Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 591

The blue-and-white dress on Antelina's body had many tears at the moment, which looked a bit embarrassed, but in fact she was only slightly injured by the impact.

On the other side, Erion didn't look good either. The sleeve of her right arm had disappeared, and there was a blood stain on her arm. The blood had stopped. After all, she was a blood witch.

Antelina looked at the woman in the red dress, then glanced in a certain direction, and then smiled and said, "My student's side seems to have ended the battle, do you want to surrender?"

"You did your best." Ellion watched that direction, whispered softly, then smiled and looked back at Antelina. She said, "Even the younger generations have fought to the end, so as her senior , I didn't plan to escape like this."

"A very competent senior." Antelina sighed, but with the sword in her hand, she said flatly: "But you have to pay for the murder you made."

In this regard, Erion smiled evilly: "Then it depends on your skill, Master Sword Saint."


Antrina attacked Erion again. The blood witch was a good friend with the former principal of Flozarno Academy, and the principal was her friend. Although she couldn’t bear it, she Thinking of the sins committed by this blood witch, she had to kill her again.

In addition to Antelina's final battle with Erion, several other battlefields are also engaged in fierce battles, doing their best to fight.

In the battle zone between Oshoor and Grace, the contest between light and darkness has reached the final juncture, and the two of them are bound to win.

Because of the previous battle in Hislant, Grace has been seriously injured, but she still resolutely came to Eloranya to participate in this final battle, and now in the contest with Oshoor, she also fell into After losing the wind, but there is no sign of defeat, and even vaguely out of the disadvantage.

"This guy..."

Oshoor is frantically using magic to attack Grace, but she finds that no matter what kind of magic she uses, she will be assimilated by the opponent's light magic, and her own devour does not seem to work in front of the opponent!

"Everything has two sides. The opposite of light is darkness. The two are essentially the same." Grace muttered to herself calmly. Her light became more dazzling, and all the devouring magic could not reach her. Shine shining.

"You fellow, are you still a genius who learns in battle?"

Oshoor looked gloomy. She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath to lift up all the magic power. She wanted to give the opponent the final blow with her strongest magic. She knew very well that the guardian of the Holy See was seriously injured. Surely he won't recover so soon, as long as he casts a spell that the opponent cannot bear now!

"The immortal darkness shrouded in the world, open the way to the deep abyss, please let the darkness swallow the earth in the most vicious manner, the god of darkness, make everything decay and turn into dust!"

A huge dark magic circle was unfolded above the sky above Grace’s head. The dark air emanating from it was like the evil aura erupting from the abyss. The magic rune in the center of the dark magic circle suddenly opened like a gate. , A black-red light beam suddenly penetrated, as if to penetrate the earth!

Faced with such a terrible magic, Grace's expression was very calm. She raised her hands to face the void, and a series of magic runes were born from the magic power of the surrounding light elements, and then gathered a huge circular magic pattern. Profound and sacred, she raised her eyes and looked at the starry sky, her eyes flickering.

"Glorious Magic · Bridge to the distant starry sky."

That dazzling brilliance echoes the galaxy in the sky. Compared with that, the black and red light beams are no longer so terrible, and the latter two collide in the sky. At this moment, the meteor shower pierces the sky and blooms the most beautiful. Gloss.

Outside the main hall of the royal city.

The young woman in a Chinese robe also showed shock after hearing the news, and then after her subordinates left, she looked at Flori beside her.

"Are those all Sister Florty's classmates?"

Flotti shook her head and said: "That elf woman is a "Sword Saint", and I don't know who it is, but since it is helping to deal with "natural disasters," it is our friendly army."

"Master Sword Saint?" The young woman also widened her beautiful eyes. She didn't expect that even the legendary "Sword Saint" would come here. She was very surprised at the moment. She had never been with that "Sword Saint". "Meet each other.

Immediately afterwards, the young female monarch said again: "Since the "white-haired sword saint" defeated the ice and snow maiden, why not kill her?"

