Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 816

Guardian held the bread and bent down again to show his gratitude, and then raised his head again, with a big smile on his immature face.

"Sorry, I blamed you before, you are a good person!"

"It's ok."

Hearing this, Belen also blinked, and then showed a faint smile. The resistance in his heart has completely disappeared at this moment, and then he chatted with Guardian about some things.

Fortunately, what he met was an ordinary Demon boy. If he were an adult, the situation would be completely different now.

It was evening before he knew it, and after noticing the dim sky outside the cave, Belen also recovered from the chat with the boy.

"It's already night." Belen sighed, then stood up.

Upon seeing this, Guardian couldn't help asking: "Are you leaving?"

For this demon boy, apart from the demon territory, the outside world is full of dangers, because even children like him know what their demon is to the outside world, and now it’s hard to come across one He didn't look at them with weird eyes, he couldn't bear it inexplicably.

Belen nodded, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will come tomorrow."


"Well, really."

After reassuring the boy, Belen took out all the food in his storage, then took out his spare blankets and bedding and put them aside to the boy. He noticed the cold surroundings. After the environment, he took out a small stove and turned it on.

"It will be cold at night."

Chapter VIII: I am not a bad person

After preparing these things for the teenagers and girls, Belen walked towards the cave. He found that he was really soft-hearted, but there was no way. Even the demons, Garder and Rena were just one in his eyes. The child is nothing.

"thank you!"

Hearing the boy's gratitude coming from behind, Belen did not turn his head, but raised his arm and swayed as a farewell, then he walked down.

On the way, Belen couldn’t help but think of the holy war that has started now. He frowned slightly. If it weren’t for meeting Gard and Reina, he would probably try to avoid thinking about some complicated things, but now he can’t help it. Remembered.

If the coalition forces win, the demons will be destroyed, but in this way, the biggest crisis facing the world will also be lifted, and the world can continue to function normally. This is probably what everyone expects. , Even he is no exception.

Belen has never considered himself to be a great person. He can't help all people in difficulties. Even the demons have countless innocents, but in the general trend, it is impossible for him to stop the jihad anyway.

Speaking of it, wasn't the reason why the demons launched the war because of the threat of the three empires?It was due to the fact that the strength of the fear of the demons led to the outbreak of the final war.

The matter is a foregone conclusion. No matter whose fault the origin is, this war cannot be avoided. The jihad will have an outcome, which is irreversible.

Thinking of these things, Belen had a headache. He walked into the city, and in order to avoid attracting attention, he jumped onto the high eaves.

The demon's affairs lingered in his heart, and he couldn't help but recall the words Lilith had said to him when he was in Mostrow.

Is it because of these things that she decided to help the demons?If he wants to come this way, this possibility is really not small, but what should he do?Go find her?Let her give up helping the demons?

But even if he did, his instinct told him that Lilith would definitely reject him.

The only thing he can do now is not to participate in this holy war. His compassion for the demons cannot change the will of the entire world.

He can ignore everything, but Lilith alone makes him unable to let go anyway.

When I returned to the hotel, it was already after the girls had eaten the meal, and the moment Belen entered the door, he was instantly locked in by six eyes.

"Mr. Belén, you have been out long enough this time."

"Isn't it going to some unclean place?"

"I think it's very possible."

The last sentence was echoed by Hill, and Belen was also very helpless to look at this guy, really wanting to make up for him anytime.

"I just went out of the city for a stroll. In the city, there are always many people watching me, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

Belén did not intend to tell everyone about his encounter with the two demon children in the mountains, because he did not know what kind of attitude everyone had towards the demon, so it is better to avoid conflict between the two sides, and it is not anyway. What a big deal.

In order to dispel the doubts of the girls, Belen said with a smile: "When I went to the mountain, I also ran into a black bear, and then I had a fight with him."

Black bear...

The girls were slightly startled, but La Tier couldn't help asking: "Mr. Belen won't bake it, right?"

"Latier, what do you think of me..."

"Because Mr. Belén likes to eat game."

Hearing that, Belen also scratched his hair. This is not wrong. Compared with ordinary ingredients, he prefers to eat the game from the mountains. The flavor of the mountains and forests is more intoxicating, let alone from him. Craftsmanship.

"No, I just beat it away."

Therefore, Belen went to take a bath after a simple explanation, and he was still a little concerned about the holy war, and he didn't forget about it until the night when he fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Belen freshened up and changed into his clothes after waking up. He knocked on the door to the side, and La Tier's voice came from inside.

"Mr. Belen, we are changing clothes."

Hearing this, Belen also said: "I know, I won't eat breakfast. I go to the mountains to have game. Don't worry about me if you will be back before dinner."

After being silent for a while, Laya's voice came out: "Got it!"

Belen, who received a response, also went out with confidence, jumped on the eaves and headed out of the city as usual. He wanted to go to the mountains to see if the demon girl named Rena was awake.

The girls in the room are sitting in the room at the moment, and Leia said mysteriously: "Mr. Belém must be hiding something from us."

Hill also snorted, she had already noticed it, and immediately said: "Does this guy think we are idiots? It seems that we are hiding something."

So Rumia eagerly suggested: "Go follow Belén?"

The girls who heard this suggestion brightened their eyes, but considering that Belem would have a high level of alertness when he went out, he might be noticed if he was stalking, even Lumia, who is good at hiding. It can be avoided by Belen, if there are people who can prevent Belen from noticing it.

At this moment, the girls suddenly flashed a flash of light in their hearts, and then unanimously dropped their gazes on the silver-haired girl who blinked aside and showed a dull expression after being watched.

Ahhhhhh, isn't there one here?

Because it was still early, Belen was not in a hurry to see the two children. He walked slowly into the mountain and ran into the black bear again while walking the mountain road, but the latter seemed to recognize it at a glance. After he got out, he turned his head and ran without hesitation. This scene made him laugh dumbly.

After arriving in the cave yesterday, Belen found that it was dark inside, but with the help of the "demigod eye" ability, he could see a person in it, but that magic power did not belong to Guardian.

Reina is awake?

Belen walked in after a slight start, and when he just walked in, a sharp and sharp aura shot out from the darkness in front of him.

Ah, I just remembered that this kid didn't know him.

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