Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 718

On Belém’s body, a turquoise light pattern appeared, a seal appeared on his back, and phantom shackles appeared on his body. After he glanced at it, he was shocked, and directly moved those shackles. Shake off.

Immediately afterwards, blue magic power emerged from the void, like dots of blue light particles beginning to flow upward, and a transcendent sacred breath emerged from him.

"This magic is..."

When the King Kong felt the ethereal and ethereal magic power, he also frowned. He clenched his right hand into a fist, then stepped out and waved at the man in front of him.

Transcendent realm, demigod realm.

Seeing the fist that came with boundless magical power, Belem’s blue eyes flickered slightly, and then he stepped out in the same step, his body leaned down, his hands vacantly held on the left waist, blue brilliance condensed, silvery white The long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and then cut it out suddenly.

"Sword Skill·Breaking Army Style!"

The momentary low posture made that punch miss, and holding the sword in both hands and carrying the terrifying force, slashed on the dark armor, and then burst out a shocking wave of air, and instantly blasted the King of Kong away. It is like a meteor lashing across the sky toward the distance.

Belén glanced at the distant meteor, then turned his head to look at Laiya, who was also enduring the pain. He pressed his lips lightly and walked forward and put a hand on Laiya. On her shoulders, blue magic power poured into the girl's body, and she was constantly repairing the broken magic circuits.

"Mr. Belen..."

Feeling the pain reduction in the body, Laya couldn't help raising her head and looking at the man in front of him, who looked at him with a gentle smile on his front.

"If Laiya can move around, go find everyone."

Immediately afterwards, Belen withdrew his hand. He didn't have much time. He needed to solve those troubles immediately, otherwise he would be very unwilling.

When Belen turned and left, Laya called out "Mr. Belen" again. The golden eyes stared at the leaving white-haired figure in a daze, tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She knew Belen's Physical condition, if the magic power is used, then the feet that stopped in front of the finish line will step out again.

"Mr. Belen, don't..."

In the end, the girl yelled like this in her loudest voice, but the figure had gone away and could not be heard.


In the forest far away, a dark figure fell down and set off a terrifying storm. Even the trees had their roots cut off, and that figure was the King of King Kong.

"damn it..."

King Kong stood up, he gritted his teeth, his chest was a bit painful, he looked at the guilt on his chest, and left such obvious sword marks, and then he raised his head and looked into the distance.

Unexpectedly, he was hit and flew so far.

That man...

At this moment, blue light and shadow shuttled in, and a sharp sword aura passed through a hole faster than Thunder, the King Kong grinned and sneered, and then greeted him head-on.


The tip of the sword was resisted by the arm armor, shocking with amazing power, the ground was cracked with the two as the center, and the man holding the sword was looking at the tall man indifferently.

"You human being, are you strong?"

King Kong sneered and looked at the white-haired man in front of him. Despite such an amazing sword strength, he also had the confidence to be able to defend himself.

Seeing that his sword was resisted, Belen did not have many surprises. He retracted the sword, then turned his body and slashed out in a rough posture, as if he was hitting something with a stick.

"Want to do it again?"

When King Kong saw this action of the other party, he also snorted coldly. He stepped on his right foot, and the ground burst away, dividing the distance between the two, and then the black magic power surged out. The huge Black King Kong condensed by magic power stood up, and then two huge fists smashed down.

Looking at the Black King Kong, Belen was holding the sword in his right hand and hitting the ground, his blue eyes locked on the enemy in front of him, and the flowing blue light particles on his body also accelerated a few minutes, and his breath began to calm down. This world is still peaceful.

After noticing this anomaly, the King Kong King's dark eyes were also unbelievable. He shouted in a deep voice, "No, you are no longer a human being."

The moment the voice fell, the white-haired figure had also been slashed with a sword. The sharp edge was more dazzling than the torch, and it was sharp to the extreme. At that moment, everything became hazy and illusory. After blinking, the sword Has cut through time and space.

"Sword Skill Shigure."

Belen's figure has come to the back of the black diamond, holding the sword in his right hand and hitting the ground again, and the black diamond is also shattered by countless sword lights in an instant. At the same time, the pair is as deep as the sea. The blue pupils stared at King Kong, and he spoke indifferently.

"That's not human."

Chapter 767: The Power of Mantra

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the figure wrapped in blue radiance was constantly swinging the sword away, and even the King Kong King was suppressed to the point of angering him at this moment.

He had already consumed a lot of money in order to break Laiya's magic!

At this moment, another sword smashed down, and the King Kong also raised his one-arm to resist it with his arm armor, and a dazzling spark sprang from it.


Because of the tremendous pressure, the ground at the feet of King Kong King sank a little bit. With his hideous face, the dark magic power suddenly exploded with his anger.

"Go away!"


The majestic magic force blasted Belen away, and then landed smoothly. He held the sword in his hand tightly, and then rushed up again without stopping.

He knew that the other party wanted to use the gap to repair his armor. He had already repaired the other party before, and he would not commit a second time. Moreover, he must make a quick decision!

Seeing the white-haired man rushing up again, the King Kong King also gritted his teeth. He glanced at his left arm. If his left arm was still there, it wouldn't be like this!

Therefore, the King of King Kong did not hesitate to retreat. He headed towards the blood-stained position at a high speed. He needed time to recover his injuries and magic, so he should find that guy to help himself. Up.

Seeing the direction of King Kong’s escape, Belem’s eyes flashed. He knew what the King Kong’s idea was, but it was just like him. He stepped out and turned into a blue afterimage. Up.


At this moment, in that blood-filled place, it is no longer visible that it is a forest, with dark and withered flowers and trees, and blood is flowing in the mud puddles, like a hell-like scene, with no life at all.


A figure fell on the ground, causing a huge impact. The cracks like spider webs expanded rapidly and then collapsed. The figure in the pit was an elf woman, with scars and blood all over her body at this moment. It looks terrible.

"Oh oh oh, Master Juggernaut, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say bluntly that you want to solve me?"

There was a joking voice from mid-air, and the blood-stained man floating there was the King of Slaughter. Although he had a cruel and joking smile on his face, he looked very embarrassed and covered all over his body. The bloodstain of the sword mark cannot be healed for a while, because it contains the sharp sword energy of the ultimate skill.


Antelina in the deep pit slowly got up, her legs trembling slightly, she inserted the sword in her hand into the ground in front of her, holding the sword tightly with both hands to support herself, gasping for breath. Then, half of his face was stained red with blood, only those blue eyes were particularly bright, staring at the King of Slaughter above.

This king of killing is stronger than the king of annihilation!

"Well, it's over, "Juggernaut.""With a bloody smile on his face outside the killing, his hands were not stretched out, and magic patterns spread out around him, from which a very terrifying blood dragon head was drilled, and then he flew towards the woman below.

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