Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 585


The hurricane that gathered all the wind elements in the sky at this moment actually blasted the pure white wings apart, but the countless magical runes did not disappear, but at an astonishing speed. Gathering.

When the angel's law was blasted away, both Erion and Cisse, who had been sending magic power into the beads, vomited blood. Their magic power was ejected back, so they were hit hard.

"So strong!"

Cisse let out a cry of exclamation. She squinted her eyes and looked at the ruins in the distance. She could feel the amazing magic emanating from there, as invisible as the sea.

"You maintain the magic prohibition, I will go." Erion also sensed the magic power, so she immediately made a decision. The mysterious person over there must be very strong, so it is more appropriate to let her who is better at fighting go. .

"it is good."

Cisse continued to transfer magic power into the beads, her magic power transmission was several times stronger than before, because Erian had assumed the greatest magic output before.

Immediately afterwards, Ellion flew towards the ruins, his figure turned into a blood shadow and shuttled away. It is already a critical juncture. As long as the angel's law falls, everything will end, so it is never allowed. Anything to destroy!

Since that person wants to maintain such a powerful magic circle, he must not be able to separate out much magic power, as long as he is present, he will definitely be able to destroy the opponent's magic circle!


Erion’s full strength was very fast, but after a short while, she came to the ruins. Her gaze swept over the silver-haired girl Ilia who had fallen on the ground in a coma, and then looked towards The purple-haired figure.

Ellion stared at the purple-haired figure, and then smiled coldly: "Oh, oh, we have reached a critical moment here, can you please not disturb us?"

After seeing the visitor, Qiao Enna also smiled slightly. She said: "But, I'm at a critical moment, can you please don't disturb me? I will be able to solve that thing soon."

"I won't let you solve that."

Erion sneered. Then, scarlet magic appeared all around, turning into countless blood-colored spears piercing towards Jonna. In her opinion, unless the other party stopped, it should be powerless to defend. It is.

So, the victory is hers!

After seeing the other party's hands, Qiao Enna's eyes flickered slightly, her lips moved slightly, and the surrounding wind elements immediately gathered to form a simple wind vortex. After those blood-colored spears fell into it, they were Shattered easily.

"Is there still room to defend? It's really incredible."

Erion's eyes squinted slightly, and she decided to kill the opponent without leaving any room, otherwise it would really be as Cisse said, and the time would change!

"The Word of Blood·The Butcher's Knife of Life."

A magical array slanted in the sky, and the scarlet magic power gathered, and finally a huge bloody butcher knife was cast, and it fell towards Jonna. The blood contained in the blade had enough toxins to corrode the crystal.

The blade fell quickly, and Qiao Enna felt a strong threat, but she was hesitant. Even if she could multi-task, her magic output was limited. She had to withdraw the magic circle above her. Can block this blood knife, but once withdrawn, everything is over!

Therefore, I can only carry it!

Qiao Enna has made up her mind. Since Illya has never taken a step back, she will never take a step back, and when she was concentrating, her ears moved slightly and she heard the wind.

somebody is coming.

Qiao Enna smiled playfully: "Heh, it seems that it's not what you want."

Three swords light hit.

Chapter 604: The Gathering of Disasters

When the blood knife fell, three sword lights penetrated through the hole, and three figures appeared under the blood knife. Three swords with different colors and stripes cut through the blood knife at the same time, and instantly shattered the tiles.


Three figures fell on the ground, two handsome men dressed in orthodox gentleman costumes, and a blue-haired man with simple clothes. These three were the three of Jianjushe traveling together.

Zona shook the sword in his hand, and then looked at the purple-haired woman with a smile, and he smiled: "Ahhhhh, Jonna, you look busy."

"Say ridicule, and quickly finish solving that woman to help me." Qiao Enna shouted angrily, and then concentrated on dealing with the magic prohibition above.

With the continuous magic power of this attribute, as long as no one interferes with Qiao Enna, and as long as she guarantees that she will not fall asleep, she can guarantee that she will never let the law of the angel fall.

"I know, I know."

Zona replied. He raised his head and glanced at the huge magic circle above, smacked his lips, then looked at the two people beside him, and said, "Let's solve it as soon as possible."

Aaron and Eber nodded slightly, and then stared at Ereen at the same time, and the latter's mood at the moment was terrible.

It's really troublesome.

Immediately afterwards, Erion's eyes flashed suddenly, she stared at Zona, and then said in a deep voice: "I remember, you are the "swordsman" who had been in Flozarno Academy. You are Flo. A graduate of Zarno Academy."

For Zona, Erion still has some impressions.

"It's an honor to be remembered by your Excellency." Zona grinned, then waved the long sword in his hand, "Qi" lingering around him.

Ellion stared at the man in front of her. She took a deep breath. Although she didn't want to face these three tricky "swordsmen" at the same time, she had no choice at this moment. Only by solving all these people in front of her could she complete it. purpose.


Just as the two parties were about to start their hands, a huge fireball suddenly fell from the sky. After seeing this scene, Zona's brows were slightly furrowed, and then he rushed forward with a slammed foot, carrying the "cut" Restrictive magic power, a sword cut across, directly smashing the huge fireball.

After Zona landed, his look, Aarons and Eber beside him suddenly changed at this moment, because there were four more witches in that sky at this moment.

That is, the remaining core members of the "natural disaster".

"Aren't they supposed to be in Hislant?"

Holding such a question, the three of Zona immediately assumed a pose of waiting, and immediately afterwards, Aaron's eyes flickered next to him, telling the truth.

"They came here by borrowing the space teleportation array."

Space teleportation array?Ah, yes!There is a Space Miko in "Scourge"!It now seems that they had planned for a long time, pinning countless troops to Hislant, and then launched a final attack on Eloranya.

Zona noticed the silver-haired girl who was in a coma. He was startled slightly, and then murmured, "Isn't this the girl next to Belen?"

At this time, Qiao Enna on the side explained: "The kid was alone with all the pressure before I came here."

"That's it." Zona looked at the silver-haired girl, and then said softly: "Thanks for your hard work, then rest assured, I will never hurt you again."

Although the girl could not hear her, this determination cheered Zong An herself up. This girl is Belen's family, and he would never allow his brother's family to have trouble here.

Although the opponent is very strong!

Gaura and the other witches came to Erion's side. They glanced at the huge magic circle that resisted the "Law of Angels" above, and then squinted their eyes, unanimously looking at Qiao Enna.

After seeing Qiao Enna, Yanlian Temple also said coldly: "Ah, it's this guy." Obviously, she was not reconciled to the fact that she had lost before.

Oshoor stared at the purple-haired figure, and then said in a deep voice: "It is really unimaginable to support the war-type magic prohibition by his own strength. Even if he has not stepped into the demigod domain, he has a relationship with that domain. Comparable ability, even stronger."

"She must be prevented from continuing to maintain the magic circle, her magic power is endless!" Yanlian Temple calmly reminded the people around him.

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