Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 700

Upon seeing this, Antelina also got off the bed, then came to her disciple and squatted down, stretched out a hand and rubbed the latter's head with a gentle smile.

"Remember, you are my only family, I only stand by my family."

Hearing these words, Belen's eyes were also slightly rounded, and the heart that had been painful for a long time gradually warmed up, and his eye sockets were also a little moist, and then realized something, he quickly turned his head away.

"Are you not ashamed to say these nasty things all day?"

"What does it matter if you say bashful things to your family?" Antelina smiled and rubbed the disciple's head, and then asked with a sly smile: "Could it be that my lovely disciple is shy?"

"I won't be shy!" Belen immediately retorted. He looked sideways at the woman, and after a while silent, he whispered, "Thank you."

Hearing his thanks, Antlerina was also startled, and then she laughed and squeezed her disciple’s cheeks roughly, which was extraordinarily soft and elastic, and Belen allowed her to knead without resisting. Keep muttering to let her let go.

Although she was not shy, she was really moved.

Seven hundred and forty-fifth chapters: finally seen again

There are less than three days before Laya’s wedding, and during this time, Belen and the girls never saw the girl again.

There was only Belém in that room. Antelina left after staying for a day. She seemed to have something to do that made her feel irritable, and Belém was lying in bed on this day. He covered his eyes with his right arm, and just lay there quietly.

It seems that Laya can only be seen until the wedding day.

To watch Laya go on a path he didn't want to take, Belem felt uncomfortable when he thought of this, and he couldn't help but echo what Laya said at the time. He gritted his teeth and was a little upset. .

What I am looking forward to seeing is not such a hypocritical happiness.

That girl is really wayward.

Immediately afterwards, Belen jumped up from the bed, he walked out of the dormitory, and then walked towards the big tree, he wanted to see Laiya again no matter what, no matter whether she forgave himself or not, he must be good Apologize again.

It was not until night fell that Belen came under the elves and gods tree. There were so many elves living on this big tree, and he could not even find the way to the top.

Laya is the daughter of the "Elven King" and should be living on the top level. Then the question now is how he should go up. After all, he is not a royal family and can't walk around here at will.Just as Belen was thinking about it, an ethereal and pleasant voice suddenly came from behind him.


Hearing this call, Belen was also stunned. He turned around and saw the silver light and shadow greeted his eyes. He was stunned for a while, a little surprised at the arrival of the latter.

"Ilia, why are you here?"

In response, Illiya shook her head. She didn't answer this question, but raised her head and looked at the big tree with no end in sight from this angle.

"Does your brother want to go up to see Sister Laiya?"

Belen also looked up and said, "Well, I want to apologize to her again, whether she is willing to forgive me or not."

After hearing this, Illiya also nodded slightly, and then said: "I will take my brother up."

Hearing what Illya said, Belen's eyes also lit up, and he just remembered that Illya could fly and could take him up, so he didn't need to think about how to get up!

It's really straightforward and simple.

"Then please Illya!"

As a result, Illya came to Belem, the latter stretched out her hand, the former held it, and then the silver brilliance enveloped the latter.

After feeling his body lighter, Belen floated up before he knew it. He was also taken aback. The hand holding Ilia was also clenched for a minute, cold and soft. Yes, all in all, it is a very comfortable feeling, which also made Belen feel at ease.

"Brother, your hands are so warm."

Hearing what Ilia said, Belen was also startled, and then said with a smile: "That's because Ilia's hands are very cold, so I feel warm."

Regarding this, Illiya shook her head, then increased her speed a little, and flew up with Belen. If found, it would be very troublesome.

And Belen also looked at the sky. His dark blue eyes could see the restrictions that were shrouded in the sky. He frowned slightly, thinking that it was probably to prevent irrelevant people or elves from reaching the upper level.

Therefore, Belen couldn't help calling out: "Ilia."

Looking at the magic prohibition hidden in the void above, Illiya's silver-black eyes burst out with a faint brilliance, and the eyes opened slightly, and a round of magic lines was reflected in the void, and then there was It turned into a little fluorescent light and drifted away, and the corner of the magic forbidden was also shattered at this moment.


Belen was also stunned when he saw this scene. He could see that the magic just now was achieved with the help of the "demi-god eye", and it did touch the dimension of magic power, although it was not complete, but that After all, it was also because Ilia was not in the territory of a demigod now.

Regarding Ilia's talent in magic, Belen has felt it many times, even a little numb. In his opinion, this talent is more foul than "The Brave" Cesya.

He is also very proud of having such a wonderful sister as the elder brother.

"Illya is really amazing." Belen in mid-air sighed like this, because she didn't know how many times she was surprised by this girl.

Hearing these words, Illiya also lightly pressed the corners of her mouth and revealed a sweet smile, looking extremely holy and beautiful in the moonlight, which was heart-pounding. She turned her head to look at the white-haired man who was sighing.

"Brother is the best."

This is the most true feeling in her heart, because the only one who can save her from the darkness is the most powerful brother in the world in her mind.


The silver brilliance passed quietly in the cyan brilliance of the forest at night, passing by like a meteor in the high sky, until it came to the upper level of the sacred fairy tree. There were not many doors here, and the girl he wanted to see should be here.

Landing on the air corridor, Belem stood there, curiously looking at the scenery below and in front of him, it could almost be said that he had a panoramic view. It was really incredibly high here.


"Well, let's go." Belen returned to his senses and nodded, and then began to look for Laya.

Although Belen can't use magic power now, he can also find Laiya with the power of the "half-god eye", just like when he first came to the fairy forest to find the latter.

However, Belen wanted to avoid meeting the "elven king" as much as possible, because that one didn't seem to treat him very much, and he thought it was probably because of Laya.

"Brother, here."

While Belen was still looking for it, Leia’s voice came from beside him. He looked in the direction the latter was pointing. At the end of this corridor, he could see the familiar figure drawn by magic. That girl is definitely not wrong.

Belen walked towards that side without saying a word, his pace was also a little faster, he was suppressing his nervous mood, he was a little nervous.

I haven't seen Laiya for a few days, how is she?Are you feeling less angry?Are you willing to forgive him?

With a negative sense of uneasiness, Belen came to the huge door. He took a deep breath, then slowly pushed open the side of the door, and then stepped in resolutely, his eyes were instantly Locked the shadow that was standing at the end of the hall and looking into the distance.

The blonde hair was floating in the wind, and the owner of that figure felt something at this moment. She became stiff, and then turned around. There were incredible eyes and tears in those blue eyes with gold patterns. Filling her eyes, she subconsciously patience with her tears and pressed her lips without saying a word.

Looking at the blonde girl, Belen's mood also became complicated. He was afraid and nervous. In the end, he did not say anything, but grabbed his hair and showed an awkward smile.

Chapter seven hundred and forty-six: Does it end like this?

In the upper hall of the sacred elves, the white-haired man finally saw the blonde girl, the former with a nervous smile, and the latter with an incredible face.

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