Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 577

Only at this moment, Gaura was out of the scope of the gravity field, and then she chanted a spell in the direction of Antrina without hesitation. She folded her hands in front of her, and a circle of magic lines overlapped. They were together, and then a huge icy blue beam burst out from it.

But at this moment, the time Antelina was originally frozen, as if the shackles were broken, the sword in her hand was suddenly cut out at this moment, carrying the sword energy of the gravity field directly to split the beam of light. Going away, there was a proud smile on her face.

"It's not only young people who can make progress, nor do I."

Chapter 594: Hidden Purpose

Hislant in the enchantment is now covered by gunpowder and war. Fortunately, with the help of the Holy See, most of the ordinary people have retreated to the Holy See headquarters to accept asylum, and the battle has begun.

Outside the gate of the Holy See's headquarters, a figure covered with golden light is the guardian of the Holy See. Although shrouded in light, I can't see what it looks like, but she is a real girl, although few people know this.

The guardian of the Holy See, named Grace, was standing in the air at this moment, her gaze staring ahead, where two beautiful women were confronting her.

One in red dress and one in black.

The Flame Witch and the Devouring Witch.

The people below are also stressed after seeing these two. You must know that these two are the core members of the "natural disaster". Compared with the rumors of the devouring maiden, the flame maiden is more famous.

The guardian of the Holy See is a particularly mysterious existence for the priests. This person who rarely appears in front of the world, let alone his appearance, does not even know whether he is a male or a female, but there is no doubt that since Respected as the guardian of the Holy See, this one must have a strong strength.

However, facing the two core members of the "natural disasters" alone, can the guardians of the Holy See resist it?

This is the worry in everyone's hearts.

Grace looked at the two witches, and said calmly: "You are really bold and dare to crush the whole army to Heathland, don't you be afraid of stumbling."

"You seem to be very strong, come and fight me." The flame witch Yanrenji did not answer Grace's words, but looked at the latter with a smile.

The engulfing witch Oshoel smiled without saying a word, her figure floated backwards, as if to make room for the battle between Yanrenji and Grace.

Seeing the appearance of the other two, Grace under the brilliance frowned and felt a little strange. Since she intends to destroy the Holy See, why not attack her together, and win the victory as soon as possible. Right?Otherwise, if the barrier is broken, they will definitely fail miserably.

Don’t wait for Grace to think about it. Yanlian Temple was the first to do it. She didn’t use the Flame Mantra at the beginning. It was also a burden for her. After all, it transcended the realm of human beings. She doesn't know how many pounds there are.

First, try it out.

The five fingers of Yanlian Temple's right hand spread out, and the flames gathered in it and turned into a ball of fire, and then gradually increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. She pushed the huge fireball forward, then put her fingers together, and slapped her palm on the fireball. He flew out like a meteor in the sky.


The scorching temperature instantly assimilated the cold air around the fireball, and the nearby ice and snow was melted by this temperature in an instant, and it rushed straight towards Grace.

Grace raised her right hand, and the eyes engraved with the cross burst out with astonishing light, and then endless brilliance spread like a brilliant galaxy, enclosing the huge fireball in it.


The radiance stopped the fireball that was impacting in the air, as if wrapped in a round ball, and then shot out an amazing brilliance, dazzling, and the fireball also disappeared in an instant, as if the energy was emptied in the blink of an eye of.


Yanlian Temple looked at the light and shadow with interest, and then laughed, she shouted: "Your light, where is my flame hot!"

As the words fell, the liquid magic flames immediately ignited on the red dress of Yanlian Temple, her eyes instantly turned red like fire, and the magic power all over her body exploded in an instant.

Flame Mantra.

The barriers of this enchantment are all rendered dizzy by the crimson color, and Yanlian Temple is already serious at this moment. She now knows very well that this guardian of the Holy See is a guardian who cannot be defeated if he is not serious. The strong.

Looking at the crimson color of the sky, Grily Lace also condensed her eyes, and then, the brilliance of her body dissipated, and she was wearing ordinary plain dress instead of priest's clothes.

Faced with such a power, even Grace couldn't be distracted to do other things. She had to gather all her mind to deal with it.

When seeing the Guardian revealing his true body, everyone's eyes widened. Although there have been speculations, they were shocked when they really saw the Guardian's true body.

"It really is a girl."

Seeing that Grace was a girl, Yanlian Temple also showed the joy of a child after guessing the correct answer. The corners of her mouth were slightly lifted, her beautiful face was smiling, and her red eyes were full of ambition. Soaring fighting spirit.

On the other side of Hislant, a fierce battle is also taking place, and the opponents are the "sword saint" Antrina and the ice witch Gaura.

Even with the use of the Snow Mantra, Gaiola was still at a disadvantage in the battle against Antrina, and it was the first time that she recognized the power of the world's cutting-edge powerhouse.

However, it will not be easy for the other party to defeat himself.

Just this is enough.


Antrina split the small iceberg that fell from the sky with a single sword, and then frowned. She stared at Gaola in the distance, her heart full of doubts. This ice maiden seemed to defeat her. The intention to hold her is more obvious.

"What do you want to do?"

Gaura's eyes flashed after hearing Master Juggernaut's question. It seemed that something had been detected. She calmly said, "Destroy the Holy See."

"It's right to see the situation now." Antelina looked at the messy ruins and the sky of gunpowder, and then looked at Guyora again. She said solemnly: "But what you are now Looks like that, it doesn’t look like that."

"Is that right, I really want to destroy this place." Gaola glanced around coldly, and said so coldly, she didn't have the slightest pity for the passing of life and the wailing of pain.

Antrina turned her head and glanced at the tall tower in the distance, and then said: "If your reliance is "the law of angels", then you may be disappointed. If there is that tower, even if there is that kind of magic. Forbidden, you cannot easily break the Holy See."

Seeing that Antelina knew the "Law of Angels", Gaura didn't have much surprise. She looked at the "Tower of Elephants of the Sky" and said flatly, "Indeed, there is that tower. It is difficult for us to succeed."

"So, what on earth do you want to do?" Antelina became more sure of her conjecture. "Scourge" had another purpose. She said coldly: "War-type magic prohibition should not be reused in a short time. If you fail once, what will you do next?"

"So, I won't waste magic prohibition here." Guyola looked coldly and dragged the bottom out, then looked into the distance, the ice blue eyes bursting with dangerous light.

Chapter 595: Guardian of the Holy See, Grace

call out!

Above that wasteland, a blue meteor shuttled past, and it was so fast that it disappeared from the end of the scavengers' sight in the blink of an eye.

This blue meteor is exactly Belen who rushed from Eloranya to Hislant. He has already pushed his speed to the extreme, and the distance from Hislant is rapidly shortening.

Belen stared at the constantly changing scenery in front of him, his expression was very solemn, because he could already vaguely see the huge enchantment that covered the sky from the sky to the ground.

Al, hold on!wait for me!


Above the wasteland, the blue meteor passed straight through. At this moment, the speed seemed to be much faster. He was afraid that he would not be able to keep up with the battle, and the scene that happened when he was in the northwest region kept coming up in his mind.


Now the battle has reached a fever pitch, and it is precisely because of these high-end battles that the city has been devastated, although this is inevitable.

This is a war.

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