Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 801

Belen glanced at the standing behemoth, and then said solemnly: "Vernie, please tell the second prince to let them deal with the dead souls, and then we will work together to solve the black dragon."

"I know."

Vernie glanced at the countless gray-black dead souls floating in the sky and showed a solemn color, and then controlled the flying magic device to fly downward.

After Lisana got what Belen said from Vernie, she didn't hesitate to start a battle plan. The black dragon and the others had no way to take it, and they could only rely on the strength of Vernie and Belen. Yes, but they can't just sit and wait for death, they will solve the dead spirits!

Verni then gave instructions to the Magisters she had brought, and everything obeyed Lisana's orders, and she also immediately returned to the sky, he needed to help Belen.

The white-haired man in the sky stepped away in the direction of the black dragon. Although he had lost his ability in the "quasi-god realm" at this moment, the black dragon had been seriously injured, and his current strength should be enough to solve it.

Chapter 869: End the Black Dragon!


The shocking roar from the black dragon not only vented its anger, but also gave orders to the dead spirits in the sky. The next moment, all the dead spirits were as if they were stimulated, and the vague faces became ugly. , And then flew towards the still-lively zone below.

"The Necromancer is here! Kill!"

Countless splendid magics are blooming at this moment, bombarding the sky wildly. Although their magic does not cause great damage to these undead spirits, they are equally effective, and they will disappear if they are hit head-on.

There are countless dead spirits in the sky rushing towards Belen and Vernie, but to the two of them, this is not a threat at all. Their primary purpose now is to solve the black dragon. They can't be affected by these dead spirits. It was held back.


Accompanied by a deep drink, the blue sword light spread out in a ring shape, killing all the dead spirits that approached, and Belen’s eyes also had a faint sharp edge. After solving these deaths After the spirit, he turned into an afterimage and walked away.

Vernie took the lead in taking the first step. She patted her hands in the void, and the magic lines spread out, and a huge magic circle was arranged above the black dragon's head. The speed of formation was simply jaw-dropping.

If Vierne did not inherit her family business to do business, but devoted herself to the study of the magic circle, then all the golden age students who knew Belen would be very sure, and Vierne would definitely become a master of the magic circle.

No, she was already worthy of the status of a master. If there were more magic circle achievements, she might have a title of her own.

Although she didn't care about this, it also showed her profound knowledge in magic.

"Forbidden Array, the countercurrent of the sea!"

Suddenly a brilliant blue light burst out from the magic circle of the sky, and then a waterfall poured out from it, like a heavenly river descending, rushing towards the black dragon below.

The black dragon lifted the dragon's head and opened the mouth of the blood basin. The black magical power surged in, and gathered into a huge sphere to blast the waterfall. However, the next moment, it changed.

"Forbidden change, the shackles of exquisite water!"

I saw Verni's gesture suddenly changed, and then folded her hands together, and the waterfall that fell from the sky also suddenly changed. It spread out from the state of the waterfall and spread out from the center of the waterfall. It turned into a barrier and generally covered the black dragon in it. Then the water flowed. Dispersed and formed a huge water state chain that sealed the black dragon in it.


After seeing this scene, Belen also exclaimed. Compared to when she was in the academy, Vernie's transformation of the magic circle is now more handy.


As the best partner in the past, Belen naturally couldn't fall under the wind. His body leaned slightly, and then stepped down on his figure to jump out. The left hand pointed the sword and stroked it on the back of the sword. Its sharpness is even worse!

The magic power of the sky is spurred by its sword power, and all the qi is concentrated in it, and the sweet sword sound is one after another in the void, like playing music, but then it turns into a dull groan. Just like the arrival of death, it is announcing the end of life.

"Elves Sword Dance·The Seventh Forbidden Voice·Reverb!"

Condensing almost all of the magic power of this world, this sword is particularly heavy. It has been slashed to the sorrow of ice and snow, but now Belen is holding it without feeling excessive pressure. He lifts it high. Then he hacked towards the black dragon.

Destroying the hometown of La Tier and La Tisi made them suffer so much.

Today, pay a little with your death!

The blue meteor with the deep sound of the sword smashed through the dark clouds in the sky, causing the stars to diffuse into the world, seeming to be able to cut the reincarnation, and want to cut the black dragon in half!


Facing this sword, the black dragon obviously felt a huge threat. It made a huge roar in its mouth. The dark red dragon's eyes were covered by black, and the huge body burst out with amazing magic and necromantic power. Obviously , It has also reached its limit.

death declaration!

The black dragon's huge body showed black lines that were all connected together. At the same time, its body burst out with incredible magical power. In addition to the magical power that contains the power of the dead, the magical power has another A magical power, the water yoke that bound it also slowly disappeared at this moment, and even the magical photon did not appear, as if it had been erased.


Upon seeing this scene, Vernie's eyes trembled. She couldn't understand what power it was, and she wiped out her magic directly.

Engraved with huge magic lines, a doomsday cannon with the power of ruining the sky and the earth erupted from it. Everything it passed was turned into nothingness, and it seemed that even the space could be annihilated.

At the same time, the blue meteor had hit, and the sword was slashed out without fear. The two extreme forces collided together at this moment, setting off a huge storm, and the surrounding space barriers were also broken. Open.

What a powerful magic!It's not just the magic of the black dragon!

Belen's eyes were staring at the terrifying magic power that was resisting his sword, and the illusory figure appeared in his mind. He gritted his teeth, and at the moment he had no intention of thinking more.

"I promised her..."


The blue brilliance shone again, and Belem stepped into the "quasi-god realm" again under the risk of being pulled by the magic dimension. He gritted his teeth and endured the horrible pressure that came suddenly.

He promised her, he must not break his promise!


Belen roared in his mouth, and the blue magic power floated behind him like a flame blown by the violent wind. His power climbed to its highest state so far, and the eyes that turned into dark blue instantly understood what was in front of him. Magic dimension, twist it with incredible power.

The Doomsday Cannon also trembled for a moment at this moment, and Belém's figure was wrapped in blue light, carrying an endless sword of magic power to split this terrible Doomsday Cannon, and there were countless unknown magic powers that wanted to smash it Corroded, but couldn't enter his field for half a point!

"give me..."


The magic power of the combination of pitch black and gray was split away by this sword, and the blue brilliance became the most dazzling color in the world. Accompanied by the roar, the person holding the sword in both hands will destroy the sky. The sword of the earth fell from the top of the black dragon's head.


In the dark night, the blue brilliance cut through the nothingness, and the most dazzling light bloomed in the world, which seemed to make the stars beyond the clouds tremble.

Chapter 870: The Most Sincere Oath


The sword was inserted on the ground, Belen was holding the hilt in both hands, breathing heavily in his mouth. The magic power on his body had already been absorbed. The sword just tried his best while still under the assimilation pressure of the magic dimension. He is now Is already exhausted physically and mentally.

At this moment, in front of Belem was the body of the black dragon, which was emitting black gas and was quickly dissipating, but the dead souls in the sky became more violent because of the death of the black dragon.


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