Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 603

Seeing Novel’s stunned look, Sisya was also startled, and then blinked, thinking that Novel was wondering why she said that. She thought about it, and she didn’t know whether she should take it. I always feel a little embarrassed to tell Novell!

Ever since, this misunderstanding survived successfully.

Chapter 626: So, who is it?

After the Bourpheus match and the discussion, Belen also sat in a garden with everyone and began to chat about the previous "natural disasters".

"What!? You let go of the remaining three core members of the "Scourge"?"

When Burffis heard this fact, his eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, and he had let such a sinful person away, which made him unable to figure it out anyway.


Belen admits what he has done, but he does not regret it. The beautiful obsession and the sins on his body do not conflict. It is undeniable that he hates the sins committed by the Ice and Snow Witches. But he also admitted that he didn't have any resentment towards those witches now.

Burffith frowned and asked in confusion, "Why?"

"You ask me why... I can't tell." Belen scratched his hair, really don't know how to explain. Could it be that he lost his fighting spirit because of seeing that "beauty"?

In this regard, Bourfis was also silent for a while, and then said: "I can't help but wonder if you deliberately let those guys away."

Qiao Enna on the side suddenly laughed at this moment. She laughed and said: "Even if they were let go on purpose, now they have disappeared. Is it possible to catch us?"

This is obviously impossible. Now that the crisis has been resolved, and there will probably no longer be "natural disasters" in the future, it makes no sense to arrest Belém and the others again. Besides, who has the ability to do so? where are they?

After hearing what Jonna said, Bulffis also opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything, because he found that there seemed to be nothing to say, so he closed his mouth obediently.

After the topic of "natural disasters" passed, Belen also asked about Hislant. He wanted to know about the mysterious woman. He had too many questions in his heart to get answers.

"Heavenly Elephant Tower, who on earth destroyed it?"

This is what Belen asked.

Hearing this question, Sisya's slender eyelashes trembled slightly. She was silent for a while, and then said, "I'm not so sure now."

Belen was also stunned when he heard the words, and then asked: "You rushed back so eagerly, and then went directly to Hislant, must it be because of that mysterious person?"

"That's right." Sisya nodded.

Therefore, Belen was also silent for a while, and then he uttered an answer that he had guessed in his heart. He asked again: "Is that person a "Devil"?"

When the name "Devil King" was uttered, the pavilion immediately became silent, and even the sound of the wind was heard very clearly. Even as the emperor, Lian Yi was silent at this moment, she still remembered If I talked about it here that day, that mysterious person is likely to be a "devil."

Sisya said after a moment of silence: "I can't confirm her identity before I face that person. Although I have guessed that way, there are not many that can be done to break through that line of defense. "

"Apart from you, isn't there only the "Devil" left?"Belen asked curiously. In his opinion, only these two have this ability.

In response, Sisiya shook her head. She said: "In addition to me and that guy, there is a general in the four demon kings who should be able to do it too. I only fought that guy briefly once, but I can be sure that the other party also has this ability, and I don’t know if that guy is in human form. Besides, the Dragon King of Dragon King Valley and the black dragon can do it."

Hearing this, Belen was also shocked. It turns out that there are still some existences with such strong strength. He was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Anyone else?"

Sisia looked at the man in front of her, and said, "You may be able to do it now."


Belen was stunned. He thought that his strength might not be able to break through the full defense of the Holy See. Why did Sisia think he could do it?

"Your strength is no longer just in the "Demi-God Realm", I can see more than you, so it is very clear that your current strength has reached the end of the Half-God Realm."

Sisya explained, she stared at the white-haired man in front of her, her ruby-like pupils twinkling slightly, she could easily see the magic dimension, and from her perspective, Belem's figure appeared in the magic dimension It was very clear, and because of this, she couldn't help but shook her hands and pressed her lips without speaking.

The man in front of him is already relying on magic to survive. If the magic is exhausted, he will face death, just like those witches.

The anger in his body can no longer support the energy needed to maintain his body. If Belen hadn't reached the demigod state now, he might have died.

Has he noticed this?

Sisia retracted her gaze, for fear that the person in front of her might notice the sorrow and guilt in her eyes. After finishing her mood, she inhaled and exhaled, calmed her emotions, and then raised her eyes again.

"How strong you are now, probably you are not conscious of it." Sisia explained, and then said: "Looking at your appearance, you seem to have met that mysterious person. Can you talk to me? I also care about the identity of that mysterious person."

Belén nodded, and then said a few related things that he thought was the most important. All the people present were qualified to know about this.

There are mainly two things. The first thing is that Belen is going to the awakening land of Frostmourne, and the rough fight with the mysterious woman. The second thing is that he is on the way to save Al. The matter of mysterious women fighting.

Both times were just rough fights, and this also made Sisiya and others frowned. They really couldn't understand why the mysterious man did it.

If it is really the "Devil", then when Belém slaughtered the Quartet in the Northwest campaign, why didn't she as the "Devil" stop her?Isn't it enough for her to lose a victory in a war?This is obviously unreasonable.

"In this way, that guy shouldn't be a "devil" anymore."Sisya thought for a while and came to this conclusion. In her impression, the "Devil" does not seem to allow her powerful subordinates to be killed without taking action, even though she has not been with that guy for many years. Fought against it.

So, who will it be?Could it be that the mysterious grand marshal among the four demon kings?

Chapter 627: Hair grows

After knowing all the things he wanted to know, Belen took Illya and left first, because he didn't tell Latir where they and Ilia were going, so he still needs to go back early to prevent them from worrying. It's been a long time now.

After Belen and Ilia left, Qiao Enna also left afterwards. She was the most idle person among all the people present, but since there is nothing more to do, then she has to prepare to leave. This is not the end of the journey. .

"Ah, then you guys are chatting here, I have to go too!" Lin Yi also got up, then covered her mouth, yawned, and seemed a little sleepy.

But after all, it is the emperor's majesty, she always has many things to do.

Sisia nodded. After watching the young emperor leave, she got up and stretched her waist, and then smiled: "In that case, let's go too. We just have free time. What can I do in the city? of."

"Sisya!" Burffis called out "The Brave". After the latter cast his gaze, he said: "Aren't we lacking some masters to compete with those guys? I think the previous one? All three have this strength."

Although Boulfice’s previous attitude was a bit arrogant, it was because of his ostentatious nature. He did not mean to look down on Belen. Moreover, not only was the "white-haired sword saint", even the "witch" and " "The Sorcerer King" has very powerful strength, which is exactly the combat power reinforcement they need.

Sisiya shook her head. She said: "That "King of the Sorcerer", I have already visited. She didn't intend to intervene in the battle, but she said that she would help if she passed by."

"Is it none of my own?" Burffis frowned.

In this regard, "Great Sage" Novel smiled and said, "You can't think of that. If you are such a person, you won't help against the "law of angels". It is war magic. Prohibition."

"That's the right thing to say." Burffis was also taken aback, and then he was silent for a moment. He said, "But this is related to the safety of the entire world. Isn't this a priority?"

"Everyone has their own ambitions. After all, you can't ask everyone to become warriors on the battlefield." Sisiya smiled and said to Burfis. For her, this is something that must be voluntary. After all, there is no existence to confront. What an unknown junior.

"makes sense."

Burfis also nodded, but thinking of the other two again, he said, "Since the "Sorcerer King" refused, what about the other two?"

"No, I won't let Belen and Ilia go to the battlefield with us." Sisia shook her head, and refused Bourfice's proposal without hesitation.


Seeing Sisia's rejection so categorically, Buulfice was also a little confused.

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