Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 706

Chapter 752: You are my family

When the man said that, the dull eyes finally recovered a bit of luster, and the girl pursed her lips and murmured slightly.

"Mr. Belen..."

At this moment, Anrente is also staring at the white-haired man in front of him. Although he once doubted the relationship between this man and Laya, he found that there was no problem, and now it does not appear to be problematic. , It's just that the feelings between the two seem to be beyond one's imagination.

Today, but his wedding!

But now that the "elf king" is here, it is not Arente's turn to say anything, because the "elf king" Soest made a sound at this moment. Gray-haired man.

"Boy, don't try to annoy me anymore, otherwise even Antrina and your sister will not be able to save you!"

Hearing the threat from the "Elves King", Belem calmly said: "If I can't even save my family, then I have a reason to be saved by my family?"

"Family?" Laiya made the loudest voice so far, she smiled sadly, and then stared at the white-haired man, she said loudly: "Didn't I already say? My family, only my father!" You are not my family!"

Hearing Laya's words, Belen also felt a pain in his heart. He grinned, and then shouted: "Ahhhhh! I know! So there is no need to repeat it a second time!"

"Then why are you..."

"Because you are my family!" Belen screamed, eyes full of firmness, facing the girl with a gentle expression, he smiled and said: "Perhaps for you, I am not yours. Family, but ah, you are my family, that's enough!"

that's enough?

The elf girl stood there blankly. At this moment, all the memories came out of her mind, and there was an unspeakable sentiment surging out of her heart. It was a variety of emotions such as sadness, regret, and grievance. , Tears couldn't help falling down at this moment.

"I've done such an excessive thing to Mr. Belém, why should I..."

Hearing the girl's words, Belem smiled softly: "So, because Laya is my family, this is my consciousness as a family!"

At this moment, Soest, the "elven king", couldn't help but yelled: "Smelly boy, you are too presumptuous!" The majestic magic power rippled from him, and directly shocked the white-haired man in front of him. Backed away.

After several steps back, Belen stopped his retreat. He looked solemnly at the blond man in front of him. The "elf king" in front of him was an existence that must not be ignored, but he belonged to Laya. Father!

Soest shouted angrily: "Boy, you dare to ruin the wedding, no one will want to protect you today!" The magic on his body also suddenly broke out at this moment, and it hit Belem.


At this time, a majestic magical power filled the entire space, and the magical power that bombarded Belém was abruptly dispersed. At the same time, the silver-haired girl exuding silver light floated in Belém. In the midair behind him, that bright and moonlike figure was Yi Liya.

Belen knew who it was without having to look. He skipped Soest and turned his gaze to the girl behind. He was also very nervous. He had already reached this point. He was very nervous about Leia's answer.

"Laiya, your future should not be decided by others!"

Laya's heart trembled when she heard this, she suddenly raised her head and said to Anende in front of her: "Sorry, I still can't marry my cousin."

Hearing what the girl said, Anrente was also startled, and the loss in his heart was beyond words, but he didn't mean to force the girl, so he also nodded immediately.

"I understand that I was prepared for this from the beginning."

Laya also felt guilty about Anrent's magnanimity, but she had to make this decision. Is this her craziest decision so far?


After issuing her final apology, Laya turned around. She wanted to flee to Belém. The smile on her face suddenly turned into a dullness at this moment, because the man standing in front of her, Is her father.

Soest stared at the girl in front of him. His voice was full of anger. He said, "Liya, do you know what it means to refuse this wedding?"

Laya pressed her lips when she heard these words. She nodded and said, "I know, I understand that I shoulder the future of the elves, but nonetheless..."

"Are you still going to do this?" Soest asked.

Laya took a deep breath, then raised her head to stare at her father. The lustre in her eyes was all condensed. It was completely different from the bleakness before. She responded to her father with the most determined voice so far, and also called out My biggest wish.

"I don't want to get married! I don't want to get married! I want to travel with everyone again, want to see more beautiful scenery, want to have fun with my closest family, do the simplest and happiest things! "

After hearing these words, Belen also opened his mouth slightly. He was stunned for a long time. The emotion in his heart was beyond words. Tears had begun to flow in his eyes, and he lightly pressed the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile.

"Liya she...great!"

After hearing Laya's words, Latier and the others stunned for a moment before exclaiming with joy, and then involuntarily jumped from the side, and then ran towards the wedding hall. They were going to the important person. Go around!

All the elves were stunned at this moment, how did it suddenly evolve into such a result, all the elves were at a loss and could only watch.

Even the knight Ji girl Over Yinxian, and the Jingu boy who had been watching from below, were stunned. Unexpectedly, the man was so powerful that he dared to face the "elf king" and destroy the wedding.

After hearing what the girl said, Soster was also stunned for a while. After he recovered, he felt furious. He didn't expect the girl's attitude to be so tough. As the leader of the elves, he was even more stunned. It was faceless, but compared to this, he was even more angry that the wedding he planned so painstakingly was destroyed in this way.


Soest could only make such an angry voice, he subconsciously raised his right arm and slapped it at the girl, but Laya did not hide after seeing this scene, so she closed. She closed her eyes and prepared to receive a slap, because she felt that she deserved it, but she didn't feel the pain the next moment, and the voice she heard was completely different. It was more dull than crisp.


A white-haired man stood in front of Laiya. He grabbed Soest's wrist with his own hand, and his delicate face was full of anger.

"No matter who it is, you can't hurt my family!"

Chapter seven hundred and fifty-third: Here comes the trouble!


Something that shocked all the Elf tribesmen happened. The white-haired man, the disciple of the "Sword Saint", dared to stop the front of their "Elven King"!

The situation in front of you, no matter how you look at it, it's a big deal!

In the hall, Soest, the "elven king", glared coldly at the white-haired man in front of him. This man actually said such things to him, Laiya's real family, and it made him feel extremely annoyed. As if he was not worthy of being Laya's family!


Soest uttered a low anger, that hand was already clenched into a fist, and his whole body shook with amazing magic power. A thunder arc appeared on his body. It was a magic power that could definitely damage people, but it was against the person in front of him. Totally useless!

At this moment, the white-haired man clutching Soster’s wrists has already shown blue fluorescence on his body, like the upward flowing light spots, it starts to accelerate, and the blue brilliance makes him look particularly sacred at this moment, the dark blue His eyes flashed with transcendent streamer, just staring at the man in front of him tightly.

When he noticed the changes in the person in front of him, Soster was also shocked, staring into those dark blue eyes, vaguely aware of something.

"I told you not to use magic!"

At this moment, an anxious voice came, and an emerald-colored light and shadow came to Belen's side. This person was Nit. He raised a hand and grasped the soft life magic. Then patted the contact point of the two hands.


The soft magic power separated the two hands, and then each stepped back. Soest, the "elven king", also focused his gaze on the chestnut-haired man who suddenly arrived, but he didn't say anything for the time being.

Belen also looked at the man beside him, he was slightly startled, but before he could say anything, Nit stepped forward and stretched out his hands, and then squeezed his cheeks with a look of anger. .

"How many times have I told you! Don't use magic! Don't use magic! Why don't you listen! Do you want to die like that!?"

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