The enemy was in a hurry.

"Ready the explosive crossbows!"


After the beast tide tore a hole in the barrier of the three-kilometer defense line and rushed in frantically.

Xi Yan gave an order, and all the explosive crossbows on the city wall fired at the same time. The dense crossbow arrows whistled in the air and shot towards the monster below.


Although the power of the explosive crossbow is not as strong as that of the charged cannon, it wins in number.

Moreover, the power of the explosive crossbow is not weak. Each crossbow arrow carries the power of explosion. Even if it fails to hit the monster directly, the power generated by the explosion can also cause a lot of damage.

If it can hit directly, the power is even stronger.

In addition, a large number of supernatural mines were buried in the area between the one-kilometer defense line and the three-kilometer defense line.

Once triggered, the supernatural powers hidden in the supernatural mines, including but not limited to various strong winds, raging fires, floods, thunder, hard soil, etc., can have a huge impact and threat on the beast tide.

Those who can break through the three-kilometer defense line and enter this area are basically no longer first- and second-level monsters, all of them are third- and fourth-level.

Only against monsters of this level, the value of supernatural mines is not wasted.

The first few rounds of bombing by supernatural mines and explosive crossbows blew the first batch of monsters that rushed in to pieces.

However, as the gap in the eight-sided formation became larger, it could no longer stop the continuous beast tide, and a large number of monsters rushed in.

Although supernatural mines are powerful, they are limited in number after all.

After being triggered repeatedly, the number of supernatural mines decreased sharply, and there are very few left.

Without the obstruction of the supernatural landmines, it is difficult to stop the advance of the beast tide with only the explosive crossbow.

Seeing that the beast tide was about to rush to the one-kilometer defense line, Xi Yan ordered again, calmly

"Four-Elephant Formation, start!"

After receiving the order, the barrier team that had been on standby immediately activated the barrier daggers that had been arranged.


A series of golden lights shot up from different points into the sky, gathered into a point in the air, and then turned into a huge bright golden barrier, rising hundreds of meters high, blocking the one-kilometer defense line.


A large number of monsters crashed into the Four-Elephant Formation, making a dull sound, and the barrier did not move at all.

The power of the Four-Elephant Formation is much stronger than that of the Eight-Direction Formation!

Even the Eight-Direction Formation was only broken into a big hole instead of being completely broken, not to mention the Four-Elephant Formation, which can steadily block the entire beast tide in a short time.

Moreover, this is just the beginning!

"Eight-sided formation changes, kill!"

Seeing a large number of monsters rushing to the one-kilometer defense line, Xi Yan calmly gave the order again.

The barrier team responsible for the Eight-sided formation immediately took action, changing the seals on their hands and changing their defensive posture.

"Eight-sided formation, kill!"

The Eight-sided formation, which had been broken open and was on the verge of collapse, suddenly rushed out a large amount of golden energy from the center of the formation again, quickly repairing the damaged barrier of the Eight-sided formation.

At the same time, above the barrier, the golden energy quickly condensed into a huge golden sphere.


A beam of golden laser suddenly shot out from the golden sphere and fell on the group of monsters below.


Wherever the laser passed, all the monsters that were touched, whether they were third-level or fourth-level, were directly cut in half like white paper, with blood and flesh flying everywhere!

Not just one, but more than a dozen golden spheres condensed one after another, shooting lasers on both sides of the barrier to kill the monsters on both sides.

At the same time, the Four Symbols Formation also began to change its offensive, and also condensed golden spheres, shooting out golden light to kill the monsters.

Combined with the explosive crossbows on the city wall, the powerful firepower once hit the beast tide, and countless monsters turned into fragments in the explosion.

There were thousands of monsters between the one-kilometer defense line and the three-kilometer defense line, and they only lasted less than half an hour before they were all wiped out.

There was no intact land on the earth, only deep pits and the ground filled with monster corpses.

"Such a strong firepower..."

Jiang Ping was stunned when he saw the firepower of Huaihai City for the first time.

This level of defense is stronger than the dozens of charged cannons in Tai'an City.

The beast tide that Huaihai City encountered this time was obviously much more ferocious than that of Tai'an City.

But even in the face of such a ferocious beast tide, Huaihai City has been able to persist until now with the barriers and traps arranged in advance.


Jiang Ping's nerves never relaxed.

So far, although the beast tide has been

The Eight-Direction Formation and the Double Four-Elephant Formation were severely damaged, causing the beast tide to show a declining trend.

But all the monsters that have appeared so far are only level three and level four.

And there is no level five monster!

The vanguard of the beast tide is already so turbulent, Jiang Ping doesn't believe that they don't have a level five monster, that would be too much of a disdain for Huaihai City, right?

After the Eight-Direction Formation and the Double Four-Elephant Formation changed their attack mode, the beast tide seemed to realize that these two barriers should not be underestimated, and stopped attacking for a while.

All the monsters stopped attacking, lurking in the forest outside the three-kilometer defense line, only revealing a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, looking at the people above Huaihai City from afar.

"Are they not attacking?"

Seeing that the beast tide had stopped, Xi Congqing was a little surprised and puzzled, "Are they scared of being beaten?"

Jiang Ping shook his head: "If they were scared, why did they make such a big noise?"

This is a big beast tide, not an ordinary beast tide.

"The enemy's fifth-level monsters have not appeared yet, so we can't take it lightly. They may be regrouping and preparing to make a comeback." Xi Yan was calm and did not relax because the beast tide stopped attacking.

"Check the reserves of various monster cores and prepare to repair the barrier."

The core energy to maintain the Eight Direction Formation and the Four Symbols Formation is the monster core.

As long as there are enough monster cores in reserve, even if a hole is torn by the beast tide, it can be quickly repaired.

But once the monster cores are insufficient, the barrier will collapse without waiting for the beast tide to hit.

Although the two barriers performed very well just now and successfully intercepted the beast tide.

But Xi Yan knew that this round of beast tide had consumed most of the energy stored in the two barriers.

If the monster cores are not replenished in time, another beast tide attack will be unstoppable.


Ten barrier teams are on standby at any time.

Arranging barriers and repairing barriers are their tasks.

After receiving the order, the ten teams immediately split into two parts and quickly went to the barrier to replenish energy.

The first barrier team that Jiang Ping was in was mainly responsible for the Four Symbols Formation of the one-kilometer defense line.

Just as the ten teams arrived at their respective barrier points and prepared to replenish the barrier with energy.


Suddenly, a low sound suddenly sounded from the forest in front.

Then, a huge flame flashed like a meteor and hit the Eight Directions Formation fiercely.



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