Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 695

Half a year ago, Laya refused the marriage from the "Elven King" in the hall of the elves tree, and people who saw this scene also spread the news, which also made many elves know that the princess actually It was the rejection of this marriage contract, and now it was agreed again. It is really puzzling. Some people guessed that maybe it was because the royal son impressed the princess.

It is also because of the spread of this incident that Laya has attracted no less attention than Belen and Ilia these days, and even faintly more eye-catching. This is inevitable. After all, the wedding of Her Royal Highness is now It's the top priority of the Wizard Academy.

At this moment, Laya, who was walking on the avenue, didn't care about other people's gazes. Her eyes were drooping and she looked at the ground. If there is a pillar in front of her, she will probably run into it.

Noticing the strangeness of the girl next to her, Latier also asked in confusion: "Laiya, you look absent-minded, what's the matter?"

"Huh?" Laya was also awakened suddenly when she heard the call. She looked at Latier, and after a moment of sluggishness, she quickly smiled: "Ah, it's just a daze, it's okay."

"That's it, that's good." Latier also laughed, and she said: "Now you are walking on the road, but you must pay attention to your feet. If you fall, it will hurt."

Upon hearing this, Laya also smiled and responded, "I know!"

"By the way, why haven't you seen Mr. Belém in these two days?" Latier also thought of the person who hadn't been seen for two days, frowning slightly, a little confused.

Hearing Latier's words, Laya was also startled. She smiled and said, "Mr. Belém has gone to find one of my elders. Maybe there is something to be solved."

"That's it." Latiel was surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Laiya's smile gradually disappeared. She pressed her lips and remained silent. She knew that Mr. Belen had gone to see Elder Emily, after all, she had guided Belen to go.

But what Belen was going to find Elder Emily for, she knew without asking.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine: The Last Year

In front of that courtyard, Belen was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and around his body, there was an incomparably mysterious cyan magic pattern on the top of his head and on the ground.

Beside Belen, Nit and Emily are chanting complex magic spells, and there are even a lot of words that are incomprehensible in this era. This is magic from thousands of years ago.


The turquoise magic power hovered around Belem, and then burst into an astonishing brilliance. At this moment, all the magic lines seemed to be liquefied and flowed to the top of Belem’s head, turning into a rune and then falling on his. The body turned into light and merged into his body.


After feeling that something in his body was being squeezed, Belen also gasped for a breath, and then it calmed down. He slowly opened his eyes. The dark blue eyes did not shine, but they appeared very energetic.

Nit took away the magic power, then smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"

When Nit asked about it, Belen also felt it. He nodded and replied: "I can feel that the seal has become much stronger. If I didn't take the initiative to mobilize it, it would be difficult for the magic to overflow."

"That's good." Ni Fei nodded.

Emily on the side also let out a long sigh of relief. She looked at Belen, and said seriously: "You must remember that you must never use magic power, otherwise this seal will gradually weaken."

"I understand." Belen nodded slightly, then was silent for a moment, before asking again: "How long can this seal last?"

Hearing this question, Emily also looked at Nit, who nodded to indicate that she could say that Belen could accept this answer in his opinion.

So Emily also sighed, she said: "At most one year, it will disappear after one year."

After getting this answer, Belem was not disappointed either. He smiled slightly. For him, it is a good result to live an extra year. He can witness more things and spend more time with everyone.


Belen stood up and stretched his waist. In such a calm day, no matter how much he thinks, he does not need to use magic. As long as he can live for another year without magic, this is simply a profit for him. .

Immediately afterwards, Belén bowed to the two of them. If it weren't for these two, he would have died already, which is simply unimaginable.

"Thank you!"

Seeing the white-haired man thanking him so solemnly, Nit was also taken aback, then looked at Emily with a smile, and immediately stepped forward to support the former.

"We are friends, how can we not help you?"

Hearing that, Belen also laughed. He looked at Nit, and then at Emily. He hesitated for a while, and he asked: "Can I ask one thing?"

"You can ask." Nicholas nodded.

Belen was silent for a moment, then asked: "Are you like me..."

"Yes." Nit didn't hide it. He smiled and nodded. He said, "But, I am probably longer than you. I still want to see the beautiful things in this era."

"I understand."

Belen had guessed this a long time ago, but it has now been confirmed.

Emily on the side also said calmly: "I waited for so long to wait for him to arrive. Now it's done. I don't think I can hold it for too long. It should be possible to accompany him on this last road. "

It turned out that the three people present were almost at the end.

Belen was also dumb when he learned about this, and then chuckled lightly: "Then walk the last path, and try not to regret it anyway."

Nit laughed: "That's right."

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at the two again, he hesitated, and then carefully asked: "Or else, will you two leave a child? Maybe, it can be entrusted to my family..."

Both of them had their cheeks flushed when they heard this, and Emily even blushed and shouted: "What are you talking about! That's all, it's just a master and apprentice!"

Hearing that, Belen also looked at the two consciously or unconsciously, and then said with a smile: "Really? That's really a pity."

"You guy..."

Nit also blushed and put his hand on his forehead, a little helpless, he glanced at Emily squintly, and happened to meet the latter's gaze, and the two of them instantly retracted their gazes as if they were electrocuted.

It's really an incredible thing!

Seeing the embarrassed two, Belen also smiled more deeply. He said this deliberately, just to see how they would perform.

A little devil hiding in the depths?

After a while, the three people came to the round table and sat down. Emily and Nit also recovered. Emily looked at Belem and remembered something.

"By the way, how is that girl Laiya?"

She also knew that Laiya was waiting for someone during that time, and it was the man and those girls who were waiting in front of her, who must be extremely important to that girl.

When talking about Laiya, Belem was also taken aback, and then after thinking about it, he said: "How can I say, that kid seems a little absent-minded these days, I think, probably because of the approaching wedding."

"Wedding time is approaching?" Emily was startled. She hadn't learned much about what happened in the Fairy Forest these days, so she didn't know about Laya's upcoming marriage.

Therefore, Belen told Emily what happened these days, and the things that the "elven king" came to face him.

"That guy... deliberately?" Emily frowned slightly when she heard the words, and then sighed again. She said, "It's really pitiful that girl."

Hearing these words, Belem was also puzzled. He couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Isn't this something to be happy for Laiya?"

Hearing that, Emily also looked at Belem, and she calmly said: "As her friend, don't you notice something wrong with her?"

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