Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 693

Hearing Soest's words, Belen was stunned. He looked at the blond girl with his head down, and then asked softly, "Laiya, is this the way it is?"

Laiya was silent for a moment, and then responded.

"It turned out to be this." Belen also smiled. He smiled and said: "I'm so sorry, we are too late, and you have been waiting for a long time."

Laya's eyes widened slightly when she heard this, she shook her head quickly and said: "No, no, I have such a thought for myself, how can I make Mr. Belém apologize?"

"Laya is really a kind child." Belen smiled after hearing the words, and then he looked at Soest and asked: "Since we are here, then Laya's wedding, we can also attend. ?"

Soest nodded slightly after hearing the words, and said: "If Laiya doesn't refuse, of course it can."

So, Belen looked at the girl who was staring at him dullly, and he smiled and asked, "Laya, can we attend your wedding?"


Laya pursed her lips and couldn't say anything, and she was very depressed. She wanted to tell Belen her true feelings directly, but she already knew the latter's biggest secret, and she knew what this man hoped for in the end.

If she said that she did not want to get married, she believed that Belem and everyone would help herself to deny her father, but is she really willing to do that?

Because of her unwillingness, she made the people around him worry about him, and then got involved. She didn't want to do this anyway. With her father's stubbornness, she would definitely conflict with everyone.

On both sides are her family members, and she does not want any harm.

So, the answer is very clear.

Laiya put away the complexity in her heart, and a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face. She said, "Of course, my wedding, everyone must be there!"

"Great." Belen smiled happily, thinking that Laiya was in a bad mood, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

Soest on the side also turned his head and glanced at his daughter. His golden eyes flickered slightly, and then he nodded slightly in relief. He turned his head and looked at everyone.

"In that case, I have started preparing for the wedding in recent days, and I am looking forward to your arrival."

Belen smiled and nodded. For him, the biggest hope is to see everyone grow up healthily, and to see everyone grow up before he dies.

Now Laya is getting married, which makes him super gratified.

After a long time.

"Excuse me today." Soest stood up, and then, he looked at Laiya, and said, "In this case, before the wedding, you can do what you want to do."

When she heard her father's words, Laiya also lowered her head in response, and slowly held her hands together. Instead of watching her father's departure, she lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing this scene, Belen was also a little puzzled. He also vaguely realized that the father and daughter might be a little different, but he still asked: "Laya, don't you want to send him off?"


Laiya was taken aback, then stood up, she smiled and said, "Well, I'll send it off." After that, she ran towards the outside.

Only two people remained in the house.

Ilia suddenly said, "Sister Laiya, she seems unhappy."

"Yeah." Belen replied softly. He frowned slightly. He also noticed that Laya's mood was a little strange. He was usually so lively, but today he was very silent.

Maybe because of her father?

Belen has now accepted the fact that the "Elven King" is Laya's father. The impact of this incident on him is still quite big, it is really unimaginable.

The daughter of the "Elven King".

Belen also laughed dumbfounded, he looked at Ilia next to him, and then subconsciously reached out and rubbed her head, and the latter also looked at him suspiciously, flashing beautiful big eyes.

This is the princess of the Airo Kingdom.

"Ilia is so cute."

When I heard Belen's words, Illya also blushed, but she looked at Belen with a puzzled look. She asked, "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, I just thought, Illia is also a princess." Belen replied subconsciously, with a smile on his face, but the next moment he realized that something was wrong, because it would arouse Ilia's sadness. His past, so he immediately panicked.

"No, no, I'm not talking about the real princess, but..."

"It's okay, brother." Ilia shook her head. She stretched out her hands to hug Belen, and then showed a soft expression. She whispered softly: "I am the princess, and my brother is my knight. A person."

Hearing these very ambiguous words, Belen also blushed. He scratched his hair a little bit shyly, probably because he was wrong. Thinking of this, he smiled and rubbed the girl's head.

"Well, that's right."

Hearing this, Illiya held her tightly.

On a small path, Soest was wearing a black robe, he walked slowly forward, and at this moment, he suddenly stopped, then turned around and looked around, the blonde girl came to him.


Soest looked at the girl in front of him, with a rare soft expression on his face. He said, "You don't want to hurt them because of your own business."

Regarding this, Laya was silent for a while, and then whispered: "They can come all the way to see me. I'm already very happy and can't cause them trouble."

"In that case, just get married with peace of mind." Soest looked at the girl, and then said calmly: "A woman cannot inherit the power of the "Elven King", so after giving birth to a boy, you will be free. ."

In the Forest of Elves, we cannot live without the "Elven King".

After his death, the Elf Forest must have a new "elf king" successor.

Laiya lowered her head and said softly: "I understand."

Seven hundred and thirty-seventh chapter: words against your heart


Inside the house, the girls gathered here, and when they heard what had happened, they all screamed in surprise. The news came too suddenly.

Seeing everyone's surprise, Laiya pressed her lips and nodded. She said softly: "My wedding, I hope everyone can come. You are also my important family."

"Of course!"

La Tier was the first to cry. She looked at Laya with envy and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Laya to get married so suddenly. I was really surprised, but anyway, it's all It is something worthy of blessing."

"Thank you." Laiya also showed a faint smile.

Hill on the side also sighed and said, "If Laiya told me earlier, I could prepare a gift for you." She was a little upset, after all, it was a good friend's wedding.

"Don't be so polite." Laiya also shook her head. She was silent for a long time while pursing her lips, and then whispered: "I'm really sorry, I kept you secret for so long."

In response to this, Lumia took Leia's hand and said with a smile: "It's okay! It's not too late to know, if you wait for the moment you get married and tell us, then it's really late. "

Hearing this, Laiya was also silent, and then said, "Thank you."

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