The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Another 100 energy points in hand!"

This time Jiang Ping was not in a hurry to exchange for ninjutsu

Because 100 energy points... there are not many things that can be exchanged.

Sharingan... without thousands of energy points, it is not worth taking a look.

As for Wood Release, 100 energy points can be exchanged for some C-level and D-level Wood Release Ninjutsu, but what's the use of that?

A few practical low-level Ninjutsu will do. He has mastered several Wood Release Ninjutsu now, which can be used for attack and defense, which is enough for the time being.

Might as well save it first.

"It seems that a mysterious store has been opened. Let's see what it is."

But Jiang Ping has a hunch that this may be something as disgusting as the lottery system.

'Open the mysterious store. ’

A virtual double-layer shelf appeared in front of Jiang Ping.

On the shelf, there were also different things placed -

Flying Thunder God Technique: 50,000 energy value

Wood Release·Wooden Man Technique: 10,000 energy value

Mangekyō Sharingan (Susanoo): 30,000 energy value

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique: 5,000 energy value

Illusion·Shackle Technique: 800 energy value

Summoning Technique: 800 energy value

A total of eight items.

Is this the mysterious store?

Isn't it just putting some special things up?

The only thing better than the lottery wheel is that everything in this mysterious store is sold directly, without lottery.

But some of the things here are the same as those in the system store. What's the difference?

Just when Jiang Ping couldn't figure it out, he suddenly saw a line of words at the top of the mysterious store: Please draw your exclusive discount!

? ?


Can there be a discount? !

Jiang Ping's eyes lit up immediately, and he drew the discount without hesitation.

A turntable appeared, with options ranging from free, 10% off... to 'original price'.

The pointer on the turntable was spinning rapidly.

"Free, free, free!"

Jiang Ping stared at it intently, hoping to control the turntable with his mind.

If he could draw "free", it would be awesome!

"Da Da Da..."

The pointer began to slow down, slower and slower, and slowly turned on the grid on the turntable, from 20% off, to 90% off, and then to free...

Finally, in Jiang Ping's wide eyes, the pointer stopped at "10% off".

"Hua La La!"

At the same time, the original price on the mysterious shop was immediately crossed out and turned into a discounted price-

Flying Thunder God Technique: 5000 energy value

Wood Release·Wooden Man Technique: 1000 energy value

Mangle Sharingan (Susanoo): 3000 energy value

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique: 500 energy value

Illusion·Shackle Technique: 80 energy value

Summoning Technique: 80 energy value


After getting a 10% discount, Jiang Ping shouted excitedly.

Everyone around was frightened by his sudden shout and looked over.

"Jiang Ping, do you have any questions?"

Sun Shuyu pushed her glasses with a deep look.

"No, no, I was just bitten by a mosquito." Jiang Ping explained awkwardly.

He ignored everyone's reactions and focused on the mysterious shop.

10% discount!

Everything in the mysterious shop was suddenly broken!

However, looking at the discounted goods, Jiang Ping was in a dilemma again.

Even if it was 10% off, the energy value of several thousand was beyond his reach...

The only two things he could exchange were the illusion technique, the art of hanging and the art of spiritual communication.

After the 10% discount, both of them were worth 80 energy points.

But he could only exchange one of them.

Jiang Ping was in a dilemma again.

Why did it have to be like this every time?

Can't he be given a little more energy value so that he could just clear out all the stores? !

Even if he didn't give him thousands or tens of thousands of energy points, he should at least be given enough for 160, right?

He was just short of 60...

Feeling depressed, Jiang Ping noticed again that there was another line of words in the discount under the mysterious store - 14 days, 13 hours and 57 minutes left before the discount ended!

"There's still half a month before the discount ends?!"

Jiang Ping's eyes lit up.

In other words, before the discount ends, as long as he can get enough energy points, he can still buy the goods.

The system is quite conscientious.

Now Jiang Ping only has one dilemma left - with 100 energy points, should he buy the illusion technique of the shackles or

Summoning Technique?

"The Kagura-hang Technique is an enhanced Sharingan illusion, so there is no need to change it. But the Summoning Technique, if you only give me a Summoning Technique and don't give me a few tailed beasts to serve as summoned beasts, what's the use?"


Jiang Ping suddenly remembered.

So what if there are no tailed beasts?

What is most lacking outside now is monsters.

With the Summoning Technique, he can find monsters outside to serve as summoned beasts!

Isn't this more practical than simply exchanging an illusion? !

Thinking of this, Jiang Ping decisively exchanged the Summoning Technique!

[The exchange of the Summoning Technique is successful, and a Summoning Scroll is immediately attached. ]

[Note: Each Summoning Scroll can only sign one Summoning Beast. If the host wants to sign more Summoning Beasts, he needs to purchase the Summoning Scroll himself. ]

[Summoning Scroll Price: 20 Energy Values! ]

The system also thoughtfully put up the purchase link of the Summoning Scroll!

"Damn, I have to buy another psychic scroll?!"

Jiang Ping felt that he was cheated.

And he was cheated badly!

He originally thought that he could use psychic skills to sign hundreds of monsters directly, form his monster army, and be the best in the world!

However, his dream of a monster army was shattered by the cold "20 energy value for a psychic scroll".

Originally, he thought that the system had finally come up with such a good mysterious store for the second time.

In the end, before he could praise it, the system started to be unkind again.

Sure enough, you can't trust a black-hearted seller...

"Jiang Ping, what are you thinking about?"

A voice from the side woke Jiang Ping up, and Wei Lin was secretly poking him with his finger.

"Ah, what's wrong? Back to school?"

Jiang Ping then noticed that they had returned to school.


The large team dispersed and returned to their own classes.

Jiang Ping and others also returned to the auxiliary class.

Sun Shuyu also came back with them.

"First of all, congratulations on taking the first step to become a superpower."

"No matter whether you are brave or timid on the field, you have successfully faced the real monster in the end."

"I hope you can remember the feeling today, because this will become your daily life in the future!"

"In addition, there are two students who deserve praise today." Sun Shuyu pushed her glasses with a smile on her face.

"One is Yan Yue, who used the basic water power very well."

"Pa pa pa pa!"

When Yan Yue was mentioned, the class burst into warm applause.

"The other one is Jiang Ping."

Sun Shuyu looked at Jiang Ping, who was sitting by the window in the back row, and a touch of relief flashed in her eyes.

"Some students may not know that Jiang Ping has proved to many people today that the wood power is not a completely useless power, and can even be used for defense like the earth power."

Everyone whispered.

Obviously, they were still surprised by Jiang Ping's performance today.

"But don't be so happy too soon."

"Also, I want to tell you something important - after another actual combat training tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, you will follow the teachers of the academy's executive department to officially carry out missions and hunt monsters!"


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