The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

Lin Hai!

The moment he saw him, Jiang Ping's heart was instantly lifted.

He was discovered here? !

In addition to Lin Hai, Jiang Ping also saw some familiar faces among the executors next to him.

Including the four executors of Jinghai College, each of whom is a fourth-level senior.

"Dean Lin, long time no see." Jiang Ping greeted with a smile.

Since he was caught on the spot, he simply didn't run away.

"Boy, since we last parted, I have been thinking about you day and night." Lin Hai's calm voice suppressed extreme anger.

"Really? I'm flattered to be missed by Dean Lin day and night." Jiang Ping didn't care about the good or bad of Lin Hai's words.

"You alone have been able to escape from the executive department of our Jinghai College many times, which is also your ability. But this time, I won't give you any chances." Lin Hai's eyes were full of anger.

He finally caught Jiang Ping in person.

Jiang Ping will repay Lin Yun's revenge double!

Jiang Ping gave up struggling on the surface, but in fact he was frantically thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

Lin Hai is a fifth-level senior, and the four executors and dozens of executors he brought are enough to compete with a fifth-level psychic.

And the biggest trump card in his hand is the one-tailed and three-tailed.

But even if the two tailed beasts of the spirit are summoned, they may not be able to escape...

"I am the first person who can make the most powerful students in the South District come to catch me with such a large force, right?" Jiang Ping laughed softly.

"Yes, you are indeed the first person in history. Therefore, I will let you enjoy the treatment of being the 'first person'!"

After saying that, Lin Hai suddenly reached out to grab Jiang Ping.

Although it seemed like an ordinary action, it put Jiang Ping under great pressure in an instant.

Even the fifth-level advanced Thunder Bull King did not have this pressure!

"Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!"

Almost instantly, Jiang Ping did not hesitate to seal his hands.


With a roar of dragon, the huge and ferocious wood dragon broke out of the ground in front of Jiang Ping, opened its mouth wide, and bit Lin Hai fiercely!


But there was only a huge sound of breaking. Lin Hai relied on the strength of his body to grab the upper and lower jaws of the wood dragon's mouth with both hands, and actually tore it in half!

The fifth-level advanced power system is so terrifying!

"It was my negligence to let you run away last time. This time, you won't have any chance again!"

Stepping on the corpse of the wooden dragon in mid-air, Lin Hai punched down with a fierce gust of wind, which could split mountains and rocks, and was unstoppable.

"So fast!"

The power system is a supernatural system that greatly enhances physical strength. Whether it is attack power, defense power, or speed, it is much stronger than the supernaturals of the same level.

Although Jiang Ping's Sharingan has captured Lin Hai's movements, the extraordinary speed makes it difficult for Jiang Ping to react.

He relied on his body strengthened by the Sage Mode to dodge the moment Lin Hai's fist fell.


The punch hit the ground heavily. Although it did not hit Jiang Ping, the gust of wind that spread from the ground also affected Jiang Ping.


The air wave of the explosion hit Jiang Ping hard, which immediately made his blood surge and his body retreated uncontrollably.

"I will beat you half to death and take you back!"

Lin Hai's words rang out again.

While speaking, his fist approached Jiang Ping again, at an extremely fast speed, not even giving Jiang Ping a chance to seal!

"Not good!"

Just when Lin Hai's fist was about to fall on Jiang Ping.


A thunderclap suddenly sounded in the clear sky, and a thick purple lightning bolt fell from the sky, striking Lin Hai in an instant.

The speed of lightning was faster than Lin Hai!

If he insisted on hitting Jiang Ping with this punch, then this lightning bolt would also strike him.

As a fifth-level advanced, Lin Hai reacted quickly and decisively changed the direction of attack, punching and striking the lightning bolt.


With a loud bang, Lin Hai was forced to retreat a few steps, unscathed.

Only the power system can forcibly fight against lightning with the power of the flesh.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky again, and when it landed in front of Jiang Ping, it turned into a figure - Jiang Lei!


Jiang Ping was overjoyed.

Jiang Lei looked back at him, looking at the face that had grown so much in less than half a year, and a trace of relief appeared on his face.


"Son, you did a good job and didn't embarrass your father."

"That's a must!" Jiang Ping stood up and grinned.

"Jiang Lei, your thunder system is still so swift, not bad." Lin Hai clapped his hands, his face couldn't be said to be gloomy or cold.

Jiang Lei looked at him and said coldly: "Lin Hai, my son, it's not your turn to move yet."

"My son's spirit core was destroyed by your son, and this hatred must be paid by your son with blood!" Lin Hai's expression was cold.


"Your son asked for it completely. He wanted to sneak attack my son but failed and was killed. He deserved it, and it was also because you, as a father, were incompetent."

Jiang Lei shouted loudly, without the stability of being the head of the executive department, nor was he afraid because the other party was the dean of Jinghai College.

"So, you insist on being my enemy?" Looking at Jiang Lei, Lin Hai's eyes gradually became cold.

"Nonsense! If I don't protect my son, who will?"

Jiang Lei flexed his strong arms, arcs flickered faintly on the surface of his body, and his breath was sharp.

"You alone can't protect your son." Lin Hai was not polite.

He could entangle Jiang Lei, and the remaining executors could go and beat Jiang Ping.

"Dean Lin, there is still me."

At this time, another purple-clothed figure slowly walked out of the forest.

The second director of the executive department of Huaihai College, Xi Yan!

Seeing Xi Yan, Lin Hai frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "Dean Xi, this is a grudge between us and the Jiang family. Are you intervening in on behalf of the Xi family or Huaihai College?"

"I only represent myself. Of course, I will not refute what Dean Lin thinks." Xi Yan looked at Lin Hai calmly.

Although he said so, his presence here means that he will not stand idly by.

And if there is one more Xi Yan, the situation will be completely different.

Lin Hai only had him as a fifth-level psychic, and he was not in a numerical advantage.

But he was not panicked at all, but his face looked a lot uglier, and he said:

"The two executive department directors of Huaihai College are here, can I understand that this is what your Huaihai College wants? Where is Wang Daochuan? He hasn't come out yet!"

After the words fell, a figure walked out of the forest again. It was the president of Huaihai College, Wang Daochuan!

"I say, Old Lin, it's almost done, why make such a big noise?" Wang Daochuan sighed and shook his head.

"Humph, I knew you old bastard was here too."

Lin Hai expected Wang Daochuan to appear.

"Can I understand that this is your Huaihai College's official hostility with our Jinghai College?"

"Hostile is hostile, do you think I'm afraid of you!" Jiang Lei shouted.

Xi Yan didn't say anything, but silence was equivalent to acquiescence.

Wang Daochuan was also helpless.

"There is no other way. Jiang Ping is a student of Huaihai College after all. Even if he made a mistake and needs to be punished, we are the only ones who can punish him."


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