The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Uchiha Fire Array!"

Jiang Ping slapped the ground with his palm.

A fiery red square barrier suddenly rose up.

But it was not next to Jiang Ping, but next to Thunder Bull King!

The fiery red barrier directly sealed Thunder Bull King inside, and the purple lightning that spewed out of its mouth had not yet spewed out.

When the barrier rose, the lightning in Thunder Bull King's mouth could no longer be contained, and it sprayed directly on the barrier.


In such a narrow space, the violent lightning raged endlessly, and even Thunder Bull King himself could not avoid it.

The strong current instantly spread throughout its body. The first time it was hit by its own current, Thunder Bull King let out a painful roar and trembled all over.

Then it immediately understood that it was the fault of the barrier around it, and the lightning it just struck, even a fourth-level advanced beast might not be able to withstand it, but this barrier actually withstood it? ?

Surprised, Thunder Bull King knew that he had to break the barrier as soon as possible, otherwise the advantage it had just helped the beast tide to gain would be suppressed again.

Without its long-range firepower suppression, Kong Changxing and others also freed up their hands and increased all their firepower to suppress the beast tide.

"Zi La!"

Thunder Bull King was covered with a layer of purple lightning again, and then hit the barrier fiercely.


With a loud bang, the physical strength of the fifth-level advanced demon beast was perfectly displayed at this time, and the barrier was directly broken by it.

But Thunder Bull King was also affected a lot.

The scorching energy on the barrier burned its thick skin, leaving it charred.

Jiang Ping knew that it was impossible to trap Thunder Bull King with just a barrier, but at least he had time to get close to it!

When Thunder Bull King broke the barrier, Jiang Ping had already approached it.

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

Countless sharp trees whistled out and stabbed Thunder Bull King fiercely.

But Thunder Bull King's defense was beyond Jiang Ping's expectations. All the thorns hit it, but they couldn't break its hard skin!

"Human, don't think that you are my opponent just because you have been rampant in the Starfall Forest for a while!"

Thunder Bull King made a disdainful sound, stomped his feet on the ground, and a thick purple lightning whistled out from the ground and struck fiercely!

Jiang Ping's eyes fixed, and he quickly retreated, dodging the attack from the Thunder Bull King.

"It seems that I have to find you an opponent of equal strength."

After fighting for a while, Jiang Ping found that he could not break the Thunder Bull King's defense, so he did not try.

"Spiritual Summoning Technique!"


The smoke dissipated, and a huge figure suddenly appeared under Jiang Ping.

One-tailed Shukaku!

"Is this... a fifth-level monster?"

Looking at the One-tailed that was several times larger than himself, the Thunder Bull King was shocked.

Especially the opponent's aura was not weaker than his own!

"I'm here again, ha ha ha!"

The One-tailed laughed happily.

"Go, kill it!"

Jiang Ping stood on the head of the One-tailed, commanding the One-tailed to rush up and wrestle with the Thunder Bull King.

The size of the two sides was completely different, and the Thunder Bull King was also very smart not to choose physical combat.

"Thunder Method·Destroying the World!"

After quickly retreating to create distance, brilliant purple arcs suddenly lit up on the tips of its horns, and quickly crossed in the middle.

"Zi La!"

After the lightning condensed to a certain extent, it suddenly turned into a diffuse lightning, like a huge lightning snake whistling out.

Ichibi was not to be outdone,

"Wind Style·Big Breakthrough!"

As its belly swelled rapidly, a huge ball of wind blew out of its mouth, colliding fiercely with the purple lightning.


The energy wave generated by the collision between the two even blew away the surrounding monsters that tried to get close to help.

Jiang Ping stood on the head of Ichibi, and his Mangekyō Sharingan closely watched the actions of the Thunder Bull King, and two lines of blood and tears suddenly flowed from his right eye.



A cluster of dark flames suddenly appeared.

At the moment when the flame of Amaterasu appeared, the Thunder Bull King had already sensed it, but still didn't have time to dodge.

The dark flames fell directly on it, and the scorching heat burned its skin.

"What kind of flame is this?!"

Leixun Bull King tried to use his spiritual energy to forcefully extinguish it, but was horrified to find that the more he

The more you use your spiritual energy to suppress Amaterasu, the more rampant Amaterasu's flames will become.

This is simply... using its spiritual energy as fuel!


Soon, Amaterasu's flames had already wrapped around half of its body, and the high temperature made it scream.


Jiang Ping took a deep breath slowly to relieve the pain in his eyes, and looked at the Thunder Bull King quietly.

Under normal circumstances, if it was hit by Amaterasu, even a fifth-level monster could only hold on for a little longer.

"Don't think you can defeat me like this!"

Bearing the burning pain, a purple light suddenly appeared on the Thunder Bull King's body. The dazzling light even forced Jiang Ping to temporarily avoid the edge.

I saw a crack suddenly appear on the Thunder Bull King's skin, and a ball of purple light drilled out from the crack - it turned out to be a Thunder Bull King that was a smaller size and wrapped in purple lightning!

And that layer of skin was actually a layer of its defense.

Amaterasu fell on its outer skin and could not be extinguished. In a short period of time, it only thought of this method - forcibly peeling off its own skin.

Although it would greatly reduce its defense, this was the only way to get rid of Amaterasu!

"Boy, you are the first human who has brought me to this point. I will kill you!"

The Thunder Bull King roared angrily, with purple light shining brightly on his body and countless arcs flashing. He actually transformed into the appearance of a thunder beast and rushed out with a vast and fierce breath.

And the one-tail was not afraid of the stage. A black tailed beast jade was quickly condensed in his mouth.

"Tailed beast jade!"


The killing moves of both sides collided again, and the terrifying explosion swept the entire battlefield in an instant.

Xu Yue and others who were far away on the city wall were all hit by this breath.


The tall city wall shook a few times in the air wave.

"Such a strong force..."

"Is this the battle between the fifth-level masters?"

"If it were me, I would have died dozens of times."

Everyone was amazed.

Xu Yue and Kong Changxing looked at the battle ahead with worry.

Until the winner was decided, they dared not relax for a moment.


The blast gradually dissipated, and neither side could do anything to the other.

Although the Thunder Bull King was hit hard first, it was at least a fifth-level advanced level, and it was not inferior to the One-Tail in a head-on confrontation.

"Boy, what kind of summoned beast is this? Its power is almost the same as mine!"

The One-Tail also found that the strength of the Thunder Bull King should not be underestimated, and asked.

"Who cares what kind of summoned beast it is? Just do it. Give me your power and I'll help you." Jiang Ping whispered.

Under the interference of the system, the tailed beasts obeyed Jiang Ping's orders.

So the One-Tail did not hesitate at all and shared its power with Jiang Ping.

The fiery red energy poured into his body. Without worrying about the lack of spiritual energy, Jiang Ping clasped his hands together fiercely.

"Wood Release: Tree World Advent!"


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