Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 847

"I know."

The voice of crying came out like this, Belem's expression became ugly. He imagined a child crying and crying, but his patience at the moment turned it into the way it is now. His right hand pointed the sword together. stand up.


The crisp and sweet sound of swords rang through the sky and the earth. At this moment, the gray sea covered the sky and the sun, and when everyone was staring at this scene, a deep blue sword The light just tore the sky and cut off the sea where the terrible magic power had gathered.

This power is almost miraculous.

Looking at this scene, Lilith laughed. At this moment, she released all her magic power. The sky and the earth were turned into the gloom, the dark clouds and the moon seemed to be wrapped in this world, and that piece of The starry sky is completely invisible.

Go all out.

That powerful magical power that can’t be described in words just covered this world. The entire Ailoranya can no longer see the starry sky outside, and a huge gray magic circle hovering in the void, it is turning , As if touching the principles of heaven and earth, it has countless times more powerful than war-type magic prohibition.

The power contained therein seems to be able to destroy the entire world easily.

Lilith, who has released everything, is no less than the "mythical" Sisia. She has a smile on her face, but blood is dripping from the corners of her mouth. There are bright eyes in the pair of pentagrams. Glorious, and her sight has never left the white-haired figure at this moment.

When everyone saw the huge magic circle hovering in the sky, their hearts were filled with despair. To them, that power was like the power of the gods. It was irresistible and powerful that the world could not understand. .

Is it all over?

Just when those people felt it was over, Flotti and the others did not despair like this. They stared at the white-haired man with his head down. They firmly believed that that man was the last hope, and he could definitely Break the desperate situation!

At this moment, Belen is on the verge of physical collapse. Instead of looking at the gray magic circle in the sky, he looks at his almost emptied hands. He has no fear and powerlessness of death, only full of guilt. .

"Latier, Latis, Al, Laya, Ilia, Rumia, Hill..."

He gently read the names of the girls, and then a bitter smile appeared on his face, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Sorry, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye again."

In the future, I may not be able to accompany you anymore. You will definitely cry for me, right?Don't hurt too much, I will be sad too.

La Tier, I obviously only responded to your situation not long ago. I am leaving now. I'm sorry. It seems that I, as a lover, seem a little inappropriate?

Lattes, you have to study hard in school, and you must find a good job after graduation. You are so lazy, you must find a job that suits you, don't be tired, brother will be sad.

Laya, you are the oldest person in the family. I have to ask you after I leave. Although I have matured a lot now, my naughty temper is really the same as before, please.

And Illia, my brother can no longer accompany you, but in the future, with everyone accompanying you, you will no longer be alone, ah, by the way, you can’t be kidnapped by some bad boys, ah Ahhh!Thinking that Illiya might want to marry someone else, I was inexplicably angry!

Sorry Lumia, I can’t cook for you anymore, your craft is very good!Try to do it yourself, right?Also, I hope you can help me talk to everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group.

Hill, although I always quarrel with you, I have never hated you. We are family members. Shouldn't you hate this journey?

At last...

Sorry, Al.

I may not be able to go to the wedding. Forgive me for leaving like this. For so many years, thank you for being my childhood sweetheart. My confession was so late for so many years. I'm really sorry.

If there is an afterlife, I must treat you... Ah, no, I'll be frank about it. If... if there really is an afterlife, I must!I want to marry you all!No one will fall!

It turns out that I still have so many things I want to say that I haven't said.

It would be great if you could hear it.

There were tears in those closed eyes, and for a while, tears flowed down his face. He didn't know how afraid of death he was until he was about to leave, because he still had so many things he wanted to say to them, and so many more to this. Nostalgia for the world.

But ah, there is still an important family member in front of her, who needs him to accompany her on this final journey.


He heard the calls of Flotti and Qiao Enna, and he also slowly opened his eyes at this moment. The dark blue glow from those eyes illuminates the whole world. His magic power is at this moment and the frequency of the magic dimension The state of synchronization was reached, the thinking and magical dimensions resonated, and the physical body turned into nothingness, transformed into a dark blue spiritual body.

Assimilation, the dimension of magic.

At this moment, he has become a truly detached existence, a god.

Chapter 923: You are no longer alone

In the distant Andilija, on a small road in the Boudamica grassland, a commercial vehicle was driving there very slowly, but the atmosphere at the moment looked a little gloomy.

La Tier pulled the reins, her eyes drooping, her eye sockets were a little red and swollen, her eyes were very dim, she raised her head and looked at the dim starry sky, feeling sad, but she couldn't cry anymore.

"Mr. Belen, how are you?"

Although one day has passed, and that person has not returned yet, of course, right?How could it be possible to come back so soon?

She comforted herself from the bottom of her heart.

The commercial car stopped, and La Tier got off the commercial car. She came to the edge of the trail and looked far away. She had a hunch that the person was in the direction she was looking at.

I wish I could see him come from one direction and return to them.


The voice coming from behind pulled La Tier's fading thoughts back, and when she turned around, she found that everyone had left the house and stood in front of her.

Latier was silent for a long time, and finally said, "He...will be back?"

None of the girls answered what she asked. It was because the anxiety in their hearts prevented them from answering this question, even lies and comforting words.

"He will."

Hearing this firm statement, the girls' eyes all fell on Al, her eyes faintly looked into the distance, she said to herself: "He will definitely come back, and I have to wait for him, no matter how long I have to wait."

Wait for him to come back, no matter how long.

The cold wind was rustling, and under the bright moon in the night sky, the girls stood there looking into the distance. At this moment, the girls' eyes suddenly widened, and the man's voice sounded in their minds. , The sad words full of laughter and unwillingness.

"Latier, I obviously only responded to your thoughts not long ago, but I am leaving now. I'm sorry. It seems that I, as a lover, seem a little inappropriate?

Lattes, you have to study hard in school, and you must find a good job after graduation. You are so lazy, you must find a job that suits you, don't be tired, brother will be sad.

Laya, you are the oldest person in the family. I have to ask you after I leave. Although I have matured a lot now, my naughty temper is really the same as before, please.

And Illia, my brother can no longer accompany you, but in the future, with everyone accompanying you, you will no longer be alone, ah, by the way, you can’t be kidnapped by some bad boys, ah Ahhh!Thinking that Illiya might want to marry someone else, I was inexplicably angry!

Sorry Lumia, I can’t cook for you anymore, your craft is very good!Try to do it yourself, right?Also, I hope you can help me talk to everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group.

Hill, although I always quarrel with you, I have never hated you. We are family members. Shouldn't you hate this journey?

At last...

Sorry, Al.

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