After leaving Tai'an City, Jiang Ping rushed back to Huaihai City.

He borrowed a wooden cart from Kong Changxing, and rushed back much faster.

However, he didn't have any demon cores on hand now, so he could only catch a few "lucky" demon beasts on the road and dig out the demon cores to provide power.

Walking back along the main road, Jiang Ping didn't stop all the way.

He directly split two wooden clones, took turns driving, and he lay in the back enjoying the breeze.

Because he was following the main road, Jiang Ping saw many cities destroyed by the beast tide along the way.

The tall city walls were smashed to pieces, the city gates were wide open, the smoke was everywhere, corpses were everywhere, and the blood of people and monsters was mixed together.

There were even monsters still gnawing on the corpses.

These once prosperous cities have now become ruins.

Along the way, Jiang Ping saw six or seven cities, only one city was not destroyed by the beast tide, but the overall look was also very embarrassing.

All the remaining cities were turned into ruins in the beast tide.

It is enough to see that the impact of this big beast tide is really implicated in the entire Holy Empire!

Therefore, Jiang Ping never stopped all the way, and rushed back to Huaihai City at full speed. Some cities he met along the way did not stop.

Until, he encountered the beast tide again!

It was a city of about the same size as Tai'an City, which was fighting back hard.

And on the outskirts of the city, dense monsters rushed over like a tide.

No matter how the supernatural beings in that city fought back, they could not stop the beast tide.

The two fifth-level primary monsters led by them directly broke two large holes in the high wall of that city with absolute power.

Once the defense was broken, the beast tide could no longer be stopped.

Tens of thousands of monsters rushed in frantically, and the whole city was filled with smoke at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless people were torn to pieces by the monsters' fangs.

Jiang Ping did not help, nor could he help.

He could only watch the city being submerged into ruins in the crazy beast tide.

"This is the big beast tide..."

Jiang Ping murmured softly, driving the wooden cart and successfully surpassing the beast tide.

Now this place is still on the edge of the northern area, and it is also the progress of the big beast tide.

The big beast tide is not advancing fast, because every time they arrive at a place, they will drive the surrounding monsters to attack the nearby city.

This back and forth took them a lot of time.

After surpassing the beast tide, Jiang Ping continued to move forward.

Along the way, he did not meet even one person, only some monsters around him were staring at him and trying to sneak attack.

In the end, Jiang Ping killed them all without exception, leaving their monster cores to refuel the wooden cart.

In this way, even if Jiang Ping and his two clones took turns driving, it took almost a week to pass through the central area of ​​the Holy Empire from the edge of the northern area.

Jiang Ping did not stop in any of the cities he encountered along the way.

Until a familiar city outline appeared in front of him - the Dark City!

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Ping finally drove the wooden cart towards the Dark City.

He also left a lot of wonderful past in the Dark City.

Before the great beast tide came, Jiang Ping felt it necessary to remind those who had helped him.


The Dark City.

The city that was once a tripartite city gradually became two separate cities after the fall of the Night Demon.

The Dusk Auction continued to remain neutral, while the Guangxi Society annexed all of the Night Demon's territory, and its power became unprecedentedly strong, almost comparable to the Dusk Auction.

But the relationship between the two is now quite delicate.

They had both helped Jiang Ping before, and they could even be considered friends.

With a layer of relationship, the relationship between the Guangxi Society and the Dusk Auction has also become closer, and they have worked together to rectify the order of the Dark City.

The originally chaotic and dark city has now become much more orderly.

Guangxi Society.

"President, we have cleaned up all of the Night Demon's territory, without any omissions." Wang Bao, the current vice president of the Guangxi Society, reported to Zhang Yi.

"Very good, the next step is to integrate all the power of the Guangxi Society, spread it out, and find the whereabouts of the Burning Fire Clan." Zhang Yi's expression was cold and stern, and he was no longer as gentle as before.

The death of Wang Yan was a heavy blow to him and the entire Guangxi Society.

Zhang Yi had long vowed in his heart that he must find the Burning Fire Clan and avenge Wang Yan!


Wang Bao nodded heavily and left the room.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yi was the only one left in the hall, sitting silently in his seat, thinking without saying a word.

Until, a figure appeared silently at the door.

"President Zhang, it seems that your Guangxi Club has developed very well recently."

Zhang Yi turned around and looked at the man wearing a pure white mask without a pattern who appeared outside the door, frowning,

"Who are you?"

"Please introduce yourself, I am Bai Shi." The man said.

"Bai Shi?" Zhang Yi frowned even more tightly.

He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he had to say:

"What do you want to see me for?"

"I came here to settle a score with President Zhang." Bai Shi said with a chuckle.

His breath was very light, and his words were as light as the wind, making people unpredictable.

"What account?"

"More than two months ago, a man named 'Jiang Ping' came to the Dark City. Your Guangxi Association took him in for a while, right?"

Zhang Yi's face suddenly changed after hearing Bai Shi's words.

"Are you from Jinghai College?!"

He finally remembered where he had heard the name Bai Shi!

Bai Shi, deputy director of the executive department of Jinghai College and one of the seven fifth-level superpowers!

"Hua La!"

After remembering the other party's identity, Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly became stern, and lightning flashed on his body.

"Thunder Method·Running Wolf!"

The purple lightning quickly condensed into a ferocious thunder wolf, howling and running towards Bai Shi!

Bai Shi waved his hand calmly, and a ball of green flame floated from his palm, instantly turning into a huge fire tornado, melting the thunder wolf while pressing towards Zhang Yi with an astonishing temperature.

"Thunder Method - Hundred Thunders!"

Zhang Yi slapped his palms on the ground fiercely, and countless arcs of electricity spread from his palms to the ground, instantly rolling into a huge purple lightning tornado, and violently collided with the blue flame tornado.


Blocking this move consumed a lot of Zhang Yi's spiritual energy at once.


He took a deep breath and was about to look at Bai Shi.

But suddenly found that Bai Shi's figure disappeared!

"With such combat power at the primary level of the fourth level, he is worthy of being the president of the Guangxi Association."

A calm voice came from behind, and Zhang Yi's heart suddenly tightened.

"Not good!"


Bai Shi casually slapped Zhang Yi and threw him out heavily.


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