The truth is that the matter of the Burning Fire Clan has not been mentioned to many people.

But Yan Yue had experienced the attack of the Burning Fire Clan with him, and the target of the Burning Fire Clan has not changed, always including her.

So, Jiang Ping chose to talk to Yan Yue at this time.

Yan Yue's reaction was very calm, nodded and said: "I know. I encountered an attack by the Burning Fire Clan not long ago, but I didn't let them succeed."

Her words were also within Jiang Ping's expectations.

The Burning Fire Clan's target is every S-level potential mutant, and in addition to Jiang Ping, Yan Yue is also their target, and it is impossible not to take action.

Just from Yan Yue's words, it seems that the Burning Fire Clan did not pose much threat to her.

"The real leader of the Burning Fire Clan is a guy named 'You Li'. I have seen him once. He is powerful and weird, and he has no entity. He is in the form of a flame man, but it is not ruled out that he has other images."

"The real reason why the Burning Fire Clan is chasing us is because both of us are S-level potential superpowers, and the purpose of the Burning Fire Clan is to hunt all S-level superpowers to prevent the revival of the Holy Empire." Jiang Ping said.

In fact, he thinks this is ridiculous.

The Holy Empire is already in a half-dead state now, coupled with the destruction of this round of beast tide, even if nothing is done, the collapse of the Holy Empire is a matter of time.

Even now, Jiang Ping does not think that the existence of the Holy Empire has any meaning. All cities now survive on their own. What role does the existence of the Holy Empire play?

"I know. But the more they want to stop us, the more we have to do it. The more the enemy opposes, we must persist." Yan Yue's attitude is also very clear.

Since the other party is trying every means to stop them, they must do everything they can to complete it.

"This round of great beast tide crisis is an unprecedented disaster. If we survive it successfully, all major cities should embark on the road to the Holy King City. Jiang Ping, will you go with me then?"

Yan Yue looked into his eyes.

Even in the dark, her eyes were so bright and holy, and she was unwavering.

She was waiting for Jiang Ping's answer.

Jiang Ping's answer was only one word,



In the next month or so, the entire Huaihai City fell into a solemn atmosphere of preparation.

The entire Huaihai City was preparing to welcome the great beast tide.

All the executors of the Execution Department set up traps around Huaihai City one after another, hoping to kill a monster beast.

And ordinary people helped to stockpile various daily necessities in case of emergency.

Everyone was united in order to survive the beast tide.

Jiang Ping also participated in many things during this period. In the busyness, he felt the atmosphere of unity and cooperation for survival, which was full of infectiousness.


During this period, there has been a lot of movement in the southeastern region.

There are many cities with weak strength and only fourth-level psychics. After much consideration, they finally chose to merge.

Only by merging can they increase their chances of survival.

Among them, there are quite a few cities that choose to merge into Jinghai City and seek the protection of Jinghai College!

No city is safer than Jinghai City now.

Seven fifth-level psychics - of course, there are only six left now.

But it does not prevent Jinghai City from being the most powerful city, and the chance of surviving the beast tide is also the greatest.

Therefore, as long as you can rely on this thigh of Jinghai City, it is basically safe.

And some cities that cannot be merged into Jinghai City have also sought help from Jinghai College - of course, these helps are all at a price.

As for what the price is, only the two sides know.

But no matter what it is, it is worth it to survive!

It can be said that, except for Huaihai City, the cities in the southeastern two districts have more or less united, and their combined strength is no weaker than Huaihai City.

In this comparison, the isolated Huaihai City has become the weakest city in the great beast tide.

The reason why Huaihai City was isolated is naturally because of Jinghai College.

But the people in Huaihai City don't care about this.

Only by relying on yourself can you be a real strong man!

Executive Command Room.

Wang Daochuan, Xi Yan, and Jiang Lei are verifying the final layout.

"All the plans we can think of at present

All have been used, Lao Wang, see if there is anything missing. "

At this time, in front of Jiang Lei, on the sand table, there were dense defense points around Huaihai City, almost completely covering the original forest landscape.

Outside the three-kilometer defense line, at least a dozen traps were set.

And between the one-kilometer defense line and the three-kilometer defense line, in addition to those supernatural mines, there are also dense traps of various kinds, the number of which is several times more than the traps outside the three-kilometer defense line.

This is all the defense power that Huaihai City can use!

Wang Daochuan carefully checked the defense points to make sure that no place was missed, and nodded,

"Yes, I am relieved to have you two set up defenses."

"But, last time you said that you predicted that this big beast tide would be unprecedentedly fierce, and these defenses might not last long. "Xi Yan said.

Wang Daochuan touched the few remaining hairs on his head and smiled: "Everything depends on human efforts. I believe we can do it. We must believe in ourselves."

"No matter how many monsters come, just do it." Jiang Lei didn't think about so many things.

He always had only one point of view-the enemy will be stopped by the generals, and the water will be blocked by the earth.

No matter how fierce the beast tide is, they will do everything they can to stop it.

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."


On the city wall.

Now the executive department has stopped all tasks and all stayed on the city wall on standby.

Jiang Ping has also been on standby.

It was early winter, and the cold wind on the high wall was a bit cold, which made people energetic.

Jiang Ping liked to sit on the high wall at this time, take off the mask, and feel the cold wind hitting his face. It hurt like a knife, but it also allowed people to stay awake.

"Do you like the cold wind so much? "

Xi Congqing came to him at some point, looked at him, and blinked.

Jiang Ping grinned: "It's okay, I won't feel sleepy this way."

"It's winter, wait until the big beast tide is over, it will be spring."

Xi Congqing looked up at the gloomy sky.

At this time, snowflakes floated down from the sky and landed on the ground.

"It's snowing!"

Xi Congqing said in surprise.

Although the snowflakes are small, the coolness of each snowflake is one of the few scenes that can make people happy.

"Yes, it's snowing."

Jiang Ping raised his hand and caught a piece of cool snowflakes, which passed through his palm for a moment and turned into a coolness that flowed from his fingertips.


Suddenly, a huge roar came from outside Huaihai City.

Everyone tensed up instantly,

"The beast tide is coming--!"


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