Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 713

Hearing these words from the Shrine, Ofer's eyes widened, and she couldn't help shouting: "Who is heavy! You are heavy! I am not heavy at all!"

At this time, Lumia looked over, and she was shocked after seeing the sweaty shrine. She also realized something, and immediately said: "I will carry her on my back. My physical strength is very good."

Hearing her words, the Jingu was also startled, and then nodded. He quickly handed Over the Strings to Rumia. He also suddenly loosened it. At this moment, there was a sudden chill in his heart. There came the whispers of the devil.

"Boy, you are very decisive."


An explosive sound resounded, and the figure of the Shrine took the lead to fly out, and La Tier and the others were also shocked to fly a long distance at this moment. Lu Mia was carrying Ofer's strings on her back, with the help of strange steps. Stabilizing her figure and retreating for a certain distance, she looked at the tower-like man solemnly.

Bang bang bang!

The figure of the shrine broke through countless trees, and finally landed on the ground. His whole body was in severe pain. He gritted his teeth, still struggling to stand up, with blood on his head falling from his left eye.

"The Shrine!"

After seeing the shrine injured, Ofer Yinxian and La Tier also couldn't help exclaiming, their eyes filled with worry, while the former shook his head to the two of them to indicate that he was OK, he endured Pain stepped forward and faced the tall man who exuded evil magic.


When the King Kong King heard the boy's words, he also froze for a while, then chuckled, and then burst into laughter. This is simply the funniest joke he has ever heard!

King Kong laughed: "What are you talking about? Do you want to challenge me?"

The brown eyes of the divine palace were very calm. He calmly looked at the King Kong King before him, and said indifferently: "Yes, I want to challenge you."

"Hahaha, it's really like that. Should you say you are brave or stupid?" King Kong showed a playful and disdainful smile. He said, "Do you think you can beat me?"

In this regard, the Jingu said indifferently: "How do you know if you don't try."

"The Shrine!"

All the girls were shocked when they heard that the young man was going to be singled out with the terrible Demon King, it was just self-defeating!

King Kong laughed and looked at the boy in front of him. When he saw the serious color in those brown eyes, his smile slowly closed, and he could see that the boy was serious.

"I accept your challenge."

Hearing the opponent's challenge, the Jingu didn't respond. He glanced at the girls behind, and then calmly said, "You go first."

"No! How can you leave you alone!" Ofer Yinxian couldn't help but scream, the light in her eyes was trembling, she looked at the very familiar back with incredible.

King Kong didn't care what the shrine said to the girls, because he didn't worry that the other party could escape his palm, and he was calmly looking at the boy in front of him at the moment, and slowly spoke.

"who are you."

The shrine took a deep breath, all exposed skin was covered with purple patterns, strange magic waved from him, and the brown eyes glowed with purple brilliance at this moment.

"I am the current incompetent student council leader and captain of the decent team at the Elf Academy. I am still a very poor childhood sweetheart. My name is Jingu Shihuang Zworth."

Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty One: Resolute Figure

Shrine · Lost Zworth.

The young man’s name was remembered by the King Kong King. This was a reward for the young man who dared to fight against him. The tower-like demon king showed a proud smile.

"come on."

Looking at the Demon King in front of him, the Shrine was not afraid, he had reached the final juncture, and he had to let Over Yinxian and the others leave here anyway.

So desperately.

Every time the divine palace breathed, the purple pattern-like lines on his body flickered, and his whole body trembled slightly, and the purple magic power was solidified and turned into a magic flame.

"Star pattern, open."


The surging magical power is like the surging rivers and seas. The sleeves of the shrine and the flowers and trees around are swayed under the explosion of this magical power, and his body is covered by purple magical flames. His combat power has risen to his own history. At the peak, this burden on his body also reached an extremely terrifying point.

When seeing the magic power erupting from the shrine, La Tier and the others also showed shock. It turns out that this beautiful young boy has such an amazing power, and the contact will be so gentle and plain tomorrow.

"The Shrine!"

Ofer Strings was also shocked when she saw this. She knew how strong her childhood sweetheart was, and she had never seen the purple pattern. Judging from the magical power that cannot be compared with usual, it must be terrible Magic, and must have caused a lot of damage to the shrine!

That fool!

Looking at the childhood sweetheart who had exploded with amazing magical powers, Ofer Yinxian did not feel happy, but was worried, because the opponent was the Demon King, and they were absolutely unable to compete!

Obviously let her do everything in her daily life, and act as a shopkeeper. Why do she have to fight against such a powerful enemy alone now, let me go!

The pain in her whole body made Ofer's Strings unable to move at this moment. She allowed Lu Mia to carry on her back and could not do anything. She could only watch that figure fighting alone, which made her very painful!

When the magic power reached its peak, the shrine was also enduring the pain that the magic power overflowed. He stared at the King Kong King before him, then both palms in front of him, and he chanted softly in his mouth.

"Star Magic·The Star of All Quiet."


The dazzling purple magic power is condensed in front of him, with countless fluorescent threads converging into a magic pattern, during which the flower of stars blooms, containing the extremely terrifying power of destruction, as if it can make people see the sight of falling stars.


King Kong showed an expression of interest, the dark black magic on his body poured into his right arm and turned into an armband, and he opened his five fingers to face the magic.

"Come on, I will take them all."

This is the confidence of the King Kong King, he believes that this young man cannot break his defense!


At this moment, the magic pattern suddenly burst into an astonishing brilliance, turning into a huge astral ball and spraying towards the King Kong King. The ground it passed was squeezed and annihilated by the huge magical power. Now, its power is very powerful, it is jaw-dropping.

Seeing the coming of the magical stars, King Kong's eyes condensed. His right arm slammed forward to catch the huge star. With the help of "Black Devourer King Kong", he was madly absorbing it. Power, but he was surprised. He found that his figure was retreating crazily at this moment. In an instant, he had withdrawn from a distance of tens of meters without stopping. This was the most serious damage to the King Kong so far. Effective attack.


Shrine’s mouth was panting frantically. He remembered something, and quickly turned around. He was so tired that he was about to soften. The purple starlight eyes looked at the stunned girls, and then opened his mouth. drink.

"Hurry up! Don't let me be beaten for nothing!"

Hearing what he said, Latier and the others were also startled. They couldn't move because the young man was desperate for them. If they escaped, the sense of guilt would accompany them for life!

Seeing the girls motionless, the shrine couldn't help shouting, "Go!"

"How can you go!" Ofer Yinxian also tried her best to shout out, the proud knight Ji showed hope at this moment, she stretched out her hand on Lumia's back in the direction of the boy, almost Beggingly said: "Let's go together, shall we?"

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