Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 615

Before Lumia could make a move, a strand of silver hair suddenly shuttled away, like a shooting star, which instantly penetrated the body of the bird and then pulled it back. The bird of beast fell directly on the ground. .

Seeing this scene, Lu Mia turned around and looked up. She saw a silver-haired woman with alluring beauty standing on the eaves, her body exuding silver brilliance, beautiful and holy.


Illya, who heard the call, also looked at Lumia and Latir. She nodded to the second girl and said, "Leave the rest to me."

Now that Ilia is there, there is no need to worry, they only need a good posture, and they can leave the battlefield as long as they enter the forest.

I don’t know if it’s because Latier and the others escaped from the town. Numerous monsters are coming here. This scene is really shocking, whether it’s Latier or Lumia, or Lattes and Hill in the commercial car couldn't help feeling frightened at this moment.

With so many monsters, can people in the town really escape?

"No, the people in the town may not be able to escape!" Latier was also worried.

She looked back at the town that was getting farther and farther away. Although some people ran out one after another, it was obviously not everyone. According to the speed of these monsters, it is very likely that the people in the town were surrounded before they escaped!

Lumia also frowned and embroidered her eyebrows. She didn't expect that there would be so many monsters. She gritted her teeth and she didn't know what to do. If she went back to rescue those people, she didn't know she would wait Can human power be killed again?

"give it to me."

The silver-haired girl standing on the eaves suddenly made a sound, and then under the confused gazes of Latir and Lumia, the silver-haired girl raised her arms and slowly dragged it upwards. Under the silver light, a touch of earthy yellow The magic power suddenly emerged, and the unearthed brilliance continued to emerge on the plain.

Mantra of the Earth!

There is no doubt that this is the power of Illiya's Earth Mantra. Her gaze swept across the countless beasts, her hands crossed in front, and then she moved slowly to the two sides.


Numerous mudstones began to roll away, and the ground directly cracked into a huge gully. Numerous beasts fell into it, and the rolling mudstones rolled many beasts into it and were thrown away. Long distance.

The power to twist the situation of the earth like this is simply appalling, and Ilia has now mastered the elemental laws like "Earth Mantra", which is enough to compete with the earth elves.

Furthermore, today Iliaco still has the "Eyes of the Demigod", and her affinity and control of magic are much stronger than in the past, although she can't really set foot in the "Demigod Realm" like Belen. "Borrowing the power of the magic dimension, but now she may not be weaker than the strong in the demigod domain.


Under the guidance of Ilya, the earth split and converged again, and this land seemed to be dominated by her at this moment, and although those beasts were very strong, they could not compete with the power of "Earth Mantra" anyway.

Because of Ilia's magic, the movement of the earth shaking at this moment is more intense than that caused by the previous beasts. The civilians in the town thought that the end had arrived.

"Illya...well, so amazing!"

After seeing such an astonishing change in the terrain in the distance, Lumia was also dumbfounded and exclaimed. Although the magic circle that shrouded the sky and resisted the terrible white wings was the work of Ilia, She didn't see it with her own eyes, so the impact on her was not as great as it is now.

When I first met, I felt that Illia was amazing, but I didn't expect that she has reached such an astonishing level now. This is probably... the world's top, right?

After dispersing the formation of the group of beasts, Illya also retracted her magic power. Her eyes were cast on the countless birds in the sky, her right hand was raised, and a huge mud suddenly burst out of the ground not far away. The giant stone hand grabbed towards the sky, and this grab caught several huge birds, and then patted it directly towards the ground, probably directly into mashed flesh.

Although Illya is very beautiful and usually quiet, but this is really...no, maybe Illya really treats those monsters as bad animals, right?

Lumia thought about it this way, she couldn't help showing a helpless smile. Then, she noticed something again, turned her head and looked at the sky, and a figure with wings of blue wind flying behind her.

Seeing this figure, Lumia also shouted in surprise: "Master Juggernaut!"

That figure was the "Swordsman" Antrina who had returned from the game. She smiled and floated to the side of the commercial car, then looked at Ilia, and said with some surprise: "This is the first time I saw Yili. Ya do it, it's amazing!"

Even Antrina was amazed at Illia’s power, because the child was too young. At the same age, Antrina couldn’t think of anyone comparable to her, Belen couldn’t. "The Brave" had not awakened at the time, so it was incomparable.

This should be the child blessed by the world, right?

Illya put away her magic power, then looked at Antelina, then blinked her eyes, her expression gradually softened, and then said hello: "Welcome back."

During the time in Ailoranya, Antelina has already known everyone. Antelina knows that these girls are Belen’s extremely important family members, and the girls also know that Antelina is very important to Belem. For Lun, he is a mother-like existence, and his identity is above that of a teacher.

Antelina flew to the eaves and put away the wings of the wind. She raised her hand and rubbed Ilia’s head affectionately, and then smiled and said, "Ilia is so great, who can be worthy of you? ?"


Ilia blinked, and then responded, and Antelina was also startled when she heard this, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"So this is ah!"

Chapter 642: What a busy world


The blue sword light flicked across, and a blood spatter spattered from the group of monsters, and then the floor was cut over, and the air wave directly lifted several behemoths away.

Belen's gaze swept across the group of beasts, and he found that there were not as many beasts as before, and there were almost endless successions before and after.

Having said that, the violent vibration just now should have been caused by Ilia, so the rapid decrease in the number of monsters also knows the reason.

After getting away from the monsters, Belen soon came to the south side of the town. He saw many soldiers and soldiers carrying the monsters and ordinary civilians leaning against each other behind them.


Suddenly a desperate scream sounded, Belen also looked over there suddenly, only to see a soldier was suddenly penetrated by a worm-shaped beast with tentacles, and at this moment had lost all his vitality.

Belen's eyes condensed, and then it turned into a blue streamer and flew away, holding a sharp momentum, and in a blink of an eye the big bug penetrated.


The corpse fell to the ground, and the venom on the tentacles was extremely corrosive, and soon corroded the body of the corpse.

Seeing this scene, Belen's heart was inexplicably angry. Those dark blue eyes stared at the monsters. He slowly raised the sword in his hand, holding the sword in his right hand, his arm bent, and the sword horizontally on the left. Arm side.

"Sword Skill·Sword of Execution."

A blue streamer full of killing intent flashed past, and in an instant, all three monsters in front of me were beheaded, and blood was splashed. Facing such an irrational and brutal creature, there is no reason to Keep your hands!

Belen looked around, and then his eyes fell on the soldiers and civilians who were staring at him dumbfounded. He was slightly startled, as if he had done too much.

"Okay, it's okay, you guys get out of here quickly!" Belen didn't go close to each other, and after a reminder, he walked out of the town.

A soldier looked at the white-haired figure that was gradually going away, and then his gaze fell on the long sword in the man's hand. He gradually recovered, and his face gradually showed shock.

"That... that person is, "The White-haired Sword Saint"!"

When the army left the town with civilians, they looked at the plain that can no longer be called the plain in shock. It is hard to imagine what happened to the outside world when they fought hard in the town?

In the forest in the distance, a commercial vehicle was parked at the moment, and outside the commercial vehicle, several girls were standing there looking far away, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Antelina and Ilia locked in one direction at the same time, and they could see the familiar white-haired figure in their sights.

"Brother is back."

Hearing what Ilia said, La Tier and the others also looked in the direction she was pointing at the moment, and they saw Belem's figure.

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