Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 613

Well, so long legs, the future must be a long-legged beauty!

Thinking of this, Belen smiled happily. He was very pleased with the growth of his children, just like his father watched his daughter grow up.

"Yes, Lattes grows so fast."

At this time La Tier also came over, and she also very much agreed with Belen's words, how her own sister grew up so quickly, she was about to be on par with Ilia.


Latis smiled playfully, and then both hands held one arm of Belen and Latier, and she cleverly said, "Even if I am taller than my brother, I am also the sister of my brother and sister! "

Hearing Lattes’ words, Belen also rubbed the kitten’s head with a smile, while Latil on the side was so moved that he was about to cry. His eyes were wet, and the back of his hand wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes .

"Lattes has grown up, my sister is so happy."

Thinking of the days when she wandered around with her kittens in those years, La Tier was heartbroken, but when she thought of such a stable day now, and saw La Tisi's growth with her own eyes, she felt that it didn’t matter if she went to see her dead parents now. Up.

Seeing Latier moved to the point of crying, Belen also laughed dumbly. He could also know the bitterness of Latier, after all, they had a very hard life before he met them.

But, Ratil is just a child.

"Sister, why are you crying?" Latis grabbed Latier's wrist with both hands and looked at her with a worried look on her sister, not understanding why she was crying.

Belen also reached out and patted Latier on the shoulder to give her some comfort.

After a while, La Tier recovered. Seeing La Tisi's worried look, she also smiled and shook her head and said, "It's okay, but La Tisi has grown up, and my sister is so happy to cry. Up."

Ilia and Rumia also came to La Tier's side, and both of them knew how hard it was for La Tier to carry La Tis alone, and now they comforted her silently.

Hill just came over with the tableware and chopsticks. She looked at the girls around the group curiously. After seeing the signs of crying by La Tier, she immediately fixed her eyes on the smiling white-haired man. He glanced fiercely at him.

"Belén! Are you bullying Latier! Sure enough, I was right to follow! As long as I am here, you will never be allowed to bully him!"

"Why do you think I did it!" Belen stared at the girl who rushed towards him with a stunned look. Did this guy deliberately challenge himself?

Ever since, Belen was caught in a "battle" with Hill. From the beginning, why La Tier would cry has come to the personal character of both sides.

"Stop! Stop quarreling." Latier also noticed the movement here, and immediately stopped the quarrel between the two, then explained to Hill.

After listening to Ratil's explanation, Hill realized that she had misunderstood Belen. She blinked, then whistled and went around the table to sit down calmly, and then began to eat.

"Hey hey hey! Why don't you apologize!" Belen yelled very speechlessly, and then shook his head. This guy really likes to quarrel with him as always.

But he wouldn't get angry because of it, he was used to it after all.

"Okay, okay, come over for dinner! I have prepared a lot of delicious food!" Belen greeted him, and then sat down with the table and chopsticks. He glanced at Hill, and then found Hill. It happened to cast his gaze on him, and when his gaze met with it, Hill instantly retracted his gaze like an electric shock.

Belen froze for a moment, then smiled secretly in his heart and shook his head.

Really arrogant temperament.

The six hundred and thirty-ninth chapter: Attack of Warcraft?

"Mr. Belen, it's been a few days since Master Juggernaut is coming back?"

On the moving commercial car, the girl with cat ears also looked at the white-haired man beside her very suspiciously.

That’s right, it’s been half a month since I left Hislant, but this week can be said to be walking aimlessly, because no one knows the elves except Antrina. Where is the forest.

It's been half a month since Antrina went out to play, but she hasn't come back yet. Belen is also very helpless about this. Did that woman forget about their affairs?

"I can't tell her either." Belen sighed, feeling very helpless in his heart. Antelina should have set a time in advance.

Having said that, the ground seems to be shaking?

Belen was a little puzzled. His perception was so keen. He could perceive that the ground under his feet was shaking, but the amplitude was small, and he did not know what was happening.

However, Latil and the others would not be aware of this vibration. Of course, except for Ilia, she is standing by the window in the room at the moment, her silver-black eyes looking into the distance, a little confused. She also noticed the slightest movement.

This little thing didn't affect Belen's mood, or he didn't care about it very much, so he continued to drive the commercial car until the evening when they came to a small town.

"Shall we rest here today?" Belen leaned his head into the rear window and said to everyone, and then after receiving a response, he retracted his head and looked around.

The town is not very big, but it seems that the atmosphere is very comfortable. The pedestrians all around are doing what they should do. At most, some passers-by are looking at Belém.

Obviously a foreigner.

The passers-by who judged this way have withdrawn their eyes again. It is not surprising that people from other places often come to this town.

After arriving at a hotel, Belem stopped the commercial car, and after arranging the room, he took the girls to the town. After all, it was the first time, so I can’t stay in the house. It’s good not to go out to see the scenery.

There are many young or young men on the street. When they saw the girls next to Belem, they all stared straight. I have to say that all of them are really beautiful!

Especially that silver-haired girl, is there such a beautiful girl in the world?Is she a princess?Oh, that brunette woman has the aristocratic temperament at a glance, looks like a distinguished status, maybe it's a pretty lady?And there is...

While the men were sneaking at the girls here and continuing to engage in psychological activities, Belén and the others were searching for supplies or ingredients on the street, but Belén also noticed the sights from all around, and felt helpless. .

Although it's still a bit unpleasant, it's better than before, because now even Latiz has grown up, and they all have a certain sense of self-protection. Besides, even the youngest Latiz is also Students of Flozarno Academy!

Let the brats look at it, which indirectly shows how good their children are!

At this moment, Belen suddenly remembered something, he was stunned, and then looked at the youngest cat-eared girl beside him, he curiously asked: "Latis, you and Ilia will follow instead of going to school. Let's go, nothing will happen, right?"

"It's okay! I've already asked Sister Flotti for leave!" Latis explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Belen was also startled. Flotti didn’t work in the academy. Although he wanted to say that, but after thinking about it, it’s not impossible. After all, Celica is the current student of Flozarno Academy. The principal of the school.

But ah, won't this affect their studies?He is more worried about this.

But at this time, Ilia seemed to see what Belen was thinking. She blinked and then said: "My school year course with Latis has exceeded the general value, so it doesn't matter."

"That's it."

Belen was also a little surprised, but that's fine. After all, how long it will take to go to the Fairy Forest and come back this time, but no matter how you think about it, it will take a long time.

A loud noise suddenly came from the other side of the street, and Belen also looked at him, because he found that many people were surrounded there, so I think most of them were residents here.

What are they doing?

So Belen decided to take a look. He first looked at the girl next to him, and then exhorted: "La Tier, take everyone not to get lost, I'll go over there."

"I understand." Latier nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Belen trot over to the side of the street, and people were constantly gathering there. He thought that it might be a banquet or something like that.

"Now everyone is leaving the town immediately!"

When Belen came here, this was the first sentence he heard. He looked at the man in the uniform of the officer standing on the highest point, probably an officer in a nearby town.

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