Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 771

Sisya slowly walked towards Sharina and the others, her eyes seemed to have red light, and she said indifferently: "Sarina, and you guys... it seems that the recent training is not very diligent?"


A few girls felt covered in ice for an instant, they swallowed, and then they realized that something was going wrong. They seemed to be teasing too much. I didn't expect the head of the team to run away because of this!

"Okay, come with me, I want to train you myself." Sisya left such a sentence, and then turned and walked towards the grassland. Her hands were already clenched into fists, and she seemed to plan to take care of these. The guy teasing her.

Sha Lina's original smile is gone, she has a bitter face at the moment, she raised her hand and said, "That... Chief, can I refuse?"

So, the red-haired figure walking towards the grassland suddenly stopped, she turned her head and glanced at Sha Lina, and then said indifferently: "This is an order."

This... overwhelming people with power!?

As a result, Sharina and the others immediately followed up with a bitter face. This time it is impossible to be beaten. The white-haired man on the side is not a subordinate of the head, so it is impossible to order, but they do not. same.

But since it was about to be beaten, Sharina and others did not plan to take out the armor for combat, because it would definitely be broken by the head of the regiment!

After a while, the girls screamed in the distance, and Belen, who was sitting on the haystack, looked helpless. He leaned his arms against the pillow, and then sighed.

If the relationship is not good enough, it probably won't be like this.

As a "brave man," Sisya is really almighty. Whether it is knowledge, combat power, or humanity, there seems to be nothing she is not good at.

Ah, no, she can't cook.

Belen suddenly remembered this incident. Yesterday, Sisiya confessed that she could not cook. After thinking about it this way, there really is no perfect person.

Although there was a big battle on the grassland, Belen didn't care too much, but he really felt a bit noisy, so he sighed and stood up.

Let's go back and see how Illiya is.

After returning to the commercial car, Belen also noticed that there was still some noise outside, and was worried about whether it would affect Ilia's rest, so he covered the room with his magic power to isolate the outside sound.

Immediately afterwards, Belen found that there was no movement on the bed. He walked up quietly and smiled slightly when he saw the silver-haired girl who was asleep.

It seems to be asleep.

Belen came to the bed and looked at the beautiful girl who was asleep. After watching for a while, his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably. He immediately shook his head and lowered his head. No, he always felt like staring for a long time. It's a little weird, but sure enough, don't watch it.

But, Illiya is a younger sister, see what's wrong with her younger sister?Moreover, how does it seem to admit mistakes when you keep your head down?He did nothing wrong!

Thinking about this, Belen slowly raised his head after hesitating, but this raised his head was to meet the silver-black eyes, and the girl with eyes on the bed slowly spoke.

"Brother lecherous."

"This...this is definitely a misunderstanding! No! Wait! I didn't do anything!"

Chapter 832: Go and take a look

On this day, Sisya and the others are also about to leave. After all, the war is still going on. They can’t rest like this all the time, and the girls in the Superman Legion who are going to the battlefield are not too disappointed, because they know that the war If a day is not over, their mission will not be completed.

On the prairie, the girls from the Superman Legion have all gathered back, each doing their own things. Although they look a little lazy and not like soldiers, they are indeed waiting for orders.

At this time, La Tier and the others are bidding farewell to two familiar women. It was Alice and Persina who had worked together at the beginning. They both went to open a tavern together because of a long vacation.

Persina said with a smile: "When the war is over, we will return to the "House of the Aegean". It is really sad to keep Dolinuo and the others taking care of it."

"At that time, we will definitely go to work again!" La Tier responded with a smile, and she missed those days of work very much.

Alice also smiled and looked at the girls in front of her. She sighed: "It's been so long before you know it. Looking back now, it's like yesterday."

Soon it was time to say goodbye.

After finishing the team, Sisya also came to Belem. She was silent for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I always have the idea of ​​asking you to help us. Even Nowell saw you for the first time. I was advised to do this at that time."

Hearing these words, Belen was also startled, he asked curiously: "But you never told me about it."

"Well, because I don't think I should bother you. After all, I have done something that hurt you. If you still make such a pleading with such a cheeky, I really feel sorry." Sisi confessed the reason, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again. .



Sisiya nodded. She looked at the girls who were still saying goodbye to her friends. She smiled and said, "You rejected me at the beginning, so even if you ask for the second time, the answer will not be different."

Hearing that, Belen was also looking at the girl over there. He smiled and said: "Indeed, my answer will not change, but ah, if you are in danger, I will definitely help you."

"Because, are we friends?" Sisia asked expectantly.

In response, Belen also smiled. He nodded and said, "Ah, of course! I am honored to be friends with Lord Brave."

"Thank you." Sisiya also smiled, this smile has a peerless style, even if she is a female warrior in armor, she also has enough beauty to make people's heart and infatuation.

Seeing this smile, Belen was also taken aback, and then he couldn't help but think back to Sisia who was wearing a skirt in Flozarno Academy, so he smiled.

"It's more beautiful when you wear a skirt."

Hearing that, Sisya also blushed, she snorted, then wrapped her arms in front of her, she said disdainfully: "I don't like wearing skirts!"

"Really?" Belen gave a meaningful smile.

"Yes!" Sisya responded loudly, then turned around and walked towards the Superman Legion. Halfway through, she stopped and then turned to look at Belem.

"If I have trouble that I can't solve, I will ask you for help."

After saying this, Sisya raised her hand again, and a colorful radiance condensed, and then floated on Belen's body, integrated into his body, and then turned around and walked towards the Superman Legion. .



I have to say that the power of the superhumans is indeed very strong, and they are a hundred meters away in one jump, and the figure gradually disappears at the other end of the prairie ramp.

Belen stood there, thinking about what Sisia had said, and then smiled helplessly: "You didn't intend to let me help at all like this?"

Apart from the "Devil", what else can she not solve?With so many reliable partners, isn't he completely unnecessary?

Well, forget it, he is happy and free.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at Hoshina, who was walking aside, and he seemed to have just woken up, and he didn't know how much he drank last night.

"Hoshina, do you have any plans next?"

Hearing Belen asked, Hoshinai also thought about it, and then said: "I don't know yet. I have no plans for the time being. My experience this time is not enough, so I have no plans to go back."

"That's it, I understand." Belen was also thoughtful, and then said with a smile: "Don't force yourself too much. It's effective to temper yourself on the battlefield, but sometimes you need to relax appropriately."

In this regard, Hoshina asked curiously: "Really?"

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