Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 601


Beside Sisiya, there is a girl with a petite figure, and the other is a young man with short green hair. She is handsome and looks younger than thirty, and she is holding a sword in her arms. Looking thoughtfully at the white-haired man in front of him, his green eyes flickered slightly.

In the end, the green-haired young man suddenly asked, "Are you the "white-haired sword saint" who slayed 29 demon warriors in the northwest?"

Belen looked at the young man curiously, then nodded in response: "It's me, may I ask you?"

"I'm the brave team! My name is Burfis!" The green-haired young man held the sword with a proud look. Obviously, he was very proud of this.

The petite girl on the side lowered her big hat. She sighed and said, "Bulfis, I feel ashamed to be able to avoid this in front of others."


Burffis curled his lips in disdain.

At this time, Sisya suddenly stood up, and she introduced with a smile: "He is my comrade-in-arms, and he has the title of "sword mad" outside. You are a "swordsman" like Belen, as for this little guy. , She is what everyone calls the "big sage", please introduce yourself!"

The petite girl introduced herself with a smile: "Hello, my name is Novell Dofincury, and I just call me Novell. Of course, it's okay to call me "Big Sage"."

"Great Sage"!?

Not only Belem, but even Qiao Enna on the side was very surprised. The two looked at this cute looking petite girl curiously. Is the legendary "Big Sage" such a cute little girl?

Perceiving the strange gazes of the two of them, Novel's mouth was flat, and she said depressedly: "Don't treat me as a child! I'm eighteen years old!"


Belen made a surprised voice, then looked up and down at the "big sage" in front of him. It was unbelievable that this petite girl was eighteen years old. Does she have the same time magic power as Putin?

"Big Sage" Novell said with great dissatisfaction: "It just doesn't grow well, can't it!?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry." Belen quickly apologized, and he scratched his hair a little embarrassingly. There will always be some strange people in the world. Although this is not a very common thing, it is not unacceptable. .

At this time, Sisya suddenly took a step forward, and she bowed to the three of Belen, and then said solemnly: "Illoranya is safe this time. Thanks to your help, thank you very much."

As a savior like a "brave", she not only has the vocation to fight against the Demon King’s army, but also has the responsibility to protect the people in her hometown. When she is fighting on the front line, if her hometown is destroyed, then she cannot forgive herself anyway. Fortunately, Belém and their help.

Belen shook his head and said, "You are welcome, you are already busy enough, and you can't take care of both, so we can help a little bit with the rear things."

"Ah, don't talk about these past things!"

At this time, Bulffis suddenly came out, he interrupted the topic, and then held the sword in his right hand, he raised it to Belem, and then showed a warlike smile.

"Grey hair! Fight with me!"

Belen raised his brows slightly, and then curiously said, "Why do you want to fight me?"

"Because you are a "white-haired sword saint"!"Bulffis did it for granted, and then grinned: "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, let's have a fight!"I want to see how strong the "White Haired Sword Saint" is!"

"I won't fight." Belen shook his head.

Burfis frowned, and then said weirdly: "You are not afraid of me? Although I am very strong, you don't have to be afraid of it? Are you not a "white-haired sword master"?"

"It's not because of this..." Belen was a little helpless, this young man is too ego, as long as there is no reason to fight the opponent, he doesn't want to fight anyone who wants to fight him, it is meaningless.

However, without waiting for Belen to explain anything, Ilia on the side suddenly said coldly: "You want to fight, I fight with you, don't bother brother."

"Huh? Why should I fight with a girl? By the way, who are you?" Burffith looked curiously at this amazingly beautiful silver-haired girl.

In this regard, Sisya was the first to smile and said: "Bulfis, she is the legendary "witch". In the realm of earth magic, I am not her opponent."

What, what!?

Chapter 624: Bourpheus

After hearing Sisiya's words, Bulfeis also opened his eyes wide, and he turned his gaze back at the beautiful silver-haired girl in disbelief.

You know that Sisya is a "brave", a person who is protected by countless elves and is blessed by the world. Sisya, who is protected by earth elves, actually said that she is not as good as this silver-haired girl in this field?

Is this the legendary "witch"?

Even in the frontier, I have heard the rumors of the "witch", but the rumors about the "witch" that have been spread over the years have been extremely positive. For example, a few days ago, I was alone in carrying the "law of angels". "War-type magic prohibition, this was announced later.

"It turned out to be... "Witch"."Bulffis looked awe, if it weren't for the silver-haired girl in front of him, Eloranya would have been destroyed long ago, and it would be impossible for the rescue to arrive.

After being silent for a while, Burffis shook his head to Ilia, and he said: "I don't want to fight you, I just want to fight him who is known as the "White Haired Sword Saint"."

"Actually, you're just shy, you've never had a fight with a girl." Nowell glanced at Burffith, and then joked playfully.

"Wh, what are you shy! Don't talk nonsense!" Burffith jumped up like a little wolf dog whose tail was caught.

Seeing the shame of the green-haired young man, Belen couldn't help but laughed. Maybe the "big sage" was the natural nemesis of this green-haired young man?The whole person was seen through by her.

No, maybe this is also the unique vision of the "Great Sage".

Just when Belem was amused, Bulffis suddenly looked at him again, and he grinned: "Hey, play with me, let me see what kind of power the legendary swordsman possesses."

"Well, all right."

Belen also no longer refused, he smiled and agreed.


Seeing that Belen had actually agreed to the invitation of Burffis to fight, Sisya was also startled. She looked at the former with some doubts, wondering why he wanted to go around with Burffis.

"It's okay, just discuss it." Belen waved his hand. He didn't really care about it. Then he looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Let's change a place. It's not easy to show here, right?"

"it is good!"

Burfice also seemed a little excited. He originally thought that Belen would not accept the invitation after such a deal, but he did not expect that he actually agreed.

"Oh, do you want to fight?" Lin Yi walked up with a smile, and then said: "Come with me, you can't take me apart!"

Therefore, everyone followed the young emperor girl to an outdoor dojo. It is not big but not small. It is a place where Lianyi usually practices magic. Although he is the emperor, his love and identity for magic are not conflict.

"Just here!" Lian Yi looked at the very clean dojo, then looked at the two of them, smiling and exhorting: "You guys should pay attention to the severity. If you remove this place, I won't forgive you easily."

The girl's smile made Belem and Bourfis shudder in their hearts. This usually lively and lovely girl actually showed the emperor's majesty at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Belem and Bulfis walked to the center of the dojo to oppose each other. The former had not moved yet, while the latter had an open smile. He would always hold the scabbard to his waist, and then drew the blade with his right hand.

It was a blue-and-blue long sword. Seeing its luster in the sun, it was a good sword, and its blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, must have been polished countlessly, and this so-called polishing, The baptism of only time cannot be done, and it must have gone through countless battles!

The green-haired young man in front of him was called "Sword Madness" by Sisia, and he was also a member of the Brave Team. He must have good combat power. Therefore, Belen would not underestimate the opponent, nor would he be careless.

"Get out of the sword!" After Burffis held the sword, his open smile was full of confidence that anyone could feel.

After all, he is a "swordsman", so holding a sword is powerful.

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