back!"

At the moment when she entered the hall, La Tier cheered and greeted the girls who were reading. She curiously looked at the books in everyone's hands.

Seeing Latier and Belém coming back, Hill also smiled and said, "Welcome back, where did you go today?"

"I accompanied Mr. Belém to visit Mr. Belém's two younger generations. Well, they are really very good two people." Latier responded with a smile.

Regardless of whether it is Korsfen or Weilian, La Tier seems to be a very kind and terrific person, no matter what aspect it is, a very powerful person.

At this time, Lumia suddenly muttered: "Latier just ran out with Belen, and didn't tell me, it's not fair at all!"

"I'm sorry!" Latier smiled and apologized, not seemingly apologetic.

A silver-haired figure walked out on the other side, it was Ilia, her gaze fell on Belen, and after a glance, she turned and was about to leave.

And Belen also discovered Ilia. After seeing the latter's leaving figure, he was stunned, and he remembered what Latier said to him today.

Sure enough, something was wrong.

Belen quietly exited the hall, and then looked around and found no figure of Yi Liya. He came to the second floor and then walked to the room where Yi Liya was.

Still need to have a good talk.

Before arriving at Iliya’s room, Belen knocked on the door, but there was no response. He was a little confused, and then said softly: “Illiya, I want to talk to you about something, so I’ll come in. ."

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