Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 654

"Then you guys have a chat here for a while, I'll go to the kitchen to help you make something delicious."

After getting Antelina's answer, Belen turned around under Antelina's suspicious gaze. If he continued to stay, he might be noticed that something was wrong, so let's leave here for now.

Seeing Belen's departure, the girls were all startled. They always felt that Belen's mood seemed to be in a bad mood. Although they didn't know what changed their hair, Rumia and Latir But it showed a subtle expression.

"That kid..."

Antelina also remembered something, she frowned slightly, then stood up, she smiled and said: "I'll go help that kid, you guys have a chat here, you should have a lot to say to each other ?"


Lumia also responded softly. She knew that Belen had already told Antelina about her when she was in the northwest.

Latil on the side also gave Rumia a thoughtful look. Cat’s pupils flickered slightly, as if thinking of something, she retracted her gaze, and then she was silent for a while and then smiled again. Looking at Laiya, he continued to talk about what he had experienced these days.

Chapter 688: The Only Family

In the kitchen, Belen is slowly exploiting the ingredients. He is not in the mood to cook at the moment. His mind is full of uneasy thoughts. Although he didn't want to be like this, he has realized what happened before. My time has almost reached the end.

Can't go on like this.

Belen exhaled, and he put down the ingredients, trying to put down all the complicated thoughts in his mind, but this is really difficult to do.

"Hey, brat, why are you feeling depressed?"

At this time Ant Lena's voice came from behind, and Belen was also startled. When he turned around, he saw Ant Lena leaning at the door and looking at him.

"I have nothing to depress."

"Is it because of your body?"

Belen, who still wanted to deny, opened his mouth and retorted speechlessly when he heard these words. He sighed, but he didn't expect to show Antrina what he was thinking about.


Hearing her disciple’s apology, Antrina also walked over with a frown. She looked at the messy ingredients cut on the table, then sighed and picked up the kitchen knife on the side, and took another ingredient and started to help. After cutting it, I didn't forget to say it.

"You don't need to say sorry to your mother, you are my dear disciple and son."

When Belen heard these words from Antelina, his heart was also very moved, his eyes were a little moist, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If I leave, I hope you can take care of me. They, before they can support themselves."

"Have you confessed the last words so soon?" Antrina did not go to see Belem, but said calmly while cutting vegetables.

In response, Belem responded: "Well, I have already explained it several times."

"Well, I don't need me anymore." Antelina raised her head, and then looked at the disciple beside her. She smiled and said, "Do you need me to walk with you?"

"You, what did you say?"

Belen was stunned. He dared not understand what Antelina dared to say for a while, and the latter turned his head with a smile and continued to cut the ingredients on the chopping board.

"I, you are the only family left."

Antelina's beautiful face showed a gentle color, and her soft words fell on someone's heart like raindrops, making him warm enough to cry.

"You fellow, would you say something like this?" Belen was also very ashamed, his cheeks were a little rosy, he glanced at the elf woman next to him, and then snorted: "I don't need you to be buried with you. Yeah, old woman."

"Oh, brat."

Antelina also replied with a smile, and then was silent for a while, she spoke again, and said softly: "I'm serious, so you have to stay as long as possible."

"Got it."

In the end, it ended with this sentence, and Belen's mood also recovered unconsciously. It turned out that he just needed a comfort.

Think about it, I really haven't grown up.

Although it was late, the girls didn't mean to sleep, as if they wanted to tell each other everything that happened these days.

"Come on delicious food!"

With Antelina’s cheers, she and Belen came to the girls with their dishes. They put the dishes on the huge wooden table, and there were more than a dozen dishes one after another. , I did so much without knowing it.

"Mr. Belen's food!"

When she saw the table full of dishes, Laiya's eyes also brightened. She picked up the chopsticks with excitement, and then couldn't wait to start to taste the delicious dishes of this table.

Seeing the satisfied girls, Antelina also smiled and said, "Although it is Belém's cooking, I can also help!"

After a while, Laya suddenly remembered something. She curiously asked: "Mr. Belém, what happened to you just now? It seems like something is on your mind."

"Well, it's something to worry about, but it's not a very important thing, so don't care about it." Belen said, cleverly answering Laya's question.

Lumia and Latier on the side both glanced at Belen, and they were relieved when they saw that the latter did not look strange. Perhaps they were wrong.

Belen put down the dishes and chopsticks he had eaten, and then told: "Okay, eat quickly, remember not to eat too much, it's late, and it's time to go to bed later."


The girls responded, and quickly wiped out the food on the table, as if they were taking what Belen had just said into ears, and this made Belen a little helpless.

"Eating so much, can you still sleep later?"

Hearing this, Hill snorted and said, "You underestimate a girl's belly, right?"


Belen also grinned, and then looked at the other girls, they all nodded in unison, so he turned his gaze on Ilia.

"Ilia, can't you hold your stomach?"

The silver-haired girl saw Belen's gaze, so she said calmly: "Brother don't worry, there is no support."

Hearing that, the corners of Belem’s mouth twitched slightly. He obviously prepared so many dishes, but was eaten up by everyone. This is really unexpected. Isn’t the belly of a girl fundamentally different from that of a boy? ?But thinking about it, it seems to be true.

"No wonder girls can have children."

When I heard Belen’s murmur, all the girls’ faces turned red in an instant, and even Iliya’s cheeks were a little bit red, lowering her head to remain silent.

Latier was also blushing, and shouted very embarrassingly: "Mr. Belém, hooligan!"


Although I don't understand why he was scolded, when Belen was about to clean up the table, the girls pushed themselves away, saying that they would be allowed to clean up. Belen was also confused when seeing their flushed faces.

"Well then, leave it to you."

As a result, Belen also scratched his hair and walked to the balcony. He raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was obviously late at night, but the night in the Fairy Forest still had those glimmers, beautiful and serene.

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