Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 809


Belen was also taken aback. He hasn't buffered from the scene he just saw. It is better to read a book quietly to ease his mental condition.

"This...isn't it?"

Laya smiled and said: "Mr. Belém, come on! Cai Jia has finally come here, she admires Mr. Belén so much, can't you bear to let her down?"

Apparently Caijia had already told the girls a few things before Belem came.

After hearing Laya's words, Belen also blinked, and then nodded as an agreement. Indeed, Cai Jia is the first person in his life who has longed for himself. He can't let her down. what!

So, Belen stood up and sat down in the vacant seat reserved by the girls. He looked at everyone curiously and asked, "So, what can I talk about?"

The girls were thinking about the topic, and after a while, Caijia suddenly said, "But, can you talk about Belém?" After speaking, her face blushed again.

When Caijia said these words, the girls' eyes all fell on the former, and after staring for a while, they looked at the white-haired man who was dumbfounded.

Latier's eyes became brighter, then smiled and nodded: "Then, let's talk about Mr. Belem!" She was also quite interested in this topic.

Latis was the first to raise her hand and said with a grin, "I know my brother likes fruit pie!"

fruit pie?

The first time she heard the term made Caijia tilt her head, blinked her eyes in confusion, and then she took it for granted that it should be something Florentis had.

Belen also nodded appreciatively: "Lattes is right."


Lattes, who received the compliment, started to giggle proudly. This also made the girls on the side wonder, can they be complimented so easily?

"That... Belem."

Hearing Caijia's call, Belen also looked at her and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Is there anything I want to ask? Just ask, I will definitely answer you."

This is my own admirer, and I can't let her down!

Caijia blushed and was silent for a moment, seeming to cheer for herself. Finally, she finally asked, "Belen, what kind of girl do you like?"

As soon as this question came out, the eyes of all the girls were focused on Belem, their gazes were torch, this question really hit their hearts.


Belen was stunned for a while, and then when he saw Caijia's serious look, his cheeks blushed slightly. He had promised to answer before. If he broke his words, it would be bad, right?

"The type I like..."

Several pairs of ears were erected.

But in the end, Belen drooped his head, and he sighed: "Sorry Caijia, I don't know what kind of type I like. Maybe I can accept a wider range?"

The girls who got such an answer were not disappointed, they were just thinking thoughtfully, and Caijia also nodded to express understanding.

"Then another question, is there any girl in Belém who ever moved?"

Caijia asked the question in a rush, she clenched her hands tightly, her eyes were very bright, as if she wanted to find a chance in the answer to this question.

The girls on the side also looked at this girl who was similar in age with a look of surprise, but they didn't expect Cai Jia to ask these questions so bravely.

The girl who has been touched...?

For a moment, an extremely familiar figure appeared in Belen's mind, with a long ponytail and blue and purple eyes. He couldn't help but his heart beat, his cheeks were a little hot.

This... not so good.

Illya noticed something but her eyes flashed, she said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Huh? No, nothing..."

Belen subconsciously turned his head to look at Ilia, the little pink mouth reflected in his pupils, and scenes of incredible pink memories appeared in his mind.

After seeing this scene, the girls' eyes instantly locked on the silver-haired girl on the side, and a competitive atmosphere filled with solemnity.

Chapter VIII: I will save on both sides!

At night, Caijia went back, but when she left, she looked serious, just like a student who found a new topic to take seriously.

But in the room, Belen was lying on the ground like a discouraged ball, with a tired and decadent expression on his face. Cai Jia, the child was really incredible, and the continuous questioning of him really tortured him.

After a while, Belem stood up and said, "I won't eat dinner. You can eat together later. Don't care about me. I will go and see the scenery."

The Laiyad girls responded, "I know Mr. Belém."

Immediately afterwards, Belen left the room, and Illiya, who was sitting in the corner reading a book, slowly raised her head, her eyes filled with hesitation.

La Tier on the side also retracted her gaze from the closed door, while La Tisi, who was sitting next to her, stood up, and the kitten blinked wide.

"I'm hungry, where are my sisters?"

Lumia also looked at the night outside the window, and then stood up, she said: "It's already night, shall we go to dinner?"

"Then go together." Hill also got up.

When the girls went to the restaurant to eat, Belem came to the roof of the hotel alone. He looked around and found that there was no one, so he walked to the edge.

Because Verni’s hotel also has a structure for enjoying the night view, the decoration of the roof is also very delicate, and the surrounding floors are made of high-quality stone.

After forgetting the cumbersome things before, Belen subconsciously thought of the jihad that probably didn't stop during this time period. He had also learned about the situation of the jihad in the past two days, and he also had a general understanding in his heart.

Now that the coalition forces have suppressed the Demon King's army on a large scale, this is a matter of course. After all, the phrase "the war closest to victory is coming" released by the "Great Sage" before is definitely not empty talk.

So, after suppressing the Demon King's army, there is no big result temporarily. Belen can also guess that the coalition army is waiting for the brave girl to show off, and that brave girl is obviously waiting for something.

Maybe it's waiting for a good time.

"It's really a "brave"."

Belen also couldn't help sighing. When he thought that the girl younger than himself would bear the expectations of the whole world, his heart was filled with admiration.

Only those who can withstand the expectations of this world can be worthy of the name "brave", right?He couldn't do it anyway. He didn't have any idea about things like becoming the savior and staying in the history. Even if staying in the history, he would not be able to see it.

Now that he can travel and live with his family happily, this is the happiest thing he has now, and he is satisfied.

However, he still has one regret.

Belen looked at the colorful lights in the distance, which could confuse people's eyes like a kaleidoscope. His gaze was out of focus and his sight was lost, but he seemed to see a figure.


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