Thinking of this, she frowned slightly. To her, "natural disasters" are all evil people, and they are the dangerous element that must be resolved in the first place.

"Since he defeated it, let him solve it." Although Flotti didn't know the situation, she knew Belen's temperament, so she smiled and said: "He is a great person, if you see He might like him."


The young female monarch was stunned, she didn't understand what Flotti was talking about. Although the "White-haired Sword Saint" is very famous and must be very powerful, it is not like Flotti if she is confused. Would say.

"No way!"

Flotti said with a smile: "That's what I said, he already has a part in his heart."

Hearing Flotti's words, the young woman was also a little curious about what the "white-haired sword saint" was. Although she learned from the former that the two were classmates, she didn't know other things.

Immediately afterwards, Flotti looked into the distance again, and she said calmly: "I don't think it will be used anymore, but now it seems that it is really time."

"What?" The young female monarch looked at the woman beside her with some confusion.

Flotti did not explain, but took out a crystal of transmission, portrayed a few words and then sent it out. After finishing, she smiled and looked at the girl beside her.

"Next, let everything end."

Chapter 612: The outcome is determined

When the core members of the "Scourge" evacuated from Hislant, the "Scourge" witches immediately began to evacuate, but even so, without the restraint of high-end combat power, many witches were arrested Arrived.

Most of the witches are begging for mercy, but it is not yet the turn of the ordinary imperial army to give their trial, and there are even some witches begging for death, and they died under the imperial army.

The sins they committed were repaid by death, which seemed to others to be the case, but in any case, the outcome was extremely sad.

And at this moment in Eloranya, the battle has come to an end, because most of the imperial army has all rushed back, so the "natural disaster" maidens in Eloranya had to be forced to meet, because the most powerful The battle has not yet been determined, and they can only take one step to see.


The magic storm swept through, and then a ray of sword light slashed, and the straight fluctuations quietly dispersed, and the three of Zona were standing side by side. There was a priest girl beside them, it was Ai. Well, she also came here with the help of that space teleportation array.

Aaron looked calmly at the two witches not far away. He said: "You have already lost, surrender."

Although there is no one else to interrupt the battle here, the movement in the rest of the place can be more or less felt. It is known that the battle between Belém and the guardian of the Holy See has ended, and the front of the former The sharp momentum has been carried through Tianyu, even here they can feel it, and the brilliance of the latter has overwhelmed the terrible darkness and bloomed to the end.

The outcome is determined, and it is difficult to subvert.

Even Cisse and Jialuofen are very clear about the current situation, but despite this, they have no intention of retreating at all. They looked in the direction of the two endings, and there were faint ripples in their eyes.

Everyone has reached the end, and the end is here.

"I lost, but I can't surrender. It's better to die in the hands of those dirty guys." Jia Luofen responded with a chuckle, and the magic power on his body climbed again.

Hearing the words of this purple-clothed woman, everyone was silent. As the core members of the "natural disaster", they are the worst evil. It is unimaginable what kind of abuse they will be subjected to after surrendering. They will not be easily executed. They are very clear about this.

Therefore, fighting to death is the best way.

At the other end, the battle between Grace and Oshoor has come to an end, stepping on the light pattern and gradually walking towards the ruins. She looked at the woman in the black dress who fell in the ruins and was unable to stand up again, her expression calm. There is no wave, but there is no sign of an immediate killer.

"I have seen all of your past."

At the moment when the two finally collided, they twisted their consciousness into the magical dimension, and saw each other's past from the magical power of the fusion of the two.

The poor girl who was begging in rags in winter but was ignored, and the lonely girl who was dying in a dangerous place.

Oshoor coughed up blood, but after hearing what Grace said, she smiled. She said: "To each other, you are really ugly in that way, not as glamorous as you are now."

"You are not much better." Grace responded flatly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's half a catty." Oshoor smiled happily. She looked at the starry sky. She didn't know when the beautiful meteor shower came. She was attracted by the beautiful scene, and then whispered softly.

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