Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 729

At this moment, Laya was terribly panicked, because he did not feel the magic and aura exuding from Belem. She knew Belem’s physical condition and was very worried about whether the latter had already wanted...

Seeing the girl panicked, Belen smiled slightly and wanted to reach out to touch the girl's head, but he withdrew his hand after realizing the blood stains on his hand.

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Hearing these words, Laya also looked at Belem half-heartedly, except for this kind of thing. You can never trust the latter too much, because the man in front of him will always try his best to make them feel at ease.


"Really!" Belen couldn't help but laugh.

After staring at the man in front of her for a long time, Laya finally believed Belem's words. She was relieved immediately. Although she didn't know what happened, she seemed to be fine. Then, she noticed that she had fallen to one side. The King of King Kong, she immediately hid beside the latter in fright. She still had lingering fears about this demon, knowing that she almost died in his hands.

"He he he..."

Belen looked at the girl hiding beside him and couldn't help but smile: "Don't be afraid, he can no longer attack you, you can try to bully him."

"Is he... dead?" Leia was startled when he heard Belen's words, and couldn't help but guess, carefully looking at the big head that fell down.


Belen glanced at King Kong once again, and then withdrew his gaze. He looked at Laiya and said, "I am going to help Ilia and the others, Laiya, you should go find everyone and stay with them. ."

After saying this, Belen turned and walked in the direction where Antrina and the others were. However, not far away, he felt severe pain throughout his body. He gritted his teeth and endured it, his knees suddenly softened. Kneeled on one knee.

"Ah I..."

Laiya had just returned to her senses and wanted to say something when she saw Belen's abnormality. She was shocked immediately, and then ran up quickly, her beautiful face full of worry.

"Mr. Belén really is lying to me!"


When he heard the girl's words, Belen also turned his head to look at her. When he saw the sad expression on the girl's face that was about to cry, he immediately reacted, and immediately explained.

"No, no, no! It's not the reason you think! It's because I suffered some injuries to defeat the big guy, so I can't recover for a while."

Hearing this, Laya also frowned, she immediately said: "In this case, even if Mr. Belen goes to Ilia and the others, he can't help them!"

Regarding this, Belen sighed, and he said solemnly: "Although it may be true, but I have to go. The guy over there is more terrifying than this!"

"No! Mr. Belén passes by like this, he will definitely be..." Laya couldn't say the word, she pressed her lips, then shook her head, and said very firmly: "You can't let Mr. Belén go anyway. Mr. Belém, who has no fighting capacity, will definitely drag them down!"


Seeing how determined the girl was, Belen was also very helpless. At this time, another wave of thunder and majestic magical fluctuations made him frowned. He looked at the black cloud and The blood-covered sky seemed to be in a bitter battle over there.

Although he believed that the three of them would be able to defeat each other by joining forces, he was not able to suppress this worry now.

So, Belen gritted his teeth and stood up again. He looked at the girl in front of him and sighed: "I'm sorry, Laiya, I have to go there anyway. Even now I can help a little. of."

"No, no!" Laiya stopped in front of Belem, she was also very determined. In the end, she bit her teeth and took a deep breath, as if she had made some decision, her golden eyes. Staring into those deep blue eyes.

"Since I have to help anyway, I just need to help!"

Chapter 781: The Power of Choice

When he heard these words from the girl's mouth, Belen was also stunned, his sight was involuntarily attracted by the pair of golden eyes.

"Laya, you..."

Seeing Belen's sluggish appearance, Laiya also said very seriously: "I have the protection of the Fairy Forest, and I am also very powerful now!"

Hearing this, Belen also suddenly realized that the magic power on Laiya came from this forest, and then he quickly vetoed it.

"No, even if you have the protection of the Fairy Forest, you have already consumed it before."

Regarding this, Laya shook her head. She smiled and said, "Mr. Belém, now I have recovered! After all, I am now the "Elves King"!"

Hearing her words, Belen was also staring at the girl in front of him. He frowned slightly, because with his demigod eyes he couldn't see through the magical dimension. Indeed, there was a powerful magical power on the girl's body to protect her.

Maybe Laya is very powerful now, but before that, she didn't have this power, which made Belen couldn't rest assured that she could help Ilia and the others.

"Mr. Belém, if you really can't rest assured." Laya hesitated, then smiled and said: "Then, I will stop you, if you can pass, I will let you go."

Belen was also stunned when he heard the words. He stared at the girl in front of him blankly, always feeling that there was an invisible pressure on the latter. Is this growth?In the end, he could only sigh for a long time.

"Forget it, I lost."

As a result, Belen's feet were soft again. He fell back on the ground, then raised his head and looked at the girl. He smiled and said, "Then, you go and help."


After receiving the answer, Laiya also showed a happy smile. Behind her, wings of light fluttered, and then flew to the sky. She gradually put away her smile, because there is a serious battle next!

Seeing the figure that turned into a streamer and flew to the battlefield, Belen was also a little worried. He went from a sitting position to a lying position, and then looking up at the dark night, a day was about to pass.

Laya, it's up to you.

The light and shadow floated in the sky with crystal brilliance, and those golden eyes had locked the figures in front of them, and endless magical knowledge emerged in my mind. Although it was the first time I saw it, it was more than imagined. To be more familiar with.


Antelina was knocked out by the blood dragon again, she spouted a mouthful of blood, and almost fell from mid-air. She covered her chest with one hand, and her body trembled slightly.

The next moment, the golden thunder light crashed down again, but halfway it was annihilated by the bloody storm. A blood shadow appeared in front of the "elven king" Soster, and then roared and slammed it with a fist. On his chest, he fell directly into the forest below, and the ground was overturned.

"It's really difficult!"

The King of Slaughter stood in the air, and the blood stains all over his body were not his magic power, but the real injury. At this moment, the dark red bloody eyes suddenly stared at the sky, and a golden halo suddenly descended.

"Here's another one!?"

After feeling this magical power, the Slaughter King couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then shouted angrily. The magical power all over his body was surging, and the sea of ​​blood was surging, to corrode the golden aperture.


But at this moment, the earth shook suddenly, and two giant hands made of mud and rocks suddenly came out and directly captured the King of Slaughter. He was shocked and looked at the silver-haired girl in the distance. The silver-black eyes were locking on him. He gritted his teeth and wanted to break free of these two giant hands, but the circles of light had fallen on his head.

"Glory Magic·Light of the Sky!"

Accompanied by a crisp sound, a beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, like a miracle descended from the heaven beyond the night, the divine light descended!


The astonishing light beam directly bombarded the Slaughter King's body, and even the two great hands were shattered by the sky light at this moment, directly blasting the dark red figure into the ground. , Leaving a deep hole, the pitch black is already invisible.

Antelina and Ilia both looked at the light and shadow falling from the sky. When they saw the girl's appearance from the latter, they also widened their eyes. Although they guessed who it was, they witnessed it with their own eyes. Still very shocked.

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